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Shaper Rising-A Biography

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Chapter 1:

The Shapers have always ruled with an iron fist, any who try to defy them earn nothing but death, any who try to learn their secrets learn nothing but how cruel the Shapers can be, and all who try to enter their sacred order, tested to the brink of their abilities. Their stories told for future generations. Like the stories of Shema, Andras, Alwan and Taygen. This is one such story, the story of a Shaper, Spddin Ignis, and how he came to be.


Roshiera hopped out of his bed, he was young, 7 years old to be exact. He quickly threw on his boots and started to run out of his room when he was stopped by his father, Nagastar.

"Go and eat." He commmanded.

"Yes sir" The child said as he ran off towards the kitchen.

Nagastar was a Shaper, the head Shaper of the Colony actually. It was known as Corpes de ignis. Which in the old Shaper tongue meant City of fire. They lived in a huge house, guarded by creations. Mostly Wingbolts and War tralls.


When Roshiera finished eating he grabbed all of his stuff and ran to the door. "Are you ready?" his father asked

The child nodded and they were on their way out of the door. They were going to the research labs where a new creations were being developed. One of the new creations, an Arbor could be seen flying over the city. Arbors were huge leopard sized cat like creations with amazing wings.


The 2 walked towards the labs, passing villagers and merchants. They bowed in the streets and waved to the child. He didn't like the attention, it made him a little nervous. He also didn't like being the son of a Shaper, he could never be a normal kid because to a point, everyone feared him. A man ran out of a building almost in tears, he fell on his knees in front of the Shaper,

"Please, my wife is dying she-"

"Stop." the Shaper commanded "Get on your feet and talk"

Nagastar was one of the most benevolent Shapers the existed, though he had power and felt that not everyone had the skills to control it, he also felt that everyone deserved to benefit from it.

"Take me to your wife. And Roshiera,you stay here, I will be right back."

About 20 minutes later, Nagastar returned. The grim look on his face told the entire story. The child dared not ask what happened, partly because he did not want to anger his father, and partly because he already knew.


After a long walk through the town, they had made it to the research facility. Once inside, they had to climb down several flights of stairs to get to the under-ground labs. There were several powerful creations guarding the entrance to the lab. They let Nagastar through with no problem. When the door slid down, there was a familiar face waiting for Roshiera, it was Kohler, the son of one of the Guardians charged with protecting the Shapers in case something were to go wrong. Nagastar was just here to to inspect the conditions of the lab, then he would depart to his throne room.


Kohler and Roshiera followed the Shaper closely behind, watching the new and amazing creations. Nagastar began to talk with one of the Shapers, apparently the Arbors had not been made sterile and one had given birth to a small un-healty litter. The mother was dying, and it seemed like only one of the babies had even the slightest chance of survivol. The child tugged on his fathers black robe.

"Can I have him?" he whispered to his father. Nagastar gave a questioning look to the Shaper. The Shaper picked up the small winged kitten and handed it to the child.

"Take care of him." the shaper urged.


After going through all of the labs and reading to see if the work was being recorded properly, they began to leave the facility. One of the Guardians stopped Nagastar.

"May Kohler spend the night with you my lord? He has not been able to converse with Roshiera."

"Of course he may. Come child."

"Thank you lord. I will stop by tommorow and pick him up."

"Come eat dinner with us tommorow night, pick him up then, it has been a while since we've last spoken."

The Guardian nodded and the 3 departed.


They children walked through town behind Nagastar chatting and looking at the things that never failed to amaze them. The wingbolts on the corners, and turrets in the street. It would them well in case of a rebel attack. They seemed to be happening more and more often now, but the child had no idea of the grand scale in which things were happening. After another long, and relatively uneventful walk they were finally at the base of the stair case that led into the small keep. Nagastar suddenly turned towards the west, he could sense something.


He told the children to get inside. As they walked up the stairs they staired out at the city as Shapers started leaving their homes and research facilities. The children went inside and after about 10 minutes, Nagastar entered the keep and took them to a small hidden room and told them to stay there.

