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Difficulties of GeneForge I

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I've noticed so far in GeneForge I that I guess all of my spells come from canisters. So this is a pain in the nEck, usually I would do the extra stuff in my second or third or future runs. I had to chop down, burn down, and headshot down every monster in I guess a quarter of the map just to find a battle alpha or drayk canister. I'm not sure but is there like a shaping shop? I can't beat some bosses, but this is too annoying. I mean even when I use cheats they're not potent. As the money cheat gives 100 coins only...


I kinda hope Jeff will remake GeneForge like he's doing with Avernum. But then again the GeneForge games are newer ane easier to handle (Mosty, since I started GeneForge at number then got some of Two and Three done using my friend's copies)

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Originally Posted By: AethirWeb
I can't beat some bosses, but this is too annoying. I mean even when I use cheats they're not potent. As the money cheat gives 100 coins only...

Part of that is just because GF1 has the weirdest balance in the series when it comes to enemies. If you're having a lot of difficulty heading one direction, try backtracking and heading somewhere else.

If you want to take the cheat route, there should be a character editor floating around these forums somewhere... *goes digging for it*

EDIT: Ah, right in the header for this forum. Or through this link.
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The only way to learn new creature types or new spells in Geneforge 1 is via canisters (well, the servant mind in the Ruined School will give you Firebolt if you have enough Leadership). There's really nobody who teaches you those things.


Geneforge is pretty open in terms of where it lets you explore. If you're having trouble in one area, it may be too difficult right now, and you should try exploring somewhere else. Also, not every area is meant to be pushed through by brute force; there may be a trick or tactic to clearing a zone that you just haven't found yet.


What are your class / level / stats? People on here might be suggest a more effective way to build your character.


Edit: and some somehow I took so long writing this that I was sniped by Nioca...

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Originally Posted By: Triumph
The only way to learn new creature types or new spells in Geneforge 1 is via canisters (well, the servant mind in the Ruined School will give you Firebolt if you have enough Leadership). There's really nobody who teaches you those things.
There's also a few books you can find that will also grant you extra creation or spell levels. The exact number escapes me, but I know there's several in one of the bridge zones (the one with all the crypts).
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Yeah but could we have like TAKERS who dug up some shaper spells and they'll sell it to anyone who's the most loyal? Or maybe the Sholai did, I mean I know Shapers aren't occuping every Inch of Sucia, but seriously, Sucia used to be a Shaper REasearch island, are you telling ALL of the spells burnt or destroyed?!?!

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The island has been abandoned for a century, if I recall - the cannisters survived because they were sealed, but paper rots. If any spellbooks survived the purge that the game mentions (I recall one boook being a diary that clearly states it was left behind deliberately), they'd have been destroyed years ago.


Though, really, the fact that the island was sealed is all the answer you need - the Shapers didn't want to leave tomes of their knowledge lying around (why would they - the island wasn't lost, it was closed down), so they made sure everything was cleaned up.

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Originally Posted By: Trenton Uchiha, rebel servile.
Still, the whole island, and not a SINGLE spell book? It was so huge it had its own mountain range! So you must think there should be one-ONE!

Given how secretive the Shaper sect is, is it really so surprising that they cleaned out all of their facilities and installations? I mean, it's not likely they would have had shaping (or magic!) books lying around in towns, or the wastes (which take up a huge portion of the island) - everything would've been kept in the labs and shaping halls.

And sure, one or two might have been left accidentally, but up against 100 years of exposure to the elements, rogue creations, and wandering servile hands, is it any wonder that the PC doesn't find any?
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Sucia was actually abandoned by the Shapers TWO centuries before the start of the game. There indications in different places that some stuff was taken with them, some stuff was destroyed, and some stuff (like a diary Defniel left at Ruined School) fell victim to the ravages of time / rogues / serviles.

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Originally Posted By: Triumph
Sucia was actually abandoned by the Shapers TWO centuries before the start of the game.

Ah, that just strengthens my point. In the later games, there are still functioning Shaper settlements, so books (and trainers) are obviously more widespread.

I really should go back and replay these games, to be fair. tongue
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Still it's been two centuries couldn't SOMETHING been left?JUST SOMETHING? At least like a few words about a spell we can learn. And couldn't SOME SERVILE found the book and kept it as "The Hoky Bible" the fact they could destroy everything seems long and hard. So why wasn't GeneForge destroyed? (I haven't gone to the end yet, i'm still in the forest quarter of Sucia)

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Well, the Obeyers actually do their best to save a bunch of Shaper papers, but they turn out to all be junk. They get an A for effort, though, and I'm sure some budding social historian would find it all fascinating and write a book from those sources. It just wouldn't teach you how to shape or do magic.


The Geneforge was left very well protected and very secure, on purpose, because its makers expected to return to it.

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Originally Posted By: HOUSE of S
That was a brilliant comic that did not deserve to be turned into a poor, lolcat-quality meme, with text changed and presentation changed too.

I'd never read the original until a few weeks back, and yeah, agreed.

Here it is for the interested.

Edit: I assume you were talking to me, but given the last few posts, I can't be sure. tongue
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Originally Posted By: Nikki
I'd never read the original until a few weeks back, and yeah, agreed.

I am totally printing out the original "clean all the things" image and sticking on my broom closet door (I'm so adult I finally have a closet I can put my cleaning supplies in, instead of just shoving them into a cupboard or a corner somewhere!). Or maybe right above the kitchen sink so I see it all the time...

Dikiyoba is still stuck in the "adults know everything" stage, instead of realizing that adults muddle through as much (if not more, since they have more to worry about) stuff as kids do.
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I remember there was this computerized test. If you answered a question right, the next would be harder. If it's wrong, it get easier. For the math one, my algebra teacher (Honors Algebra I, it's only 8th grade guys) complained to the office that we were getting Algebra II & III questions. shocked


Nothing was done, though.

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No, you really don't. Coming up with a syllabus, problems, tests, taking the time to grade, all that takes effort. It takes a lot of effort! And it's often thankless, the pay is lousy, and everyone blames you if the kids you teach aren't learning as much as they should, whether or not there's anything you can do about it.


—Alorael, who believes that most of those self-adjusting tests don't give you bad scores if you outdo your level and then do poorly at a higher level. Nothing is done because the test works as designed. Also, interestingly enough, all that testing isn't always just for testing's sake. Studies show quite clearly that you retain much more knowledge if you are tested than if you are not.

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Because you are not doing productive work. Schools derive no income from having students; they can't pass any of that income on to you. You are putting time into your own education in the hopes that you will be better members of society and, critically, have higher incomes later.


—Alorael, who hasn't actually done any calculations of how much, say, each hour of high school earns you, on average, over a lifetime. He's pretty sure it's a huge amount. You are paid, just not immediately.

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Originally Posted By: Alorael
Alorael, who believes that most of those self-adjusting tests don't give you bad scores if you outdo your level and then do poorly at a higher level.
I got 210. That's equal to 55% (which is an F). The easiest question I got involved theta and sine. It's not fair! The worst part is that it counts as a quiz grade frown And during all this, the guy next to me got easy stuff like probability and solving for x. He got 260 (which is 80%) mad

Originally Posted By: Trenton Uchiha
What can school get me that I already dont have?
A date tongue
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