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If you were a Shaper

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What would you do if one day, you woke up with the sudden ability to create life like a shaper.

What would you try create?

Would you proceed with caution like a shaper or make random/dangerous stuff?


I know I'd probably try to create a drakon equivalent as well as turrets, proceeding dangerously untill I almost get killed, then go the shaper way =P

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Well, the first thing I'd do is head over to the physics department at the nearest prestigious university and show off a bit, mainly because the fireworks of having everything disproved ever would be fun to watch. But then I'd probably approach the government and have them give me sufficient resources to figure out a way to duplicate my powers or imprint them on other, (ala the Geneforge). More of me controlled by me would probably greatly propel me towards my goal of power. Blackmail and other objectives should bring me closer, until I eventually attain absolute power, because that is the only acceptable goal.


Obviously, the plans wold be greatly changed if others not controlled by me had power, too. I would have to rethink everything.

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I would go into a life of seclusion until I perfected the art of charm, and the creation of wingbolts and wartralls. Then, I'd begin to experiment by creating a second me and testing the geneforge on him. If the testing goes well, I'll test it on myself and so forth until I reach a state of immortality and become like X. Then I'd take over the whole world and do away with famine by trying to shape a new species of plant specifically for each region that will die in another region, but will grow well for that region. Then, I will start trying to shape a bio computer that is the fastest computer in the world, and start playing computer games.

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Originally Posted By: Dantius
I'd probably approach the government
Pretty sure that the government would approach you in the middle of the night and no one would ever see you again. tongue

Since it's unlikely a single Shaper would last long in the modern world, I'd probably create things I found useful and release them into the environment. Some oil eating crabs for the Gulf of Mexico, some fruitful desert growing plants for starving wasteland countries, you know, some serious altruistic stuff. Maybe I'd reveal that it was me in old age, when everyone was familiar with the thing's I'd created already. Then, when the government came for me, I'd at least die (and be dissected) as a legend.
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Originally Posted By: Monroe
Originally Posted By: Dantius
I'd probably approach the government
Pretty sure that the government would approach you in the middle of the night and no one would ever see you again. tongue

Since it's unlikely a single Shaper would last long in the modern world, I'd probably create things I found useful and release them into the environment. Some oil eating crabs for the Gulf of Mexico, some fruitful desert growing plants for starving wasteland countries, you know, some serious altruistic stuff. Maybe I'd reveal that it was me in old age, when everyone was familiar with the thing's I'd created already. Then, when the government came for me, I'd at least die (and be dissected) as a legend.
The thing is, the oil eating crabs might multiply too quickly, and start eating all of the available oil. Oh well, we need to curb our addiction to oil anyways.
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Originally Posted By: Shaper Tristan
That's the kind of situation that the shapers rules are meant for.

I'd take a few babys, train them and make them loyal to me.... Then stage a world wide coup and claim power.

Without the natural built-in obedience that the creations have to their shaper, the babies might still rebel against you because not every baby has the same personality.

Wouldn't you think it easier to shape the babies so that you'd have at least some degree of control?
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Now that I think about it, I'd buy an island, load it up with turrets (oh the beauty of obedient flora) then quietly work creating dangerous creatures to protect me when I run out of money to pay rates/mortgage on my island =D


Then again i must keep in mind that the millitary has air strikes... Oh well, it would be a fun life =P

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Originally Posted By: Tuldrac
Now that I think about it, I'd buy an island, load it up with turrets (oh the beauty of obedient flora) then quietly work creating dangerous creatures to protect me when I run out of money to pay rates/mortgage on my island =D

Then again i must keep in mind that the millitary has air strikes... Oh well, it would be a fun life =P

The thing is, turrets can still go rogue if you don't tend to their needs properly, like any other creation. Creations are a double-edged sword, unless you are able to treat them properly and take care of them. Well, I don't think ornks would go crazy since they don't care about anything afterall. Couldn't you make your own money by shaping a money printer and all or something? Also, if you had wingbolts/vlish, you could rule the sky and the sea. Your vlish would be able to detect any underwater attacks through telepathy and control them. Your wingbolts would be able to take out the odd humans who would not be charmed by either you or your vlish.

Also, I wonder if it is also assumed that we have all of these abilities because not all of the shapers knew how to shape different types of creations in the beginning.

Hey I think you'd be able to find a way to bypass the whole rogue creation idea by combining the technologies of manking with shaper batons and turrets. You could shape batons or breed them, and just breed the ammo. Build a machine that would use the batons and fire at enemies. Since the batons can't go rogue (or if they do I haven't heard of this in the Gf games), and machines don't really have a conciousness, you will have no obedience problems from that. The thing is, you'd either have to shape yourself, get another person to help you who is specialized in this area, or shape a creature (such as a servile) to deal with this. If you chose the latter 2, you'd still face obedience problems in the future.
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Originally Posted By: Geneforgeisforme
Since the batons can't go rogue (or if they do I haven't heard of this in the Gf games)

The games do explain how batons are bred. They don't go rogue, but they do require training before they'll fire ammo correctly. Before they're trained, they're prone to spitting thorns whenever and at whoever they feel like it.

