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Avernum 2 complaints and annoyances SPOILERS

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I beat the game and here were my biggest peeves.


1)all the late game halberds suck. Jade, chaos and smite spear. Steel halberd is superior too all of them I believe if your character has good critical chance which he should.


2)Barrier level 3 spell. Really annoying I never was able to obtain it, currently sitting with a party with 12 arcane lore. Not counting the 2 or 3 arcane lore perks I took and 4 or so ven lore learned. Thats one magical trap lol.


Other issues I had are not complaints but minor frustrations. never found cave lore trainer if there was one or move mountains 3. I'm assuming khoths lair is accessible somehow all I have left is to slay him and the dragon in the middle of the map.

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Yup, agreed about halberds, there's not a good offensive option for late game.


You can get past the trap for the level 3 barrier spell if you talk to Pyrn after running into the trap. With the trap disabled 10 lore (from any source) will suffice.


There are actually two Cave Lore trainers, Tor at his homestead and Renee in Harston.


Move Mountains 3 is in the Serpent Cult dungeon, but it requires the Blessed Athame to access.

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2) You can get more Arcane Lore by getting to level 35 or 40 depending where you are, but farming herbs for wisdom crystals is boring even with 3 places to get all of them. Finding out after you kill Pyrn is common.


Khoth's Lair isn't accessible because of Empire troops.

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You can get past the trap for the level 3 barrier spell if you talk to Pyrn after running into the trap. With the trap disabled 10 lore (from any source) will suffice.


Also, if you messed up and got Pyrn killed, you can still disable the trap, but it requires 13 Arcane Lore, and Sage Lore and Vahnatai Lore don't count.

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  • 8 years later...

Jeff is reusing the game world map from A:EftP which has it.


Just to taunt you with the rest of Empire controlled areas like the Abyss.


Khoth is one of the 5 great dragons left from the last game and he is significant in the rest of the series. So you get his story even without meeting him.


Welcome to Spiderweb Software. Please leave your sanity at the door. This is the real reason, that you have sanity and expect things to make sense. :)

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