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Chapter 2: Ashes


"Stay there!" Nagastar commanded in his normally confident tone, but there seemed to be a sense of urgency in his command. The children nodded as he closed the secret door and ran out into the city.

"Let us go see what is happening." urged Roshiera

"He told us to stay here, it could be dangerous." Johler responded in a hushed tone.

"Dangerous? We live in a city full of Shapers, you see all of the creations power we have here. What could possibly be a danger to us?"

"I don't-"

"Fine, I'll go myself." Interupted Roshiera.


As the child opened the door and began to leave, he noticed his winged kitten preparing to follow. "No, stay there." he said in a hushed tone. The creature looked at him breifly and continued to follow. "Wait, don't leave me here alone." Kohler said as he exited the compartment.


As the children walked towards the window, the house shook. Dust fell from the ceiling and the creations in the house barely moved. They were still under tight control thankfully. The children looked out of the window, seeing a force of marching out towards the west. They ran to a window that faced westward and they were amazed at what they saw. Huged winged creations attacking. None of the children had ever seen such creatures.


In the streets, the ranks of the marching creations were breaking, they were being attacked by large lizards that had an attack similar to that of a fyora. A creture with several eyes seemed to control some of the Shaper creations and turn them against their masters. Roshiera saw his father in the city fighting off invaders.


Nagastar was face to face with one of those large flying lizards. He casted a spell that brought the creature to its knees. He was about to finish it off when another creature of the same type came up behind him. Roshiera called out to his father. "Father!Behind you!" He continued to call out in vain. The creature approached his father and suddenly a thunderous boom again shook the house, forcing. the children to the ground. The ceiling began to fall and the children, half in tears ran towards teh secret room. One boom after another rattled the house as they ran.


Roshiera put the baby Arbor in the room and noticed that Kohler was gone. He went back towards the direction they came from and he ran into Kohler. "Come on." they both started to the room and one last roar echoed through the house as Rosheira blacked out.


He opened his eyes, only to be graced with the sounds of roaring flames and the smell of burning creations. He was covered in dust and debris, but he was alright. "Kohler!" he called out. He didn't get a response. He got up, only to step on his friend. He got on his knees and attempted to shake him awake. It wasn't working. He started to shake harder, almost in tears again. "Kohler. Please wake up."

Kohler's eyes began to open and Roshiera cried out in joy. He helped his friend to his feet and they looked around. The palace of the Shapers had been leveled.


They grabed the small Arbol and ran towards what was supposed to be the door. They peaked outside to see the large lizard like creatures destroying what was left of the formerly golrious town. They stay down and notice that the creations are making sure that nothing survived the devastating attack. Creations, plants, and of course, humans were killed. They went through every structure making sure that nothing living remained. This meant that they would soon be at the palace reasoned the children.


"We have to go." Kohler said

The children snuck out of the house, staying low to the ground. As they crossed an ally, one of the eyed beasts saw them. They stopped moving, hoping that it would stop the creature from attacking. It didn't work. It floated straight towards the children and began to speak. The children were stunned at its ability to speak in such a civilized manner. "What have we here?" Its central eye began to glow, when suddenly, it fell to the ground. Behind its deflated body was a war trall


The war trall was blasted by a huge torrent of fire. What ever had hit the trall, hopefully hadn't seen the children. They walked down what had been once glorious, fantastic roads, only to find ashes and bodies. The children had escaped the city, only to look down upon it and see their once great home, destroyed by horrible, horrible creatures. When Kohler began to cry when he saw the research facilities that his father had been protecting. Like the rest of the town it was in flames. Roshiera sat down next to his friend and began to cry as well. It was a sad day for Shaper kind. They had lost one of their greatest leaders, and about 40 of their own.








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Chapter 3: The Symbol


The 2 children stayed on the hill all day, watching the lizards destroy everything left behind and crying, hoping, pleading, that it was all a dream. Just one bad dream. Part of them wished that they could Shape their own armies and cast their own spells, but alas, they could not. The slept the night on that hill, their night illuminated by the last of the flames. When they woke up, the city was empty, nothing left but ashes. When Roshiera woke up,the first thing he saw was the baby Arbor eating an insect that it had just caught. "We need a name for you." he said towards the creature. "How about cloud? I like cloud."


