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Good Trivia Questions?


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If you were having a fun trivia night with some people, what are some good questions? I remember one that I thought was perfect, but now I can't remember it. It shouldn't be something that you would have to google to know, and it can't be something everyone knows. Anyone know of any really good trivia questions?

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How many US Presidents have been elected without winning the popular vote?



1824: John Quincy Adams wins despite having fewer popular votes and fewer electoral votes than Andrew Jackson. None of the candidates win the majority of electoral college votes, due to two other candidates running, leaving the House of Representatives to choose the winner. All four candidates were of the same political party (Democratic-Republican). Andrew Jackson won the next two elections, making Jackson one of only three presidents to have won the plurality of the popular vote more than twice (the others being FDR and Cleveland).


1876: Democrat Samuel J. Tilden had 51% of the popular vote compared to Republican Rutherford B. Hayes' 47.9%. Twenty disputed electoral votes were controversially awarded to Hayes on the condition that federal troops be withdrawn from the South, effectively ending Reconstruction.


1888: Democrat Grover Cleveland wins the popular vote but loses reelection after narrowly losing his home state of New York to Republican Benjamin Harrison. Harrison lost his reelection bid to Cleveland in 1892, making Cleveland the only president to serve two non-consecutive terms and one of only two to have won the majority of the popular vote more than twice (the other being FDR).


2000: Democrat Al Gore obtains more popular votes than Republican George W. Bush, but Bush wins the election after the Supreme Court rules in Bush v. Gore that Bush had narrowly won the state of Florida, thereby granting him victory by a margin of five electoral college votes.

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"What was the third word spoken by ADoS?" Somehow this doesn't count as a good trivia question, even though it is definitely trivial. Nothing against ADoS even, really; "What was the third word spoken by Albert Einstein?" isn't any better.


We say 'trivia', but evidently we don't really mean it. We want the answer to have some kind of significance. True trivia need not apply.

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Out of the four main Beatles (John Lennon, Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr, and George Harrison), who was the only one not to divorce his first wife?



Paul McCartney. John Lennon's, Ringo Starr's, and George Harrison's marriages to Cynthia Powell, Maureen Cox, and Pattie Boyd, respectively, all ended in divorce, but Paul McCartney remained married to his first wife, Linda Eastman, until her death from breast cancer in 1998.



I don't know if this one is actually too easy or if it's just my fanatical Beatles fan-ness that makes me think it's easy, but you never know. Some people think

Paul was married to Jane Asher, but he wasn't. They broke off their engagement.




EDIT: If you want to include Pete Best and Stuart Sutcliffe, neither of them divorced their first wives. Stu died before he could get married, and Pete remains married to his first wife to this day. They're probably a little too obscure for non-hardcore fans to even mention though, which is why I specified only the Beatles who took their band to stardom.

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1876: Democrat Samuel J. Tilden had 51% of the popular vote compared to Republican Rutherford B. Hayes' 47.9%.


1888: Democrat Grover Cleveland wins the popular vote but loses reelection after narrowly losing his home state of New York to Republican Benjamin Harrison...


2000: Democrat Al Gore obtains more popular votes than Republican George W. Bush, but Bush wins the election...


Looks like living in a Republic really helps the Republicans. >.>

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