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I should have known better


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23 minutes ago, mikeprichard said:

I still use the "offline downloads" on GOG for all games. Fussing around with Galaxy, Steam, etc. online stuff is just not remotely worth the hassle to me.

Thanks for your input. I agree. GOG doesn't seem to offer the game and on Spiderwebs' order form it mentions a Steam key. I don't want to pay for a Steam key. Is it possible to get it direct from Spiderweb onto my hard drive? Anybody know? 

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GOG absolutely has the game - I've been playing it there since day one! 15% off there now - https://www.gog.com/game/geneforge_1_mutagen. Buy it there, download using the "offline backup game installer" option (which I always use for every game), and you're good to go.

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1 minute ago, Fyora et Labora said:

alhoon, please calm down.  This is a super, super common thing that seems to happen with Steam versions of numerous games.  It does not mean there is actually a Trojan, just that the Steam wrapper seems to look a lot like one.

Thanks. I do feel much better. 


However, in 140+ steam games, this is the first time it happens. Also, it doesn't allow me to continue the game as it deletes the executables and doesn't allow me to redownload (verify integrity of files). Should I contact steam support? 

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Steam Support probably won't do much.  Email Spiderweb directly.  They can either fix it or, if it's out of their control, get a more meaningful response from Steam.


Also, for the love of god, use a real antivirus and not Windows Defender.

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12 minutes ago, Chopkinsca said:

There is a discussion thread on the Steam discussion thing about the game being flagged as having a virus. Jeff posted there, so he knows about it. 

I am not aware of a steam discussion thing, but I already contacted Spiderweb forums. 


EDIT: I am now aware of the steam discussion thing and someone said that you can tell windows defender to ignore it. I am not going to be brave yet but I will in the near future. I have 140 or so games in Steam and I didn't have this issue. 

Edited by alhoon
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28 minutes ago, mikeprichard said:

GOG absolutely has the game - I've been playing it there since day one! 15% off there now - https://www.gog.com/game/geneforge_1_mutagen. Buy it there, download using the "offline backup game installer" option (which I always use for every game), and you're good to go.

Thanks, I did get it on GOG. Just now. I couldn't find any "offline backup game installer" but at least I can play the game now. I have several games on both Steam and GOG because Steam won't launch them.

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1 hour ago, Fyora et Labora said:

I believe if you order direct from SW, you get the Steam key in addition to a direct download (via Humble Hundle?).  Someone else can confirm.


Humble Bundle sends you a direct download link and also allows you to enter a Steam key, but I'm not sure where you are supposed to find said key.


The problem area for me was the Hint Book. I ordered it through Humble Bundle, and they sent a confirmation. However, they didn't send a download link. I wrote them but have yet to get a response.

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For the kickstarter backers, if you'd rather have a GOG key instead of steam, if you write SW (support@spiderwebsoftware.com) they can set you up with one.  Or they did for Queens Wish, I haven't asked about GF1M as I was able to download through Humble & they're just a tad busy this past week... (but eventually I'll probably ask for one as I'd rather keep my game library at GOG rather than Steam)

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