He shook Kohler awake. "Lets go. We have to find the nearest settlement." Kohler moaned and got to his feet.

"Alright, lets go." he said

"I think that we should go that way." Said Roshiera as he pointed west.

Kohler nodded and they both started walking, with the Arbor by their side. Once they mangaged to find a road, they followed it. From their knowledge, the closest town was at least a 4 day walk from their current position.


"What are we going to do?" Asked Kohler

"I don't know, maybe we can find a town and become Shapers or something."

"I heard that it's not just that easy. We have to do tests and stuff, besides, we are only 7."

"Yeah, I guess." Responded Spddin.


After several hours of walking, the boys came across a wagon on the side of the road. It was hooked up to 2 seemingly well fed Kyshakks. They peeked inside and saw what they had already smelled. Freshly cooked ornk meat. Their stomachs growled and they hopped inside snagging some ornk meet before quickly leaving. As they tried to get away with it, a robed figure walked up. "Stop!" he said in a calm authoritative voice, he was a shaper, no doubt.


"What do you think you are doing? Where are you 2 boys,I from? Your parents have done quite a horrible job of raising you. You should no better not to steal, and you should be smart enough to know what happens when you steal from the Shapers"

"We are from the city of Ignis." Replied Roshiera without the slightest fear in his voice.

"If you are from Ignis, and you speak to me in such a way, either your parents did a pathetic job of raising you, or they are Shapers themselves. What are you 2 doing so far from the city?"

"It was destroyed yesterday, by huge fire breathing lizards and floating eyes and lots of other creations that we don't know about."

The Shapers expression turned grim. "Destroyed?" There was an edge on his voice now. "There were almost 50 Shapers there and they fell to Drakons?"


"Drakons?" Kohler asked

"I will teach you about their kind later. Are the Creatures gone?"


"Come, we will go to the city. And eat, you'll need the food."


The Shaper gave his creations instructions and climbed into the carriage along with the 2 children.


"The Drakons are a powerful race of creations, well, after centuries of breeding, no longer creations, but a species. They were originally created hundred of years ago by a mad shaper, his name was Brahzhal. The creatures became independent and struck out against the Shapers. Around 100 years ago, there was a rebellion and they killed off almost all of our kind, but the great Shaper Alwan, and his servant, whose name has been lost, saved us all."

"My father used to tell me stories of Alwan!" Kohler said excitedly.

"Those dark times helped us remember the true meaning of our symbol. Most people thought of it as something we used to mark our property and keeps, but to us it means so much more. It is a reminder that all life is connected to one another, it is a reminder that none of us are alone, and everything we Shape, will effect everyone around us.


The middle circle symbolizes one life form, and the branches branch out to the outer circle which represent all life.

Alwan, in his benevolence gave the rebels a place to live for a few years before they were wiped out and destroyed, but a few escaped, and have been seen quite active recently."




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Hey,Dantius, it's not a book and I'm writing for my own enjoyment, and if other people enjoy it then let them, if you think you can do a better job then have fun, those are my excuses...


EDIT: I just checked it in word, and OMFG 2 whole spelling mistakes that it picked up in the entire 3 chapters!! I know! I can't beleive it either!!!!

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Originally Posted By: Spddin
EDIT: I just checked it in word, and OMFG 2 whole spelling mistakes that it picked up in the entire 3 chapters!! I know! I can't beleive it either!!!!

That's because Word sucks. There are more than two mistakes in the first two paragraphs of the first story alone. But running it through Word would help a little.

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Originally Posted By: Dikiyoba
Originally Posted By: Spddin
I quickly type without double checking.

You aren't even reading over your chapters before posting them? Good grief. Please do that.


Well, I was planning on doing it later on. It's finals week, so I am doing several things simultaneously. But I will try harder considering you asked quite nicely.smile
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Originally Posted By: Dikiyoba
Originally Posted By: Spddin
I quickly type without double checking.

You aren't even reading over your chapters before posting them? Good grief. Please do that.


