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Dialogue Bug


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Sorry if this has been caught already! Also, I couldn't find a 'bug' forum, and tech support didn't seem right, so apologies if I'm posting this in the wrong place!


I refused Elder Okan's request for exterminating rats in that cave (his first mission), and Nathalie expressed her disappointment. The problem with this was, my party was Shima and Sev. Not sure how she managed that one!

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I saw something a bit off in connection with the companion quests also. When I did Sevilin's quest, I refused to kill the bandit leader. Later on, when we were expelling the titans from the Wretch Lands, he said that he was really happy because his friends had been avenged. This is perhaps a few days of in-world time after he said he would never forgive me for refusing to avenge his friends.

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The Nathalie and Sevilin issues will be fixed in the next update.


If people find dialogue inconsistencies like these, I will totally fix them. The more specific you are about where you are when they happen, the better. For example, I wasn't able to find that Holklandan issue.


- Jeff Vogel

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I have another one. We're in the Beraza Woods with Monitor Shigaz, and Shigaz says that Sevilin and Jenell have to stay behind. Sevilin says something like what the heck, I am finally redeemed and now I have to wait here? Again, this was after I refused to kill the bandit who had ambushed him prior to the game.

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I'm glad to be of help and glad to see this topic has brought other issues to light as well. smile The characters in Avadon are so detailed and interesting that I hate to see interactions thrown off by weird little inconsistencies. I'll continue to keep an eye out!


Maybe this topic can be kept alive as a location for reporting this sort of thing.

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Originally Posted By: Master1
Just out of curiosity, does the make-up of your party ever significantly influence your game play? Do their custom dialogues ever trigger any flags?

I was worried it might when I began the game. But I don't think so, know that I've finished playing.
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Originally Posted By: jlsgaladriel
I'm not sure if this rises to the level of a dialogue "bug," but it's a bit odd:

After doing the "Goldcrag Reptiles" quest for Elder Okan, even if one works for free, when the PC asks if Okan needs more help he replies, "We do, but we have not saved up more money."

Yeah, I remember wanting to say "I'll do the next one free too you old fool".
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Originally Posted By: jlsgaladriel
I'm not sure if this rises to the level of a dialogue "bug," but it's a bit odd:

After doing the "Goldcrag Reptiles" quest for Elder Okan, even if one works for free, when the PC asks if Okan needs more help he replies, "We do, but we have not saved up more money."

I can see that being a function of ensuring you don't get a difficult quest too early in the game... but you're right, it doesn't really make sense.
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  • 2 weeks later...

I found another inconsistency. It is possible to report Sevilin to Hand Callan about the outcome of the fight with Cahil before the fight takes place. At this point, I have Sevilin back in my party after he left for the Kva, but haven't entered the mines yet. When talking to Hand Callan, my options about Sevilin are to say that the matter is settled (which it isn't), or to say that Sevilin is annoyed about the pardon (which I'm not supposed to know yet).

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