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I'd probably track down everyone else i could find with these powers and either try to recruit them or kill them. In the real world i'd be satisfied with a little self sufficient power base somewhere. Who needs to be a world power when you have everything you could ever want and enough muscle to keep it?

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Originally Posted By: Arronax
I'd probably track down everyone else i could find with these powers and either try to recruit them or kill them. In the real world i'd be satisfied with a little self sufficient power base somewhere. Who needs to be a world power when you have everything you could ever want and enough muscle to keep it?

People, thats who. As people become used to what they have, they want to have more and more.
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Originally Posted By: The Mystic
Originally Posted By: Arronax
Who needs to be a world power when you have everything you could ever want and enough muscle to keep it?
Actually, in a roundabout way, that could be used as a definition of a world power.

Generally world powers also control lots of land and huge armies, or economic control, or religious control. I don' think one person could ever be a world power, by definition.
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Control tools for government officials, with cameras embedded. If the cameras ever stopped transmitting, or they went to have the control tools removed... I'd rig a sensor to activate and kill them.


I would NOT be worried about being black-bagged in the middle of the night.

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Originally Posted By: Geneforgeisformeyukkyu
Originally Posted By: Shaper Tristan
That's the kind of situation that the shapers rules are meant for.

I'd take a few babys, train them and make them loyal to me.... Then stage a world wide coup and claim power.

Without the natural built-in obedience that the creations have to their shaper, the babies might still rebel against you because not every baby has the same personality.

Wouldn't you think it easier to shape the babies so that you'd have at least some degree of control?

raising children from birth to be completely loyal to you would be just as effective, think Manson family and you'll get an idea. Besides I wouldint teach them everything I know, so in case they do rebel I can destroy them.
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Originally Posted By: Shaper Tristan
Originally Posted By: Geneforgeisformeyukkyu
Originally Posted By: Shaper Tristan
That's the kind of situation that the shapers rules are meant for.

I'd take a few babys, train them and make them loyal to me.... Then stage a world wide coup and claim power.

Without the natural built-in obedience that the creations have to their shaper, the babies might still rebel against you because not every baby has the same personality.

Wouldn't you think it easier to shape the babies so that you'd have at least some degree of control?

raising children from birth to be completely loyal to you would be just as effective, think Manson family and you'll get an idea. Besides I wouldint teach them everything I know, so in case they do rebel I can destroy them.

Yeah, but with children, they tend to become curius and may start working together to uncover your secrets, instead of being obedient (at least in the beginning) if they were creations. There is probably more of a chance of the children finding out something you don't want them to know as compared to creations. Also, aren't they already adults?
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Originally Posted By: Tuldrac
Alternitavely you could make a bunch of serviles capable of using magic, treat them fairly and bring them up to believe what you believe.

Now this, this is the type of compromise we all needed, but what about when the serviles start breeding? Their offspring wouldn't have the natural built-in obedience to the shaper anymore, and could feel free to believe what they wanted.
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Originally Posted By: Geneforgeisformeyukkyu

Yeah, but with children, they tend to become curius and may start working together to uncover your secrets, instead of being obedient (at least in the beginning) if they were creations. There is probably more of a chance of the children finding out something you don't want them to know as compared to creations. Also, aren't they already adults?

not if you raise them not to be, control tools are also a possibility, if I raise them to believe that I am a god(or at least powerful beyond belief) then they won't dare question me.
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Originally Posted By: Shaper Tristan
Originally Posted By: Geneforgeisformeyukkyu

Yeah, but with children, they tend to become curius and may start working together to uncover your secrets, instead of being obedient (at least in the beginning) if they were creations. There is probably more of a chance of the children finding out something you don't want them to know as compared to creations. Also, aren't they already adults?

not if you raise them not to be, control tools are also a possibility, if I raise them to believe that I am a god(or at least powerful beyond belief) then they won't dare question me.

I don't know, I vaguely remember reading something about shapers raising the serviles and outsiders to believe them to be gods. That didn't turn out too well, you know, with the rebellion and all.
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You could also try implanting a control tool (during their creation so it becomes essential to their livelihood because their organs would have grown around it) like Rawal without them knowing, if they knowingly betray you, and you deem the betrayal necessary. Just make sure you have the control tool be able to read memories, so you can know what the servile did. Make sure you have a way to effectively communicate with them too (like telepathy?).


The cons of this is that if your servants find out that you didn't trust them, they might become uneasy towards you, and be more prone to rebellion if put in a lose-lose situation. You could also become too power-hungry and blind to know when to actually kill off the servile so that the other serviles see it as a just punishment, and so the servile you killed off has exhausted its usefulness.

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