Gee, maybe all this talk about fanfics will encourage Diki to FINISH EPISODE SIX. What a brilliant idea.
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Well, I also thought that it might have meant the Shapers wanting to spread their influence, which also makes sense, but for the purposes of the story, would lose effect. But I just checked out Fanfic.net and created an account because I think I could put my story up there after editing. Apparently they have a 2 day waiting period before one can post to stop spammers, so I'll have to wait until then.

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Chapter 4: Gone.



The Kyshaaks stopped in the middle of the city, or at least what was left of it. The Shaper walked out of the carriage with the children closely in tow. They surveyed the ruins, there was nothing left but ashes, bones, and ruined buildings. The look on the Shaper's face was one that was rarely seen from their kind. "I can't believe...They destroyed...everything." The last word came out as a grim whisper. "They must have had a force of around 80 strong to take out so many powerful Shapers, and yet they managed to get across the continent un-noticed, something is wrong here."

"Before they came, all of the Shapers in the city turned towards the city looked towards the western mountains and then my father brought us inside." Roshiera informed him.


Suddenly, Kohler saw a glimmer and ran towards it. He ran into one of the ruined buildings picked up the object and brought it back. It was a sword crafted from the finest pure steal around and it had a picture of a Wingbolt on the blade, with its upper body and wings on one side,and the tail spiraling around the rest of the sword.

"It was my fathers."

The Shaper held out his hand. "Give me the sword."

Kohler was hesitant, but he gave the Shaper the blade.

"I will give this back to you when you are ready." Said the Shaper.


They continued to walk the burnt stone streets of the city. Everywhere they looked, they saw nothing but a grim scene. Only in their memory could the town live in its once glorious state, because now, it was nothing but a city engulfed in darkness, pain, and misery. The entire trip through the town, Roshiera was looking for something of his father's, but his search was fruitless.

The only things left of his father, like the town, were his memories. Memories of the ruler of this once great Shaper settlement, the one that all others strive to be like, and the one that could never be replaced, never replicated or rebuilt. It was gone forever, and nothing was going to bring it back. Memories and the Arbor.


"Lets go children. I think that we have seen enough."

They got back into the Carriage where the Arbor was tearing off a manageable piece of ornk meat. Once again the Shaper gave his creations instructions and climbed in.


"I plan on teaching you guys of the Shaping arts. You deserve to fight for our cause. I am not allowed to teach you magic or Shaping, that will be the academies job, but I am allowed to give you weapons training and to begin to educate you on my kind. I know a few of the Councilors personally and if you 2 demonstrate absolute loyalty to our cause in the years of training to come, you will be allowed to enter the academy and begin your true training"


Normally, this would be a happy moment for the children, but after the sights they had just seen, it was exciting, but not a genuinely happy time for them. The Shaper continued on.


"Don't worry, you will be allowed to avenge your father and help the Shaper empire when you are older, and I will go to the council and inform them of what I just saw after I drop you off at your new home. You boys are going to live with me for the next few years. I will teach you everything you need to know, and in return, all I want is your respect. I'm not asking you to treat me as your father, I'm telling you to respect me as your mentor."

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"Wake up children." Called Shaper Ramana. That was the name of the Shaper who had taken them in. The children were reluctant to do so, but they got up and sat down. They leaned against the sides of the carriages looking at each other.

"We're almost here. It will be about an hour before we reach the city, but I thought you guys would like to eat and get ready before we arrive in Poryphra." The kids each picked up a small bit of Ornk meat and began to eat. Roshiera through Cloud a small piece of meet and the Arbor pounced upon it. The road suddenly became more smooth as they neared the city.


The Kyshaaks came to a stop. They all climbed out of the carriage and Ramana brought his Kyshaaks to the pens after the carriage was moved. The children looked out towards Terrestia's capital. It was breath taking. Huge spires made of precious metals and streets made of marble, engraved with deep ruts from passing travelers.


This city was more much much bigger then the city of Ignis. The power of the Shapers was clearly visible in this place. Turrets lined the streets and the shadow of creations could be seen in the 5:00 darkness. "My estate is towards the center of the city. Follow me."


