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A-EftP - Escaping (Spoilers)

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I almost think he should have added an optional ritual as that quest was cruel.


It was the very last thing I did in the game. I had been playing a while and was tired, but wanted to finally finish the game before going to bed.


So I fought the eyes on the bridge thinking they were the game's final boss (huzzah!),but then.......you find out it's a trap and have to fight a bunch of golems....which I also assumed had to be the end....but then "the Gauntlet"....which was bad enough itself......but once the lights went out just as I was down to my last energy potion I was totally ready to strangle someone. And even that section was a bit harrowing (after I groped in the dark, found a wheel, turned it, and fought off the monsters I kept thinking, "that totally had to be the last wheel, right?". But no. There were 4 total.)


Of course, I did enjoy every minute of it.



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Originally Posted By: Randomizer
Jeff's remake of the Final Gauntlet is even worse than the last version which also involved groping around in the dark while continually being attacked by monsters out of sight until you got attacked.

Yeah, I didn't mind the part where the lights go out in the Spiral Pitt just because that section was pretty brief and didn't really involve groping about in the dark for switches. It was more or less just a kind of fun thing to switch things up a bit, even if the controls while moving in the dark weren't done very well.

But the Gauntlet really wasn't fun in any way. Mostly just because every time you turned a wheel you had to RE-WALK THROUGH THE ENTIRE ROOM IN THE DARK searching for which tiny thing had changed (and it's not just walking through the room, but you basically have to trace every single wall and object with your party lest you miss something). Which is annoying enough in itself, but when you have to fight two Cryo-Drakes, a couple giants, and an eye beast on top of this it becomes almost cruel.

ANyhow, I actually think he could easily lessen the pain of the darkness sections if he would just increase the radius of visibility around characters by a couple squares. This would maintain the nostalgia aspect of keeping these parts from the original games, but it would also make navigation alot easier. Either that, or he could just use the "greyed out fog of war" effect to represent the darkness, rather than the absolute "black" used to represent areas you've never been before. That way you still couldn't see enemies (making combat a challenge), but you could at least see the map and click on areas in the dark to move there (unlike the absolute black which you can't click with your mouse, making movement a pain).
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The only reason why I was able to get through the final gauntlet with relative ease this time around was because the LAST time I went through it in the original Avernums I made sure to burn the mechanics and general layout into the part of my brain that remembers that sort of thing.


If Jeff had twisted that logic up, played with the layout, or just did more than make the enemies more "interesting", that would have been a headache and a half. Some of the monsters were... just mean.

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