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iPad usability suggestions


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1) two finger tap to open/close inventory


I'm always opening and closing my inventory - make it super easy.


2) swipe left/right in inventory to switch characters


Took me a while to figure out I had to tap the portrait while in inventory to switch characters. Swipe would've been more instinctive.


3) two finger swipe left/right in main screen to switch characters


Figure if swiping is good in one place, then it should be good in another place smile Two fingers to differentiate it from just scrolling around the map.


4) in combat, first tap to identify target square, then second tap to confirm (maybe pop up a dialog box)


All too often, my fat fingers hit the wrong square, and my character ends up running away instead of attacking. Confirmation tap would help avoid silly errors.

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There's some simpler stuff that needs to be fixed as well.


(1) "Tap and hold a creature to ID it" is useless because your finger is obscuring the label that appears. Either increase the font size to REALLY HUGE or display the label somewhere else.


(2) Trying to scroll while my party is walking somewhere is the Way of Pain. Not sure how to fix it, though (other than "don't do that then.")


(3) Something about the way the tap-on-map works is wrong. Maybe it needs some during-the-press-gesture feedback?


(4) Load times entering buildings are pretty bad. Are they that bad on Mac/Windows?


(5) Not-ipad-specific: if you tell me to go off and kill 12 rats, it would be nice to have something i can consult to find out if i've done it. Or if I've only killed 9. Or 9 and a half. Or whatever.

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Originally Posted By: peterb
(5) Not-ipad-specific: if you tell me to go off and kill 12 rats, it would be nice to have something i can consult to find out if i've done it. Or if I've only killed 9. Or 9 and a half. Or whatever.

Fortunately, there aren't many quests that require you to kill a certain number of enemies, so this is only a minor issue.

Dikiyoba notices a only small lag when entering buildings on Windows.
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Originally Posted By: peterb
(4) Load times entering buildings are pretty bad. Are they that bad on Mac/Windows?

(5) Not-ipad-specific: if you tell me to go off and kill 12 rats, it would be nice to have something i can consult to find out if i've done it. Or if I've only killed 9. Or 9 and a half. Or whatever.

4 - On my 7+ year old mac, they're pretty slow. If you're on an iPad 1 or have multiple apps running, I wouldn't expect lighting-fast loads.

5 - I've never had trouble with this sort of quest. I kill all the baddies I find for exp, and the number for the quest is always less than the number that I kill.
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I think most of these issues are already known. I admit, I didn't find this thread before posting myself about similar issues.


Then I started thinking about the rather speedy appearence of the game on the AppStore. My guess is the devs wanted to get a working port out ASAP to begin spreading the popularity of the game and do for customers, again, like myself, that were dying for the game to be released on the iPad.


All of that being said, I'm sure Spiderweb was aware of most of these niggles when they released it. The port is perfectly functional and VERY stable, and that, I believe was the goal for v1.0. They'll improve the little things with patches. Probably soon, too.

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I really, honestly made an effort with the iPad port. The problem is that I'm still new to the platform, and my inexperience shows.


To do a lot of these interface improvements will require a bit of engine retooling. This WILL get done. The question is whether it will happen for Avadon or for our future iPad titles.


If/when we patch Avadon, though, some of these things will be addressed. I'm looking at you, all tooltips that appear under the user's finger.


- Jeff Vogel

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Jeff, I'm sure you'll take our criticism in the constructive way it is intended. The game is great!


I found another issue today, possibly not iPad-specific. For the past 2 days of playing I've been irritated that there isn't any display of remaining action points. Then, today, I noticed that there is indeed an AP indicator over the character portraits. Something about the outline font you chose made it difficult for me to notice, and indeed it's practically impossible for me to read even now that I know it's there.


Maybe I'm the only one with this problem. But if not, you might want to comp a few different font color/placement/size choices and pick the one that works best.

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You're getting fabulous reviews on iTunes and on forums such as Touch Arcade. And shortly after Avadon was released for iPad, I think I saw it as high as the 18th top-grossing iPad game on the App store, and it was in the top 25 grossing iPad apps of all kinds, which is really impressive.


That being said, I would strongly recommend that you update and improve the game as aggressively as you can, given all of your other time commitments. Don't put it off until the next game. iOS gamers love developers who respond to suggestions and who improve the game, and they get rather frustrated with developers who never seem to issue updates. The good will and positive word of mouth and the enhancement of your reputation that you will generate by further refining an already excellent game will prove to be a rich return on your investment. I'm talking mostly about user interface refinements, but also performance issues on iPad 1, such as low memory or sluggish performance (if these are issues on iPad 1, which I'm not even sure that they are.)

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Yeah, it's ranked as the 57th highest grossing iPad app currently, which is fantastic. I'm curious if Jeff will release sales figures for Avadon so we can see how well the whole "iPad" deal is working out for him- is it undercutting sales for the Mac version? Is it bringing in new customers? Is it having a negligible effect for the work done? I think the data would be fascinating.

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Just went and bought the iPad version, considering it a donation to Spidweb. The upside-down screen is sort of clunky, even for me, and I don't use a stand. Second, too, on the need for occasional updates; it's what we expect in this format, more so than in the traditional desktop software format.


Haven't gotten very far (and may not finish on the iPad), but it's still a damn good game.

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