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A6 -Need Undead Spiral hint


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Last night, I got to the bottom of the Undead Spiral. It asked me if I wanted to fulfill Gladwell's quest. I'm not sure what to do here. I'm afraid if I do it that horrible things will happen and if I don't do it that I will miss out on part of the game. It would seem to me to be out of character for the way I've been playing to actually do what he asks.


Can someone tell me the ramifications, in general terms, of each way? I don't want Gladwell not to give me more quests as from reading the boards it seems there are several things he gives out that I would want. If I don't do it, is the game still 'winnable'? Since I've been ostensibly playing as a 'good' group of people (not stealing, killing bad guys but attempting to not kill the good guys), it just seems like doing what he asks is completely evil.


Am I soul-searching too much? Does it even matter? Any help would be appreciated.

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Doing things for Gladwell is as 'evil' as it gets. However, you can try to convince yourself you didn't realize he was so evil until all the deeds are done, then kill him when you finally get the chance to avenge all those that he (you) killed. Doing so cancels out just about all the damage you did while helping him as far as the ending in concerned. Doing the deeds, seeing their more immediate ramifications, and living with yourself is pretty much the worst you will have to deal with.

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Gladwell does give out some nice rewards, but there's nothing that you'll really be sore about missing out on that you can't get elsewhere.


For the Undead Spiral quest in particular, if you're going to do it, make sure you do the quest to free the mage lost in the spiral first. I'm pretty sure he dies if you break the seals.

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Originally Posted By: almuric
Can someone tell me the ramifications, in general terms, of each way? I don't want Gladwell not to give me more quests as from reading the boards it seems there are several things he gives out that I would want. If I don't do it, is the game still 'winnable'? Since I've been ostensibly playing as a 'good' group of people (not stealing, killing bad guys but attempting to not kill the good guys), it just seems like doing what he asks is completely evil.

The game is very winnable without doing the Gladwell quests. You are correct that you won't get any more Gladwell quests if you don't do it. However, you don't need to do those quests to win -- or to become powerful enough to win. I won my first game without doing the Undead Spiral quest or any of the ones that come after it.

As for missing part of the game, there are three Gladwell quests after the Undead Spiral. The first two can be done without combat, and the third is a single battle. The big combat that you're missing is the Undead Spiral quest itself.

If you want to not miss out on part of the game, but don't want to be evil, you can do what I did the first time. Go down to the bottom of the Undead Spiral. Save your game. Break the seal and fight your way out of the Spiral. When you're done, revert to your save, and leave again without breaking the seal. Finish the game. When you're done, revert to your last pre-victory save, go back and do the Undead Spiral quest again (it'll be trivially easy at this point). Then report your success to Gladwell and continue with his quests. The next two don't require combat, and the third is an end-game quest, anyway, so you'll still be at the "right" level for it.

You don't get any of the rewards that way, but you still get to experience the entire game and your non-evil party members can sleep at night.
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For the Undead Spiral quest in particular, if you're going to do it, make sure you do the quest to free the mage lost in the spiral first. I'm pretty sure he dies if you break the seals.

Actually, he doesn't. I did the quest for Gladwell, and after saving and reporting my victory I remembered my other quest in the spiral, and realized that it was probably impossible now. Turns out, I went back and he was still there.
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Originally Posted By: Lilith
For the Undead Spiral quest in particular, if you're going to do it, make sure you do the quest to free the mage lost in the spiral first. I'm pretty sure he dies if you break the seals.

The mage trapped in the barriers is still alive--and still trapped--after completing Gladwell's quest. My main problem with completing this quest was not my conscience but rather my lack of piercing crystals. Another barrier? Grr. Backtrack. Grr.


Pro-Gnass or pro-Dharmon? Discuss amongst yourselves.
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Hah, interesting discussion. I had qualms as well. Didn't do that part of the undead spiral yet, because I play a generally good party.

Maybe I might go for Faels solution.


Originally Posted By: soul of wit
Another barrier? Grr. Backtrack. Grr.
Yeah! Not at that particular quest, but all over the place…



Concerning the blessed breastplate:

There is another one to be gained later. In the breeding tunnels, if I remember it right. It doesn't appear to be such a gain at that point of the game anymore, nevertheless it's still some improvement…

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Well, I read what the reward is, so I went ahead and broke the circle. Getting to remove all the barriers was nice. I spent most of my playing time last night going back to all the places I'd been, dissolving barriers and getting a bunch of spells. I did three before bed time and two of those spells I didn't have. The other, mass healing, I got two levels on. Would I have found all those spells in other places? Or would I have gotten the 'remove barrier' spell in some other way? It seems like a fairly important thing to be able to remove those stupid barriers.


Did I basically just take the 'easy' choice? I.e., one that makes the game easier for me?

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You can buy the Remove Barrier spell from the slith wizard in the Tower Colony after retrieving the Portal Papers. I think there are also one or two other places where you find books to raise it, as I recall.


Also, with the Blessed Breastplate, you can have one made for you in Dharmon if you have the fine steel and mandrake roots, but they're hard to get enough of at the point in the game where you can get the breastplate by screwing Gnass.

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I think there are also one or two other places where you find books to raise it, as I recall.

From Randomizer's list:
AL 8 - Patrick's Tower - Gladwell's Mertis Spiral quest
AL 8 - Tower Colony - after Purging the Haakai quest

The spiral book raises dispel barrier by 2;
the book upstairs at the tower colony increases it by 1;
Kreador is right about the trainer, also at the tower colony.
I think those are all the options! smile
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