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Everything posted by jhkrischel

  1. Originally Posted By: misheloff What I see is a lot of crybabying over a product that costs less than dinner for 2 at Denny's, no matter which operating system you buy it for. I think the problem is that the actual game *is* overpriced -> what people need to realize, though, is that what they're paying for isn't the game itself. The premium is for a developer who actually cares and makes customer service a priority. From my point of view, Spiderweb software essentially has a tip-jar economic model -> the lack of DRM means that anyone who wants to have the game without paying can pretty much have it. Those who appreciate the care and effort of the author, and actually put their credit card down, are doing so because they are *inspired* to, not *forced* to. FWIW, I dropped the 9.99 on the iPad version not because I thought it was worth it compared to various 0.99 games available, but because I made a conscious choice to support this particular developer. Frankly, if indie iOS developers put IAP tip-jar functionality in their applications, there are quite a few of them I'd probably be willing to regularly donate to. So are the Avadon binaries, the actual ones and zeros worth the price that's being charged? Not by a long shot. But supporting Jeff Vogel *is* worth it.
  2. Originally Posted By: peterb (2) Trying to scroll while my party is walking somewhere is the Way of Pain. Not sure how to fix it, though (other than "don't do that then.") I think this might help: Avadon Settings...View Follows Main character: Off
  3. 1) two finger tap to open/close inventory I'm always opening and closing my inventory - make it super easy. 2) swipe left/right in inventory to switch characters Took me a while to figure out I had to tap the portrait while in inventory to switch characters. Swipe would've been more instinctive. 3) two finger swipe left/right in main screen to switch characters Figure if swiping is good in one place, then it should be good in another place Two fingers to differentiate it from just scrolling around the map. 4) in combat, first tap to identify target square, then second tap to confirm (maybe pop up a dialog box) All too often, my fat fingers hit the wrong square, and my character ends up running away instead of attacking. Confirmation tap would help avoid silly errors.
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