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Triple Slartifer, Part 2

Mea Tulpa

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82. Cunning Lx = Cx -- Don't write this explanation out as it might blow up the CoC (I've got no leads, other than the 'cunning').


EDIT: Scouts' Honour that I didn't steal this guess from Sarachim. Course, I've never been a Scout, but still...


89. Critique Critique -- Theory of never-ending sentence construction (though on its own it's just a subject/object).


75. Unexpected Inaccessibility -- Blosk in Escape from the Pit (E1, A1, and presumably A1EFTP) (I remember having difficulties getting into one of the Avernum Proper cities. Might not have been Blosk, might not have been A1, ...)


72. Th Lttr Lgsltr: No idea what this is, but I finally figured out what the associated vowels are (I think).


92. Mais qu'avait-il dans les mains?: This made me think of The Hobbit, until I remembered that the winning riddle asked about 'pockets' instead.

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Correct -- 82, 95 (not 93), 98, 60, 89, 92, 64

The explanation expands on a common joke that revolves around the name of my former field.

Stop in the Name is self-descriptive, since it stops in the middle of the full phrase the PDN ought to be (Stop in the Name of Love, pointed out by Excalibur) and ironic since it was the PDN change that reSTARTED my name changing after a long hiatus. There is a reason they are in chronological order after all!

Incorrect -- 73, 108




Correct -- 100, 101, 78, 70


(The Super Mario Bros. Super Show! It's doubly super, in fact.)



Correct -- 94, 100, 98, 102


(Spaceman Spiff)



Sorry, 20 minutes is longer of an overlap than I've been giving others, so I don't think it would be fair to give it to you.

Incorrect -- 89, 75


EDIT: Remember, as the number of remaining terms dwindle, I will begin to expect actual explanations

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Originally Posted By: Dintiradan
72. Th Lttr Lgsltr: No idea what this is, but I finally figured out what the associated vowels are (I think).

It's "The [Letter/Latter] [Legislator/Legislature]", but even knowing that I can't make sense of it. You really have to hand it to Slarty for being such a devious linguist.

In fact, you might even say he's a cunning li- *urk*
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Originally Posted By: HOUSE of S
I don't know where you keep getting these incorrect numbers from but please double check your numbers. It's really messing me up when I update the list and just nearly created a giant headache.

I don't know either, but I'll be careful from now on. If it's any consolation, getting them wrong makes me afraid that I'm going prematurely senile.
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Here are a few general hints.


1) Who lives in Blosk in X1 and what happens there?


2) Kelandon, Alorael, Drakey, and TM aren't the only ones on the "Top Poster List" who are relevant to an answer this round.


3) What matchmaker results would I care about?


4) Pizza.


5) Anime.

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99 - Reference to a story written by Nikki and used to matchmake? Sounds like a device used to make decisions...like matchmake?


75 - Scrabble in a swamp (but not in A4) (due to the A4 engine)? Haven't played A4 except for the demo, but could there be an unreachable Avernite swamp?

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Originally Posted By: Dantius
Originally Posted By: Dintiradan
72. Th Lttr Lgsltr: No idea what this is, but I finally figured out what the associated vowels are (I think).

It's "The [Letter/Latter] [Legislator/Legislature]", but even knowing that I can't make sense of it. You really have to hand it to Slarty for being such a devious linguist.

In fact, you might even say he's a cunning li- *urk*

It's "The Letter Legislature", and it's a 3 in Three reference, which means it goes with clue 85.
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Originally Posted By: HOUSE of S
Remember the espionage there and the plot? Bruce was trying to frag Mayor Vicky, in the older sense of fragging.


Not quite what I thought "frag" meant. I thought it was exclusively military. Even so, I'm glad I got this. It was killing me there was a clue about E1 that I couldn't figure out.
EDIT: Also, you forgot to remove 89 from the list. Probably my fault.
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71 - 80's take on a set of 90's levels involving numerous squares; a mesh could be made of numerous squares.


73 - Reference to a story written by Nikki and used to matchmake; something used death-match-making?


83- Elementary clue for Kelandon; Kelandon did work on the slith language; this name involves foreign language(s)?

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Correct -- 72, 99, 69, 87



(The Witch of the Wasteland was in fact an antagonist from Howl's Moving Castle.)



Correct -- 71, 73

Incorrect -- 83



Your reasoning on 73 is way off, but that's okay.


