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Geneforge 4 spells

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If Jeff gets rid of Unlock I'm going to incite a riot. I seriously considered doing so when he turned Unlock Doors to crap in Avernum.


Originally written by MagmaDragoon:

Seriously, I don't think that Jeff will delete the old spells. Why you think this?

Look at Avernum. Jeff has already set the precedent of removing spells. I am hoping for reasurance.
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Eight new spells is a lot. There are already quite a pile of spells in G3. Are there really eight new things to do? Maybe some of the eight will replace existing ones, but have similar effects.


Unlock is good, and with it as a precedent for magical control over mechanical items, anti-mine and -trap magic seems quite plausible. Jeff has also said that he is trying to revamp mines and traps to make them more interesting. So I'm thinking that maybe several of the new spells will be trap-related.

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I personally do not like the categorization of spells as it is now.


I also am anti-Unlock. But only because it does not give you experience, while Tools do. The reason people are ending up with masses, heaps, and bounties of Living Tools is that one cannot see one lying there and leave it. They're pretty valuable, for exp or for money.


You should be able to use Living Tools in conjunction with Unlock. So if the spell isn't enough, you can use a few Tools to help out. That makes it unreasonable not to use the spell but also beneficial to collect tools. Unless you explicitly avoid locked doors, everybody wins.

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Originally by Nick Ringer:


You should be able to use Living Tools in conjunction with Unlock. So if the spell isn't enough, you can use a few Tools to help out. That makes it unreasonable not to use the spell but also beneficial to collect tools. Unless you explicitly avoid locked doors, everybody wins.
That's the way it worked in G1. While it was nice to save a living tool or two or three, it was annoying to pick the lock to the create ornk canister, since it required using 14+ living tools individually to get it open.



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Ohhhh yeah ... although it wasn't fun to hit the "use item" button and then the lever ... 14 times. There should be an Unlock dialogue with a picture of the lock (as I like pictures), and a description (I like those too). Then your choices, as with a conversation:


1. Attempt to unlock it with Living Tools.

2. Attempt to unlock it with magic.


Number one would lead to either "You are skilled enough to successfully pick the lock." or "You do not have enough Living Tools to pick the lock." The latter would give you the option to compensate for the lack of tools with magic.


Number two would lead to either "You are skilled enough to successfully break the lock" or "You are not skilled enough to successfully break the lock." The latter would give you the option to compensate for the lack of magic with tools.


Make any sense? For the sake of example, say each point of lock difficulty costs you 10 essence/spell energy. Imagine a lock with a difficulty of 20. You have 15 tools and 150 essence/energy. You might use them all and 50 essence/energy. Or, you might use all your magic and 5 tools to help out.


So 1 Living Tool is equivalent to 10 essence/energy. And we don't even need to fill a slot with the Unlock spell. Agreeable?

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