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Who's the strongest PC?

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Agents are far more powerful than Shapers. Shapers die from a slight breeze, and have to rely on their pets for protection. In addition they can't fight very well, again relying on their pets.


Agents are strong enough to travel solo, and powerful enough to make some creations if they want some allies. They're good with a sword, and excellent with magic.


Edit: They're, not their.

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I disagree. I think that Shapers start out the weakest, but end up by far the strongest.



Shapers die from a slight breeze,

Shapers are rarely hit. Augmentation and Essence Armour also help.



and have to rely on their pets for protection. In addition they can't fight very well, again relying on their pets.

How is this a weakness? Yes, the Shaper can't fight for himself, but his 'pets' do a far better job at fighting than a guardian or agent. In fact, I would say that the Shaper's 'weakness' of having to summon pets is in fact his greatest strength.


Shaper's can do the most damage against a single target. A blessed hasted agent with three attacks per round could do about 750 damage to one target with kill. Guardians hit for about 400-600 damage, assuming quick action is successful.

A Shaper with 4 blessed, hasted Drayks with two attacks per round each could do about 1,200 damage (assuming each fire ball hits for 120 damage, although my Drayks have reached 200 damage with fireballs). Combined with Mass Daze, a Shaper can pick off opposition...


Against multiple targets, an agent has 'Aura of Flames'. However, it is very high cost, and cannot be cast more than twice (unless you have an insane amount of intelligence). A gazer (or is it eyebeast?) is able to cast Aura of Flames more than twice, and has a nifty melee attack.


A shaper who sacrifices all for his creations is a powerhouse. I hate to boast, but I wore the finest equipment which would boost my creation's status at about level 34, and my Drayk's had about 600 HP each (without evolving them, or placing anything more than two Intelligent Point's in their stat's). That is more HP than a guardian, and remember that I had about 6, so technically I had a war machine with 3600 HP.

And even better, if they are unlucky enough to be taken out, the game doesn't end.


It is expensive to be a Shaper in GF2 (unlike GF1, where shaping power was handed to you on a platter), but it is definitely worth every coin.

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Originally written by Dolphin:
Agents are far more powerful than Shapers. Shapers die from a slight breeze, and have to rely on their pets for protection. In addition they can't fight very well, again relying on their pets.

Agents are strong enough to travel solo, and powerful enough to make some creations if they want some allies. They're good with a sword, and excellent with magic.
Funny- I was a Shaper and by the end of the game I kicked royal rear. But I did "waste" a lot of skill points early on in battle skills and had a hard time getting past level 22. But towards the end of the game when I got to the more difficult stuff the only two creations I had that were more effective than me was a high level clawbug and later a Drakon.

Besides, Agents don't look nearly as cool as Shapers. ROFL!
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An agumented Guardian with a Parry Level of 15, Melee of 17, Bazerlite?
How much damage can a single Guardian do per round? About 1500 (being generous, if they have three attacks.) A Shaper could do about the same with blessed, hasted Drayks (you assume such a high level of Parry and Melee, so I assume a high level of Intelligence and Fire Shaping).

Also, the amount of HP's a guardian can have at higher levels dwindles... You can have 3600 HP in Drayks...

Even better, a Rotgroth with Parry...

And good luck parrying an Eyebeast/Gazer.
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Bah. There is no unique metric, so the question is not well posed (math jargon for 'it doesn't have a real answer'). Everyone wins just as certainly. Not even how fast you win is uniquely defined.


Agents with high INT can indeed pull half a dozen Auras in a row, roasting anything faster than anyone; but then they need to rest quite a while before the next battle. Guardians take longer to whittle down the first set of bad guys, but they're ready for the next set right away, so they're a lot faster to win two battles in a row.

Shapers are somewhere in between, since their highest firepower creations also take time to recover. Overall they can be a lot faster than the others in clearing entire zones, because they can spread out to scout -- unless you measure duration in individual turns rather than group turns, in which case Shapers are far the slowest.


There are individual zones that I have found more difficult or more easy for one class than for the others, but I really don't see any overall imbalance, once you know what you're doing. The only exception might be in G3, where Guardians seem to have an extended rough patch on Harmony Isle; but this too might just have been that I didn't know what I was doing.

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My guradian can bring up an army of Cryodrayks aswell, probably the same strenght as any shaper would.

Total nonsense. If you did this, you would sacrifice the Guardian's major feat, which is massive melee damage. A Guardian can shape, but nowhere near as good as a Shaper. I have made a shaper Guardian, and he sucked.


Student of Trinity:


Agents with high INT can indeed pull half a dozen Auras in a row

Only three... you only get three attacks per round, max.
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Level 40+, you got allot of SP to waste. FireShaping 8, CryoDrayk skill of 3.

I rarely buy higher then 9 in a Shaping skill with a Shaper, and my Guardian got 8. Parry 15, Melee 17, etc etc.


Cryodrayks can be cannonfodder, the Guardian gets the dropp on the Shaper with a QA of 16-20 something. If the Shaper is anywhere nearby, he will be toast.

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