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Is my build good?[G5]


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Im going with a shaper and im currently in the storm plains and im level 41, i didnt explore dera reaches and the other area nearby lethia province, i currently have a plated bug. battle beta, drayk, cryodrayk and 2 vlishes. Is that good? and Oh i have lifeforce gauntlets too.Here are my stats:

6 str

4 dex

17 int

4 end

battle magic 6

mental magic 8

blessing magic 5

spellcraft 2

7 fire shaping

11 battle shaping

8 magic shaping

8 healing craft

5 leadership

10 mechanics

I also have 5 items that would give me a +6 mech boost if theres a tough lock

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You look fairly solid. Are you having difficulty winning fights? If you are having some problems, absorb your weaker creations and replace them with war tralls and rotdhizons as soon as you can.


Dikiyoba prefers to have lots and lots of leadership, since there are early uses for it, but the infiltrator items boost that as well as mechanics, so you aren't missing out.

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Depends on the levels he wants in those skills. If he has an effective horde, he will have very little need for Mental Magic because he will be able to kill everything very quickly. Spellcraft will be good either way. Because he already has the Lifeforce gauntlets let us assume he will be making a major artifact from them. This means he will either get the Gauntlets of Mastery or the Lifecrafter Gauntlets which both add +2 to Battle, Mental, and Blessing Magics. This will not send his skill levels through the roof but are still quite respectable and, as stated before, if he has an effective horde, will be enough.


Edit: Just checked, I have a level 48 lifecrafter with 10 battle, 8 mental, 10 blessing, and 7 spellcraft. He's doing fine.

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Originally Posted By: The Ratt
Depends on the levels he wants in those skills. If he has an effective horde, he will have very little need for Mental Magic because he will be able to kill everything very quickly.

This is pretty badly wrong, he's going to regret not having decent Mental Magic when he runs into a swarm of podlings or something. I mean, you don't need a huge amount but you can't afford to ignore it.
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Thanks for the reply guys btw im on casual and i cant beat that gazer ( has a unique name ) and his podling servants in Northwestern wasteland ( that area is in front of fort defiance ). And im going for lifecrafter gauntlets. I gave more str to the vlishes and now they deal 120 each, the battle beta can do 100 dmg, and the plated bug can 90, cryodrayk does 130 and dryak does 150.

EDIT: errr plated bug. not clawbug

EDIT2: does cleanse group gets rid of daze slow and other such effects?

EDIT3: lol 3rd edit, the gazer is in the area in front of fort vengeance

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Originally Posted By: Lilith
Originally Posted By: The Ratt
Depends on the levels he wants in those skills. If he has an effective horde, he will have very little need for Mental Magic because he will be able to kill everything very quickly.

This is pretty badly wrong, he's going to regret not having decent Mental Magic when he runs into a swarm of podlings or something. I mean, you don't need a huge amount but you can't afford to ignore it.

It's not wrong, it's a matter of preference. I've never relied on mental magic primarily because you don't get experience when charmed creations kill enemies. While I may have to reload a few more times than if I had used mental magic, I've never regretted it.
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Originally Posted By: Barzhal
It's not wrong, it's a matter of preference. I've never relied on mental magic primarily because you don't get experience when charmed creations kill enemies. While I may have to reload a few more times than if I had used mental magic, I've never regretted it.

There's also Daze, you know.

Also the thing about kills from charmed creations not giving you XP isn't actually true any more, you'll usually get experience as long as you've attacked the enemy personally or with one of your own creations at least once.

And it's really not just a matter of "reloading a few more times"; mental magic allows strategies that are simply impossible without it. Try winning a straight-up fight with the Pairbond Constructs in the challenge area without mental magic.
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im updated i got to gazaki-uss and stole the canister for gazer and war trall. i made a war trall and gave it 3 str 1 dex and 1 end more.I also swore allegiance to alwan, yet shaper marzar wont teach me any new creations.Do i need to do more for alwan in order for shaper marzan to teach me new creations? also my vlishes get a bit ... rusty should i absorb one of them and replace with a wingbolt?

