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Av3 - Miscellaneous questions/comments about strategy (split from strategy central)


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All Codices (36):


The Pact

The First Age

The Black Age

End of the Black Age

The Third Age

The Farlands

Hanvar's Council




The Kva

The Wyldrylm


Open Arms Within

The Stone Wall Beyond

The Keepers of Avadon


Eyes, Hands, and Hearts


The Tawon Empire


The Corruption

The Titan Peaks

Wretch Lands


The Sack of Avadon

The Beraza Woods

The Contested Lands

Report - Miranda

Report - Dheless

The Age of Chaos

The Wyldrylm Rebellion

The Monitor Bases

Report - Protus

Protus's Letter


Working on Skills & Abilities.. after formatting will post those too,



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Just having a list like that isn't really all that useful. If you'd included the locations of each codex, say, then it would represent useful information. However, the Massive List link in the OP actually includes the codices and their locations already.


Not trying to discourage you at all! But you might want to consider what kind of information would actually be useful. Also, if you want to post for game information like this, please do so in a separate thread! Thanks!

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The list of codices posted in the so-called Massive List is incomplete. By my count there are only 33. (Edited)


I have previously posted many lists in the Avernum and Avadon forums - and they have all received considerable viewership, which is surely a measure of usefulness. Your premise is based on location in the game. As the new forum seems to have lost the index of older posts (when searching for a members posts), here is a reference to my previous posting in the Avadon series: http://spiderwebforu...-for-scripting/


In case it's not clear, these lists are designed to help people who wish to edit the game files or write scripts/editors.


It seems that you wish to be the sole arbiter of what posts are acceptable in Strategy Central.. so be it. I will start a new thread for my posts.


Although I have posted only rarely, I have been a member since 2003.



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The topic you linked is a lot more useful than the list of codices is. (That said, 15,000 views isn't really so unusual for a topic that's had 5 years (and a fair number of posts, spread out over time) to accrue a lot of views, and has an attractive title.) I really don't understand what the use of this list is, without any information about where to find them in the game. It is not a useful list for somebody editing scripts, because the codices and their titles are easily found in the scripts already.


However, the bottom line is that this is Strategy Central. We link things here that are relevant to the strategic and tactical side of playing these RPGs. And as it's Strategy Central, we link them here rather than posting them here.


Finally, Triumph isn't trying to be the sole arbiter of anything. There are a number of mods who create Strategy Central topics and help to keep them tidy and useful.

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Envoy Dirran: does it matter if I kill her or not after turning in hair quest?

There will be a slightly different ending where Dirran gets replaced if dead.


Duke Gryfyn: what'd been right answer to be able to kill him? last option?

I know that one will work. There should be more than one choice because you have the option to listen to his story or go straight to the fighting.
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duke: well he fled even after I told I'd use invitation to end war and he fled.


dirran: since she drops useless item i'll let her live.



also where to get 20k (or more if buys all available scarabs) gold before endgame? doubt even those special armors etc which aren't useful to hands will gimme 20k gold.

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also where to get 20k (or more if buys all available scarabs) gold before endgame? doubt even those special armors etc which aren't useful to hands will gimme 20k gold.

Put everything with a saleable value into your junk bag as you go? Those cheap trinkets really add up.

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that's how I payed training in Black Fortress and now I need 20k gold to pay training in Temple Venusia and last Nicodemus craft.


Haven't bought anything else than lockpicks and 1 headband for shaman, still inventories are full of various special armors etc and wands and scrolls (currently all orbs are stored in Fort Foresight).

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At some point you have to start selling the special items. I know, I hate doing it too, but the reality is you aren't to use a lot of those consumable items, and while all those not-quite-top-tier weapons and armors might be useful at some point "in theory"... in practice, they'll never be used.

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1. locations of codexes? I'm missing few and I'm pretty sure that I have touched all codexes I have seen.


2. how the heck Zhethron is supposed to be killed (not a quest since I do it for the good of Avadon's future)? if I concentrate Z only he still makes bbq on my Shadowwalker teammate in 1 turn (Z attacks thrice a turn after knocking SW to icefield) and Shaman and main (Tinkermage) follow up quickly with same fate and if I kill Z's golems 1st then same fate. I have gotten close (1-2 rounds away) but then Z attacks multiple times per row and kills all chars in 3 turns (last with help of golems since those really pack mean punch and stun chars).

