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Whats the Highest level You have Ever Gotten a Charactor?

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Guardian level 48 in G2. I have some memory of getting a Guardian to level 50 in an earlier game, but this could be wrong. My G2 Agent save file is from just before finishing the last quest, so she might make 48 by the end too. Singletons who do everything get to high levels, and if you hang out in Inner Gazak-Uss long enough you can reach pretty much any level you like.

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There's a tradition now in Geneforge games to have a pair of very tough areas that have nothing to do with the actual plot. The inner one can only be opened after penetrating the outer one, and also requires one or more special items to enter. The inner one is always extremely tough.


It was only in G1 that these areas really made much sense. While not necessary for finishing the game, getting all the way to the boss of the Inner Crypt threw an excellent sidelight on the main plot; it rounded things out very well.


Gazak-Uss and the Monastery of Tears are more peripheral, almost (but in my opinion not quite) 'tacked-on'. The in-game texts give the impression that these areas are part of the 'Taker Way', an effort to produce creations of greater power by evolution or something. The problem with this is that none of the Taker researchers you meet ever show any interest in this alternative path to progress. They concentrate exclusively on the Geneforge instead.


A better explanation, in my opinion, would be that these killer areas are actually examples of Taker/Rebel compassion for creations: the creatures they make that are too violent and dangerous to associate with are not simply killed, as they would be by Shapers, but instead are confined to an asylum. It may not be ideal for their poor flawed creations, but it's the best the Takers/Rebels can do.


Of course, the Takers/Rebels might also hope that some unforeseen strength might emerge in time if their rogue creations are kept alive for study. But the asylum idea seems more logical for them, to me.


All that having been said, it might have made a lot more sense to put the 'mysterious final door' of G2 at the end of Inner Gazak-Uss. (Best counter-argument for that would be that Easss feared the IGU denizens might actually have been able to penetrate the wards and disturb the growing secret creation.) The problem I see in this, from Jeff's point of view, is that much of his playing market might never clear IGU, and so might miss the G3 teaser. He can't afford that.


A lot of people leave the final tough area for last, after finishing all the actual quests. This is a tough call because some of the best items are found in there, and if you leave them for last you never get to use them. But if you've cleared the toughest area, the final boss fight is apt to be a severe anticlimax. Anyway, the Inner Crypt, Inner Gazak-Uss, and the Monastery Caves are very cool areas, great tactical workouts that provide some challenge even for the most powerful characters and most expert players.

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The levels reached in G3 are definitely lower than in G2. My Shaper finished at 37, my singleton Agent at 41 (just shy of 42).


It's interesting to note the small difference between those levels: even though my Shaper shared experience with five other party members for most of the game, and my Agent never shared a single point, they only wound up four levels different. And at high levels, that translates into no more than a couple of skill points.


On the other hand, the smallness of this gap is somewhat illusory. The singleton was ahead by what translated into several skill points, and a few levels of damage, throughout the game. And the game is closely enough balanced to your character's advancing power, that even a modest edge like that translates into a significant difference in play. (Do your attacks kill the enemy, or only almost kill it?)


The bottom line is that it won't kill you to drag along a couple of buddies, but it is worth making sure that they're pulling their weight. If they're not, you should realize that they're not really going to get any better unless you do something to upgrade them. They will gain levels automatically if they survive, but the game will keep getting harder as you progress, and they will always be dead wood in context. A buffing item or some evolution will be needed, or you'd better absorb them and make something better.


Alwan and Greta do more or less keep pace with you, if you keep them around, if you remember to keep pumping their abilities as they gain levels, and if you pay for their upgrades on Dhonal and Gull.

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Originally written by Student of Trinity:
Alwan and Greta do more or less keep pace with you, if you keep them around, if you remember to keep pumping their abilities as they gain levels, and if you pay for their upgrades on Dhonal and Gull.
They do remain useful. Rather embarassingly, Greta's base melee damage was more than that of my melee Guardian towards the end of the game (although Steel Spines and Quick Action meant that in practice my Guardian was better)
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