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Getting Greta's Skills Upgraded

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I'm playing a rebel loyalist, so I entered Khyryk's room with the intent of killing him. I talked to him and he said he could train Greta's skills for 3000 gold. I had the gold and payed him, but it wouldn't upgrade her skills for me. I got frustrated and killed him, but wish Greta could have gotten her second skill upgrade. Is there a way around this? Thanks.

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  • 2 years later...

Hey Agent At War. Welcome to the Forums. Just some friendly advice here; its generally frowned upon by the members here to reserect dead topics without good reason. Since this question could have merited its own thread, it really shouldn't have been posted on this one. Now, to answer your question, you can get her first upgrade by the mages school teacher on Dhonal Island. You can intimidate him if you have enough leadership, but otherwise you'll have to pay him.


The Last Archon

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Originally Posted By: Ackrovan
Just some friendly advice here; its generally frowned upon by the members here to reserect dead topics without good reason. Since this question could have merited its own thread, it really shouldn't have been posted on this one.

See, this is why mini-modding is generally frowned upon--it results in horribly conflicting advice. Resurrecting an old thread to ask a related question is perfectly okay.

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Umm, isn't that slightly hypocritical? You're commenting that Master Ackrovan was minimodding (Which he totally was) but on the flip side you're also minimodding by commenting on what he did, which is what a Mod should do. In fact, I am also a hypocrite, for minimodding you guy's. Sorry! Let's just forget about this.

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"Don't minimod" is a fairly safe thing to say. It's only a single (big) step less certain than "don't try to set the servers on fire by posting the entire Bhagavad Gita."


—Alorael, who on the other hand doesn't see anything terribly wrong with Ackrovan's post. This could have been a new thread, although using the old thread isn't a problem. Anyway, question answered. Move along!

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Originally Posted By: Crème Kekulé
"Don't minimod" is a fairly safe thing to say. It's only a single (big) step less certain than "don't try to set the servers on fire by posting the entire Bhagavad Gita."

I don't remember that particular classical epic being posted here.
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