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1. Codex list


Camp Nightshade

- Nightshade Information Center

NE Codex - Khemeria

SW Codex - The Pact

NW Codex - Age of Chaos

- Commander's Office

E - Codex - Lynaeus

W - Codex - The Farlands

- Nightshade Quartermaster

Codex - Protus's Letter

- Keeper's Hall

SW Codex - Eyes, Hands, and Hearts, Codex - Redbeard

NW Codex - Dheless


Vanatok's Stead

- Chieftan's Hall

Codex - The Black Age, The First Age



- Great Meeting Hall

Codex - Wyldrylm Rebellion

- Warrior's Tower - Inn

Codex - Hanvar's Council


Green Refuge

Codex - Monitor Bases

- Keeper's Hall

NW - Codex - Wyldrylm, Codex - The Corruption

SW - Codex - Avadon, Codex - Keepers of Avadon


Avadon Dungeon - Main Level


E Codex - Sack of Avadon

N Codex - End of the Black Age

E Codex - Report - Acting Keeper Protus



- Avadon Library

Codex - Report - Miranda, Codex - The Third Age

- Redbeard's Chambers

C Codex - The Beraza Woods, Codex - The Contested Lands

S Tower Library - Codex - Holklanda, Codex - Kellemderiel


Zhethron's Keep

Codex - The Titan Peaks

Codex - The Kva

Codex - Wretch Lands


Fort Foresight

Codex - Tawoan Empire

Codex - Dharam


2. Pick a better party. A sorceress like Nathalie with Focus Mastery will take little damage from Zhethron's magical attacks and the cold. A blademaster with Parry. Use cold attack scarabs. Burn consumables like battle frenzy from scrolls and potions, shielding crystals and resurrection scrolls.

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How the heck Zhethron is supposed to be killed (not a quest since I do it for the good of Avadon's future)? if I concentrate Z only he still makes bbq on my Shadowwalker teammate in 1 turn (Z attacks thrice a turn after knocking SW to icefield) and Shaman and main (Tinkermage) follow up quickly with same fate and if I kill Z's golems 1st then same fate. I have gotten close (1-2 rounds away) but then Z attacks multiple times per row and kills all chars in 3 turns (last with help of golems since those really pack mean punch and stun chars).


Zhethron can be killed easily if you take advantage of his weaknesses.


First thing to remember: Zhethron doesn't move from the middle of the room until late in the fight, and his fiery breath has less range than your arrows, javelins, and razordisks.


Second thing to remember: His golems will follow you out of the room.


So, start the fight by shooting him at max range. You can also send summoned drakes up to chew on him, draw his fire, and breathe fire on his golems. When the golems come, you can lead them out of the room and kill them in the hallways, the same as any other monsters. (That done, I recommend exiting combat mode and quicksaving, just in case, then getting back into combat mode fast so he won't heal too much.)


Once they are all dead, you come back to the room. You shoot him at a distance and send "pets" to chew on him. As long as he stays put, he won't touch you.


Third thing to remember: He is immune to fire, but he is not immune to ice. And once he gets hurt enough that he charges you and leaves his safe island, he's going onto a floor that's covered with ice..


So, get the heck out of the room but do not exit combat mode. Use a drake to "fix" him while you flee. If you do it right, he will not follow you. (When I did it, I stopped near the stairs, and I could see him perched next to the door of his own room. I was too far away to shoot him or to draw his attention, but that was fine with me. Every round there was a little blue flash as the ice floor hurt him) Stay in combat mode, but wait. Just keep hitting that spacebar and wait. Every round he will take damage from the ice. And yes...eventually the dumb dragon will freeze himself to death!


(You can speed the process up by sending two of your characters in to get killed on purpose. Then you only have to hit the spacebar once to end a round...and watch him take more ice damage. At first I was sending in drakes to chew on him again, but I found that was a slower process than hitting the spacebar and letting the ice do its work.)


On Torment this takes a long time as he has a lot of health points...so find something fun to listen to while you do it. No scrolls or potions required!

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how the heck I missed it?


got medal so open arms can stay where ever its hidden.


some medals are odd like bring peace to berazza with minimal bloodshed (that implies that 1st fullfill peace quest and then go back and massacre beasts and duke gryfyn and others who need to die) and fight 6 farlanders in corruption border (dunno which farlanders are meant and 1 battle I avoided when encountered since they were acid-lovers and later they had vanished). rest of medals 8outside ending medals and guise) would req replay on higher difficulty and not interested.

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The 6 Farlanders are the ones in Rotting Borders controlled by the Corruption on the west side. You need to pick the dialogue option that you can fight anything to get all 6 active from the start. A little harder battle because you need to burn wands and scrolls to do area effects.

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