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Any chance of working on 64-bit XP (SP3)?


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I've already tried running the installation programs in various compatibility modes, but they haven't worked. It just keeps telling me that "the image file is valid but for a machine type other than the current machine."


I'm really wanting to play the old Exile versions over the Avernum versions, hence why I'm trying to get these working.

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I have used DOS-Box on XP Professional (32-bit), and it works very well for 16-bit DOS games, such as Wolfenstein 3D and Doom. The Kings Quest series plays very nicely as well, all 7 episodes. It would be interesting to know if it runs on 64-bit Vista or Windows 7. However it is designed to play games written for Pre-Windows DOS. I don't think it will run Windows based games.

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Originally Posted By: Harehunter
I have used DOS-Box on XP Professional (32-bit), and it works very well for 16-bit DOS games, such as Wolfenstein 3D and Doom. The Kings Quest series plays very nicely as well, all 7 episodes. It would be interesting to know if it runs on 64-bit Vista or Windows 7. However it is designed to play games written for Pre-Windows DOS. I don't think it will run Windows based games.

If you can get your hands on Windows 3.1, you can install it in DOSBox and then install the Exile games in Windows 3.1.
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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

You have to click your mouse into the DOSBox environment. Once there you have too scroll around to find your mouse cursor. It won't be where you clicked, it will be where you left it last when you left DOSBox, or in some default location. Once your mouse is in the DOSBox, you cannot move it outside the Box. You have to Alt-Tab to an application in your XP environment to get out.


I hope this makes sense.

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No I know about all that, to be more specific, lets say you're playing E2 and you start a new game, when the pop up with the intro story appears if I move my mouse around inside the pop up only, it will disappear (almost flash) and then reappear when stop moving the mouse. Outside of that window (still within the main screen, and Dosbox) it works just fine. It only occurs with story pop ups, character editor, talking to people etc...


Not sure if anyone has a hot clue what I mean, not too sure how to explain it....

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I see what you mean. I just had not paid that close attention to it. I've tried turning up the mouse tracking parameter in the Windows 3.1 setup, but to no good effect.


There are tunable parameters in the DOSBox.conf file. I'll do some research on those. You might do the same. This setup of Windows may be stretching the limits in DOSBox.

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Especially when the software is being developed by one of its major competitors. Vitualbox was developed by Sun; you know, the people who came out with OpenOffice, a directly competitive !!!freeware!!! product to MS Office. Now Sun is owned by Oracle, another major rival to MS SQLServer. No love lost there. I'll try it on a machine I don't care that much about.

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  • 1 month later...

new here but long time exile fan not sure if this is the right spot to post this Q but it looks about right topic so here it is.


I have a new pc with win 7 64bit (not win 7 pro) and I have the 3 exiles on cd in the mail to me waiting atm I thought id ask and see if anyone else has had any luck with my 2 starting ideas (i know it will work on a VM but i dont want to shell out extra cash if I dont have to) ok so has anyone had any luck runing this in something like dos box? I know it plays some of the older games that played in win but I am not very good with dos box and my other idea was to try to run it with steam as a non steam game hopeing it work as I got gene forge 1-5 off steam and found spiderweb software still alive after all these years back when I had just got exile 1 off a shairware cd and got the full ves <3 years ago anyways thanks for looking and sorry for runinng A two line Q into a mess >_<

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I have limited DOSBox experience. I don't think Steam is your ticket, though. Old games on Steam are usually updated and re-released. If the game won't run, Steam won't make it run.


—Alorael, who really would give DOSBox and VirtualBox chances. They have fairly helpful communities even if your technical understanding is nil.

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I don't know how it works on 64-bit, but I did get a very successful load of Windows 3.1 on DOSBox on a couple of 32-bit winxp's, and all three Exiles copied into into it and they run just fine. Actually, after installing it on one box, I copied the whole shebang onto a flash drive, plugged into another box, and ran directly off the flash.


The cursor has a bit of an annoying habit of disappearing when you move it, but settles in nicely when you stop. That is the only annoyance I have noticed.


I have yet to work up the time and ambition for a Win98 load. It might work better, but on the other hand, it might work worse.

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Originally Posted By: Harehunter
I don't know how it works on 64-bit, but I did get a very successful load of Windows 3.1 on DOSBox on a couple of 32-bit winxp's, and all three Exiles copied into into it and they run just fine. Actually, after installing it on one box, I copied the whole shebang onto a flash drive, plugged into another box, and ran directly off the flash.

The cursor has a bit of an annoying habit of disappearing when you move it, but settles in nicely when you stop. That is the only annoyance I have noticed.

I have yet to work up the time and ambition for a Win98 load. It might work better, but on the other hand, it might work worse.
On 32-bit XP, the Exile games run natively if you put them in compatibility mode. Why were you even using DOSBox?
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