EDIT: Okay, 6 left, so make sure you attach reasonable explanations.

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1) Kelandon's clue pretty much requires Kelandon to solve. It did, anyway, until I told you that. Now that you know that, if you examine the clue carefully, and review your knowledge of forum members, you might be able to figure out why. Once you have done that, you can quite probably figure out the correct PDN that goes with it, and that will be plenty of explanation.


2) Sometimes you just need a translator. But how do you know which language to translate from?!?


3) Two of the connections are very simple and involve no extraneous knowledge, no wordplay and no intuitive leaps.


4) Scrabble in a swamp, I now realize, was a very bad clue. But I'll roll with it. What does the A4 engine lack that every other Avernum game engine has? Cue Alorael. Okay, now that you've figured that out, how could that impact Scrabble and poorly named Scrabble spin-offs? (Apologies, again, this one is my fault.)


5) Finally, there is a linguistics item remaining.

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79. Backwords - Scrabble in the Swamp.


Cus, Upwords is a scrabble spin-off where you can stack tiles on top of other tiles. A4 had no heights, so it's not UPwords, but BACKwords (cus the previous games did)?


(Edit: Also, which name was a reference to something I wrote? I figured I should've known that when I first saw them, but yeah, I didn't, and now all I see is a number and the clue, not the actual name. :p)


Edit 2: It strikes me that "Scrabble in the Swamp" might be a good clue for Boggle, another word-game, but it's not really relevant to this.

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Argh, this game bothers me the same way crosswords do: it seems impossible until someone gives you the solution, and then it's clear. And you don't get that clarity when you compare all entries by brute force.


83. Quid Pourquoi -- To hoard until we reach the trainer


Not totally sure on this one. Obviously the PDN is a play on quid pro quo, and quid is slang for pound. And you hoard your GP until you find a trainer. That's really all I got.

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Is 75 "Elementary clue for Kelandon"? Because the thing Kelandon's most famous for is his unfinished BoA epic trilogy, so a player new to BoA might play Bahsikassiva (sp?) and Exodus, and then suddenly find it impossible to continue with the series on account of Homeland not being made, so they'd be confronted with "unexpected inaccessibility" to the final part of the trilogy.

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85 - Quiet satire of Experimental Jet Set, Trash, and No Star? It's a bizarre name to parody a bizarrely named album?


108 - Season of crashes? Could the connection involve forum crashes and efforts to duplicate information from the forums so it was not lost?


113 - Emblematic of itself (haha)? Is a symbol (;) emblematic of itself? And since it's cordial, it leads to laughing?

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Correct -- 79





Correct -- 83

Exactly, plus "pourquoi" in yet another language (French) gives you why. Why bother with money? To hoard until we reach the trainer, of course. Oof.




Nope, good try.



Incorrect -- 85, 108, 113



On the up side, there are now only four and you can figure possibly all of them out given the wrong guesses extant. Then all you need to do is puzzle out what the connection could be.

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Originally Posted By: Slarty
Exactly, plus "pourquoi" in yet another language (French) gives you why. Why bother with money? To hoard until we reach the trainer, of course. Oof.
It's evidence of my Canadian-ness that I explicitly stated what 'quid' means while leaving the definition of 'pourquoi' implicit. I guess others would have done it the other way 'round.
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Originally Posted By: Dintiradan
Originally Posted By: Slarty
Exactly, plus "pourquoi" in yet another language (French) gives you why. Why bother with money? To hoard until we reach the trainer, of course. Oof.
It's evidence of my Canadian-ness that I explicitly stated what 'quid' means, eh, while leaving the definition of 'pourquoi' implicit, eh? I guess others would have done it the other way 'round, eh?


Back on topic, is 108 (Reduplicated) paired with Quiet satire of Experimental Jet Set, Trash, and No Star? Because if you turn up the volume on the EJS,T,aNS album by Sonic Youth, you can hear another song by Sonic Youth being played very quietly in the background, so that song is in effect "reduplicated" on that album.

Or am I reading too deeply into this?
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Originally Posted By: HOUSE of S
Also, while it's true that Kelandon has reputations related to scenarios, women, and classics, none of those are relevant. It's more an issue of what Kelandon has in common with someone else.
Keladon and Starty were school mates outside of the Board. Keladon's brother is a member. Keladon is a double major in Astronomy and Classics.

I still don't see any relationship to a PDN.
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