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Merry christmas, and a happy new year!


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Our pump broke this winter so we had to spend most of our money fixing it. But We got enough toys to make us happy, my brother and I. Something disappointing is that I got two boxes of deodorant. "You are growing up You need adult presents." But with two video games and a bunch of jokes to play, I am extremely happy. With this, I hope you all have a good time these holidays.

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My christmases have been so great now that im in my 20s. Since then, its more fun to see the look on their faces when my family gets presents. I dont really need much to stay happy really anymore. Its really just the little things that are cool smile


Merry christmas to everyone on these forums and their families, hopefully we all have a good time.

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Originally Posted By: Trenton the mod-like scolder
Something disappointing is that I got two boxes of deodorant. "You are growing up You need adult presents."

Deodorant not so much, but socks? Socks are a great present.

My favorite part about Christmas is peppermint schnapps (although you can buy that any time of the year).
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This is my first Christmas away from family. Of course, since my family doesn't celebrate Christmas, it's not really a big deal. I did get mailed a box of chocolates that got ravaged and eaten by squirrels. (I think. And I'm worried about those squirrels.)


—Alorael, who got to attach to other families' celebrations. He managed to get a Christmas tree, a menorah, and pagan singing to apple trees in all in one night. It was a very good night.

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^ Delivering packages for UPS this year, I encountered an apartment in which the owners were away for the holidays, and someone had left them an uncovered plate of cupcakes. As I was going up to leave them their box, I saw a squirrel scampering up a tree with a cupcake in it's mouth 3 times the size of it's head.


I tried to cover the cupcakes best I could, and left them a note on their door.

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Originally Posted By: Nonsense Allowed
This is my first Christmas away from family. Of course, since my family doesn't celebrate Christmas, it's not really a big deal. I did get mailed a box of chocolates that got ravaged and eaten by squirrels. (I think. And I'm worried about those squirrels.)

Speaking of which, some rats took one of my presents, tried taking it throught their little rat hole, couldn't fit it through so they left it behind. Wierd thing is they only ended up taking the wrapping paper.
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Speaking of which, some rats took one of my presents, tried taking it throught their little rat hole, couldn't fit it through so they left it behind. Wierd thing is they only ended up taking the wrapping paper.

Well, rodents use things like paper for their nests, so maybe it was only interested in the paper. Perhaps doing some holiday decorating for the home.
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It's a family tradition that Dad (that would be me) gets beer from around the world. This year, the import is from Belgium. I haven't tried it yet, but the all-time favorite is still brew from the Czech Republic. Now, that's a Christmas present.


Best wishes to all as the days grow longer (shorter, for our southern hemisphere friends) and the year begins anew. May your non-virtual world be as entertaining as Avernum.




Beer speaks. People mumble. --from a pint glass

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Originally Posted By: The Mystic
Human contact in general isn't necessarily a bad thing. Unless, of course, said human is my wacky aunt on my mother's side. Fortunately, the fifth of Jack Daniel's my parents gave me should help....

I usually dont have family come up and visit that often, so it ends up quite boring. I usually end up with a bottle of Jameson to help kill the boredom
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Originally Posted By: Cairo Jim
I knew that squirrels were trying to take over the world. I dunno what any other rodents are doing

The Harehunters are doing their part.

May the New Year bring you better times than you had last year, and if last year was a good year, may 2012 be even better.
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