EDIT: i got the projection belt ( -2 str, +4 str and dex of creations) and used it instead of the gridle of genius, also that Shackkus-Eye in front of fort vengeance had a very nice ring, Forbidden Band (+1 str,dex,int,end )

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Originally Posted By: Lilith
Originally Posted By: Barzhal
It's not wrong, it's a matter of preference. I've never relied on mental magic primarily because you don't get experience when charmed creations kill enemies. While I may have to reload a few more times than if I had used mental magic, I've never regretted it.

There's also Daze, you know.

Also the thing about kills from charmed creations not giving you XP isn't actually true any more, you'll usually get experience as long as you've attacked the enemy personally or with one of your own creations at least once.

And it's really not just a matter of "reloading a few more times"; mental magic allows strategies that are simply impossible without it. Try winning a straight-up fight with the Pairbond Constructs in the challenge area without mental magic.

Yes, daze can be nice, but I don't use it. While I don't deny mental magic gives a set of viable strategies, it is not the only set of viable strategies. I have beat the pairbound constructs and the entire challenge area four times (twice on torment) without mental magic (and without cheating).
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Originally Posted By: Lilith
Try winning a straight-up fight with the Pairbond Constructs in the challenge area without mental magic.

Oh I did. it was on normal though. On my first try ever doing a challenge area.

I left one rotdhizon for them to play with while I went back and killed the Drakon. (My PC had already deativate the spiral). I thought I wouldn't have to worrie about his creations while I delt with the constructs. Wrong.

When I left the area and came back (Recharged), as soon as I entered the first guantet area past the shaped door the constructs would start hunting me. Since I had previously triggered them. The good news was that the Acid one always came first by about 5 seconds (Tried multiple times). It was easy to pick it off without the flame one nearby. I can't remeber my creations mix and I played as a Shaper.
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Originally Posted By: Victor
I also swore allegiance to alwan, yet shaper marzar wont teach me any new creations.Do i need to do more for alwan in order for shaper marzan to teach me new creations?

Each faction has two quests that you can do without swearing to join, but are merely doing to show loyalty. After that you swear allegiance to the leader and get a third quest. This is usally the point where you can get advanced training, but you lose that if you change factions.

You may need to ask the faction leader, Alwan, to get that advanced training.
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thanks randomizer but i recieved advanced shaper training after i did his 'get the unbound sample' quest, also im at the perikalia south gate and fought many rogues togheter with the guards, tho one of my vlishes got low hp and gone rogue... you can probably guess that my other creations destroy it... so should i get a wingbolt to fill that spot?Also when i said i made a war trall i absorbed the battle beta.I found 2 mandrake tinctures in gorash-kel and the secret laboratory and i used them to make more artifacts, particulary the LIFEBRINGER GRIDLE ( major ) and SUNFIRE GREAVES ( minor )

EDIT: i hunted down the bandit Bennhold and found a purple crystal called Acess Crystal, what can i use it for?

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nope i let them kill everything thats not friendly in sight, i dont like to command like 5-6 creations in a fight, its going to be a boring long combat if i did so... i created a wingbolt and guess what? it SUCKS 150 magic damage isnt a big deal for 140 essence + 20 more essence for +2 str i put in it...so i made another rotdhizon instead. By the way i got 2 rotdhizons 1 war trall and 1 cryodrayk and a dryak, 1 more level and im gonna hit 999 essence whohooo, by the way... i got crystalline fibers and essence infused iron im going to strategy central to check out what can i make

EDIT: i have lifecrafter gauntlets nao.

EDIT2: how can i open the western door in lost dera vault?

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any idea on how to beat the challenge area? i tryed to kill the drakon but i must take down his shield and his shield is a power spiral guarded by the pairbound constructs and even if i take the power down the constructs will kill me, i tryed using essence armor, elemental aura and that defense buff , and yet i still get killed by the construct that does 150 acid damage, my creations stand outside the room with the drakon, they cant do anything my creations will aimlessly attack the drakon and i cant slip past with them... so im pretty much stuck here

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