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A6 - Highest level when you finished the game?


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I don't have any exact figures, but it's you will definitely have more money than you know what to do with by the endgame. I started spending cash on ridiculous things (like Lethal Blow for my mage, maxed-out spell levels for all damaging spells on every spellcaster, and a whole bunch of potions I never used) and still had over 20,000 coins burning a hole in my pocket, plus easily another 30,000 in sale value of items that I never used.


Having 80,000 coins worth of saleable goods by the endgame is almost certainly feasible, even with a reasonable amount of training and a few purchases.

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Originally Posted By: Psychosnow Emanation
And really what that means is that you can use the skribbane exploit a bit earlier, maybe 5-10 levels before the end of the game, and make everything that follows easier for yourself, even if you don't actually reach level 61 as a result.

That is precisely what I did - when I started my new game, I spent money on the blessings in Dharmon, then some in Fort Remote and that guy east of Almaria, but I saved every other penny for the Skribbane exploit. Unfortunately, I killed off every other dealer but the one in Dharmon, which I think means the Skribbane is slightly more expensive, but it made things a whole lot easier. The majority of the fights from the last third of the game have been much easier then anticipated, probably because I'm at such a high level
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Synergy hit the 30,000 cap before Fort Monastery because we were expecting one more trainer after Fort Duvno. After getting resistance for you party there isn't any real use for money except buying a knowledge brew in Melanchion's Keep and increasing levels for your main spells.


Money is easily available at the end. I had lots of spare armor and weapons that I could have converted to money.

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