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Biggest Weakness for me-Getting a Cough

Valdain the King

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Yes of course. He who can turn trajkov into an ornk, never slight from regular pain be it headaches and throwing up. But getting a relentless cough for me is terrible. My constitution would be at a 16 to start if I existed in that world. Its still the same but a nasty nasty weakness to poison do I get.

And then as soon as the cough turns for the worst, a migraine headache comes along like a claw bug on shore leave.

I just started the Zitromax or whatever today and its helping but yesterday and the day before were just AWFUL.

Some of my coughs can last 2 months, Yikes. Hope this one doesnt.

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I went through a period like that when I was about 10. A major sinus infection clogged my nose for a few months, gave me extremely painful sinus headaches, and post nasal drip left me coughing for hours. I don't remember how many cough syrups I tried to reduce the coughing.


Good luck.

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If it's a cough, it's most likely viral, not bacterial, and azithromycin (Zitromax) won't help. The fact that you can get antibiotics so easily is a major problem. I am not your doctor, a physician who actually examined you is more qualified to prescribe, and so on, but abuse of antibiotics for illness that will not be affected is not benign.


I do hope your cough gets better quickly, though, by time or by antibiotics. As someone who also gets protracted respiratory illnesses I understand how much fun that isn't.


—Alorael, who knows his own coughs last forever because of asthma. Mild asthma that's triggered by viral illness and makes coughing and wheezing persist even after the infection is cleared isn't terribly uncommon. Have you tried any inhalers for these coughs?

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After an idiot that somehow works as a doctor operated my nose when i was 4 (after i started having nosebleeds every day for several months), the bleeding stopped, but now my nose breathes to not breathe.


Literally, half of my nose barely breathes (the left half), so the right half hurts like hell.


and yes, i'm thinking about getting it fixed.


Additionally the left half has normal nosebleeds when I have a cold about 50% more than the right one.

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Perfectly healthy, here. Keep your germs off the forums, you sickies.


Irritated answer-Master, I would like to keep my germs off of you but the thing is I am not human nor am I a meat bag. So the ability to keep germs is impossible. It would be possible if I had more advanced technology or a cyborg but frankly we are not at that point yet, ya know?

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