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GF Questions

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New questions (GF1):


1) In the Shaper Crypt, I found the lone pillar/pylon in the narrow hallway (it's through the room of 11 mechanic crystals) and when I pressed it, it told me that I found an ivory rod. I didn't get it as an item or special item though. Nothing. Did the game screw up?


2) I'm at a point in the game where I know I should specialize in a certain branch of shaping, but I'm not sure which. My choices right now are either Magic (cheaper creation cost, cheaper skill cost) or Fire (Dryaks). The real question is Ghlaaks or Dryaks? Dryaks are stronger, have more hp, and have a ranged attack while Ghlaaks are cheaper in cost and can stun enemies.


3) Does battle shaping ever get balanced in the other Geneforges? Battle Betas suck and Battle Alphas are considerably weaker than the other third tier creations. They do less damage, they can't stun, they don't have a ranged attack, and their hp isn't that much better than Dryaks. Plus they aren't Cryodryaks or Ur-Ghlaaks.

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I'm not sure about your question #1... Did you check that your pack wasn't full?

Question #2: I seem to recall drayks being better.

Question #3: Battle creations never balance out in the later Geneforges. They are mostly weak meat sheilds that lack the ability to do really anything. (Some may argue that the Rotghroth in the later ones is powerful, but I didn't find it that great.)

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Back to Battle Shaping in Geneforges 2,3,4:

Battle shaping in Geneforge 2 had a useful Clawbug. But Fire Shaping gave the Drakon, who was a good melee combatant, I usually had him move right up to an opponent and then hit. The magic side, the spit fire attack was good but never did enough damage, except against a few low level enemies. In melee there is the possibility of a high speed giving a second swing.


For the last third of the game I had just a Shaper and the Drakon. (I was really into Strong Daze, knock all enemies out then attack just one.) When in Gazak Uss I backed up the two of them with a Rotghroth. (I have not finished Gazak Uss.)


I found that monsters who join you, as opposed to being created by you, are good but that they can never be controlled. In certain fights that leads to massive headaches, the party needs to pull back and rest but the NPC insists on attacking powerful monsters.


Does anyone actually use a small army? A few high quality creations are all you need. Cannon fodder has trouble hitting those tough high level monsters. The fewer the creations the higher and faster the Shaper gains levels.


In Geneforge 3 and 4 I have played only bits of the beginning, I found a Fyora to be quite enough. (In 3 I am using the help of Greta.)


A meat shield is quite useful considering that Shapers are weak, especially as the game progresses and the monsters get to have many more hp than the Shaper.

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  • 3 weeks later...

im stuck in certain places like icewalls

im scared to go there because i think im not strong enuf to enter the west workshop.

and also the valley of the wind and spirit city

the batle gama is a major pest especialy that im loyal to the shapers to the end.

i havent used enuf canisters and my magic stats are crap but i have good intelegence its at lvl 10 but im (lvl 12 Shaper) and i need cash for mec and luck (mec 2000 buks) (luck 500 buks)

and speak foreign its 1000 buks but i get discount for leadership (one lesson only)

i cant seem to survive the levels:

holding 2,shaper crypt,icewall plus west workshop,diazrad.

i got 8 pts left frown

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He did his best, don't patronize him because English isn't his first language.


If you're level only level 12, you should find other areas to explore before tackling the Icewalls, etc. By the time the demo ended I was level 11, so you shouldn't have a hard time finding other areas.


Start from Pentil and head east. Don't cross the bridges, and don't go too far to the North.

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Originally by TJC Shaper:


i havent used enuf canisters and my magic stats are crap but i have good intelegence its at lvl 10 but im (lvl 12 Shaper) and i need cash for mec and luck (mec 2000 buks) (luck 500 buks)
There aren't any consequences to using canisters in G1, so use all the ones you find, if you haven't been.


Anyway, basically like Enraged Slith said, clear the east bridges and head to Kazg. Those will be the level-appropriate zones.


You should have fewer problems with money if you sell everything you don't need, don't buy what you don't desparately need, and don't make shopkeepers with lots of gold left angry at you.


Dikiyoba hopes that helps.

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thats wat i did but now im lvl 14 laugh i think and im at sealed lab. Wat is the best way to kill the ghosts? use drayk or s. artila?

They are deadly, especialy the agent ghosts and south workshop is toxic due to the poison leak and i only have (calculating health)...

59 hp and 4 endurance (2 from canisters)

and yes i no there is no concequence for using them all in GF.

Demel's ghost is dumb so i trick him into giving me the baton needed to destroy the geneforge, :rolleyes: but i cant go to the geneforge cause i need the entry baton from west workshop but ill die in there i dont have 300 hp like the older shaper on the isle plus the crapy takers wont let me go to the rebels cause they are brainless little crap heads! mad I need i curentlty have 6 mec so i can go to some places.

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The best way to survive damage zones is to immediately enter combat mode and stay there, so that you only take damage every round instead of every second. You can always come back after you've gained a few levels; there's no rush to reach the Geneforge, and it's a bit early for you to be going there now.

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i no a way to get infinite money (without cheating)

u no the light green box mines that make creatures when the get triged well they always come back when u leave the zone and the ones in the tombs at the south end of the isle the ones there makes thahds and tthey sometimes drop gold or a ring when u kill them but u have to let it explode then kill the thahd with your weapon yur magic or your creatures and when your under lvl 14 u can get some decent exp till u get nomore

and in free place same thing but spawns battle alphas and they drop coins (and, or) armor

and get good exp if your under lvl 16

there is one more zone that has light g box mines that spawn something stronger than b alpha

the claw bugs in dry wastes give good xp.

i got a rare source wen u kill a shade (shaper or other) it drops ghost gear.

list of gear it drops if u dont no:

specter gloves,specter boots,specter robe.

those are worth alot of coins

and its rare for them to drop

(better chance with more luck)

also more luck means more cash right?

am i right?

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  • 3 weeks later...

A bit late to the discussion so I'll just go by bulletpoints.


- In GF3 I ended up at level 42 after killing most everything I could get my sword into. Could probably go as high as 44 if you play your alliences right (I had a few quests I couldn't finish).


- The ivory rod can be either on the floor (if your pack was full) or in the Special Items section.


- Oh man, the NPC helpers for Benerii-Eo are more trouble then they are worth! After the room that has "signs of a fight" you will find them in the actual Geneforge. Beware, there are a few bugs here.


1) If you kill the final boss without asking the NPC Shapers for help they will turn hostile.

2) If you kill the boss with their help and try to attack any of the creations he summons that you've made friendly to yourself they will turn hostile


Conclusion: Either don't use them at all (they really hinder more then help if you've played your cards right) or make sure they leave the map before killing anything else.

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