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Indie RPG Kickstarter


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Excuse me. I suspect you might be a spam bot. Everyone here is allowed to post games and other stuff. That's good. But, posting this kinds of advertisement without us even noticed that you have registered (those whose very, very first post is a link to another game. We already have experienced lots of it), is automatically considered as a spambot. If you are a normal human with breakable legs, then, consider this as a warning. Sorry if you felt this is harsh...


Hmm... Yes, it does look somewhat like Avernum...


Oh look! Aran! You haz reached 9,999 posts!!!




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Yeah, that's unnecessarily harsh I reckon, Nightwatcher. We might be a bit leery of first-time posters including links in their maiden posts, especially if they advertise things, but I don't think we need to be this time. Jeff Vogel himself has spoken in favour of Kickstarter, after all, and since this isn't some advertisement for cat blankets or baby-strainers but a game that seems to be something the users of this forum might legitimately be interested in, I say it's okay. I mean technically it's "the competition", but still... Besides, Aran didn't say it wasn't, so on his head be it. :p


Sorry, OP. Advertising or suggesting other games isn't against the rules (and heck, we all do it from time to time), Welcome to Spiderweb Software!



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Hehehe. I felt really embarassed :rolleyes: Welcome to Spiderweb Forums! (And sorry about my stupidity and harshliness, eheheh?)


I do feel like supporting the game, though, I'm no adult. So, I'll wait for the official release of the demo, and if I liked it, then, I would make fine grades and ask my dad if he could buy me a copy. Because I couldn't understand the stuff Kickstarter does.


-Again, I apologize, A

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Welcome to Spiderweb!



This comes unfortunately close to the line of advertising, especially as a first post. I won't lock the topic, but even asking for funding for a project similar to Spiderweb comes down to trying to solicit money on someone else's forums.


—Alorael, who will leave the link intact because some people have seen it, more people might be interested, and a human being is still better than a spambot. But he's glowering and muttering about kids these days.

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One other quick thing about enforcing rules and such. Just remember that Members and Moderators on forums they do not moderate are not supposed to tell people they are misbehaving or state what the rules are. We have plenty of Global Moderators patrolling these forums who can deal with these cases. It's not that we wouldn't mind the help, it's just that we feel it best to keep roles clear here, especially for new members. That way signals don't get crossed and we can minimize contradictions. Thanks!

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