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Stinging or Plated Clawbug (Geneforge 1)

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I cleared the Western Wastes about a fortnight ago hoping to find the plated or stinging clawbug canister but found a battle alpha canister instead.


I am now up to the Eastern Mines and am starting to think I have already unlocked all the creatures..., and I am starting to doubt you can create stinging clawbugs to serve yourself.

Is there a way to get create plated or stinging clawbug in Geneforge 1?

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The clawbug upgrade in G1 is the plated bug. According to the walkthrough linked in the forum header, there are four canisters of create clawbug in the game, located somewhere in these zones: Southbridge, Kazg Ruins, Underground River, and Guarded Docks. You only need three points in create clawbug to be able to create the plated bug. This holds true for any type of upgraded creation; get three points in the normal creation and the upgraded version will be unlocked. Every ordinary creation has an upgraded version (unfortunately, in a few cases the upgraded version sucks).



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Originally Posted By: Randomizer
Some one once played through Geneforge 1 without any canisters. There are still tombs to acquire skills.

How are the skills from the tombs helpful in a non-canister game ? Giving me more battle shaping or healing craft is kinda useless without spells or creations. Looking through the FAQ all I could get without canisters is firebolt from the school mind and roamers from the hill.


Originally Posted By: MMXPERT
yup, remember to record your gameplay.
Sorry, just trying this for fun, doubt I'll finish it and not gonna waste some hours on figuring out the recording stuff.
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He's missing a few Vs for that sort of challenge!




From wikipedia;

"Vi veri veniversum vivus vici") is a Latin phrase meaning: "By the power of truth, I, while living, have conquered the universe".


So I would say that vvvvv is the right number of 'v's', it is known to stand for this elsewhere.


vvvvv, you are hereby challenged to complete the entire game without using a single canister.


I am not the sort to have an unfun experience for the challenge, I enjoy making creaqtions and cannot imagine spending 50 hours without them.


exactly, anyone up for this challenge?

(winners receive a prize from me, a freeware game which is NO LONGER FOUND ON THE INTERNET(yup, all downloads of it have been removed) and is awesome)


I would like the game, but that is an impossible challenge, how sad. A lost experience.


Perhaps you could tell me the name of the game and I could track it down as a fairer challenge(since you say that this, too, is near impossible)

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Made it to Pentil yesterday with a guardian. I dunno, it doesn't seem all that impossible or even difficult. High QA and high melee damage means that I'll always go first and kill the vast majority of stuff in one or two hits. As long as I can reach it of course which leads to a lot of corner using (or abusing)tired

Add to that all the engine annoyances of the old games and nah, I don't think I'll go further.

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Originally Posted By: vvvvv
So I would say that vvvvv is the right number of 'v's', it is known to stand for this elsewhere.

Yes, but VVVVVV is a game famous for being extremely challenging. Not as famous as, say, I Wanna Be the Guy, but still quite a challenge. So yes, you are missing a V. And yes, it was a (very) bad joke.

Also, Dikiyoba's eyes refuse to see the middle V, even when Dikiyoba knows there are five Vs in your name and not four.
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