They all began to walk towards the center of the city. The children marveled at the great city. They've lived in Ignis for 7 years and still found it amazing, but this place, this place made Ignis look like a small poor village. The walked down the roads looking around at the buildings. Light could be seen coming out of the windows of several building as early rising Shapers got ready for their coming day. There was a singe spire in the center of the city that rose all above the rest. Behind it, the rising sun could be seen.


"We're here." Ramana turned left into a long pathway that led to a huge mansion. He walked up to the front door, which was guarded by 2 battle gammas and placed his hand on the stone door. The creation, sensing its master, slid open.

"Follow." he commanded they walked past several powerful creations as he led them through the halls and up the stairs to their rooms. "This is where you will be staying. Roshiera, your room is to the left and Kohler, yours is to the right. Today you will be allowed to get used to the house and the city, but tomorrow at 4am, you will be up and ready for training" The children nodded.



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Couple of things.


1) Its clearly stated that the Shapers started in the west. Why would they found the capital so far from the center of power?


2) It's clearly that the Citadel was founded and then made the council when you're approaching it from the north pass.


3) Every town, village, city, whatever in Geneforge after G3 is inarguably made to scale. We only get a part of a city we get to see. Otherwise the entireity of the Shaper economy is made off of a few single-maned shops.


4) Its stated that we only see the eastern most part of the citadel, and that there are at least 2 different "towns" around the actual dome.


There's a bunch of other stuff, but really, we're talking about Geneforge semantics. You may as well be saying Ellrah was bloodthirsty.

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Originally Posted By: Spddin Ignis
That would make no sense for the most part. The economical center would clearly be Poryphra. The citadel has few shops and is only used by the councilors once a year mostly. It my be the center of government, but it does not make enough revenue to be the capital.

I don't think you get how capital cities work.
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It is not only stated the Poryphra contained thousands of people (which clearly makes no sense compared to its size in the game), but it is also stated that it was its capital. Why would the Turkish empire have their economy so far from the center of expansion, or the Mayans, or Egyptians, or Europeans to be quite honest. And made to scale? Honestly, nothing is made to scale in Geneforge 4 nor are lots of places in Geneforge 5.

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Honestly, nothing is made to scale in Geneforge 4 nor are lots of places in Geneforge 5.

You have both of the ENTIRE shaper empire halves to scale.

Why would the Turkish empire have their economy so far from the center of expansion, or the Mayans, or Egyptians, or Europeans to be quite honest.

You can have cities that generate plenty of cash without them being the goverment capital.
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I though it was quite obvoius things were made to scale. Dhonals keep in G3 was made to scale as well but other than that G4 and G5 are on representations of the real world.


Anyway, at the end of G3 it says the rebels have taken a large city. They said large city and taken first. Not that its the capital of all terrestia.


In G4 it actually says that Prophyra was the capital of that province. Like Dillame to Illya, Minillah to Whitespires, MerA to MerA-tev. It aslo says (In G4) that Prophrya is a large city but compared to the more settled easteren terrestia it is bearly a large town.


Acrovans right. The Citadel does have three wings.

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Shaper Ramana was off to speak to the councilmen of the city. The children had the house to themselves and they decided that it would be nice to get a look around. The house was a huge stone mansion, one of the biggest in the city. It was surrounded by a large portion of land that contained several plants and creations. The kids first explored the level that they were currently on, it was one of 4. It contained nothing but rooms for guests. They were all quite commodious. They were large spacious rooms well fitted with beds, nice curtains, and other furniture.


They walked down the stairs towards the front of the house that they had only gotten a glimpse of when coming in. It had granite floors. The kids didn't notice it before, but there was a huge Shaper symbol designed into the floors. The symbol was made out of lighter colored stone then the rest of the floor. They walked out of the room into what was a kitchen. It was equipped with a stove, nice granite counters and ceramic tiles lined the wall. In the kitchen, there was a wooden hatch on the floor. Roshiera opened it up and peered into the dark. As he opened it, he felt a cold chill rise form the depths. He concluded that this is where the shaper must store his food and wine.


The next room was quire wonderful, and was un-doubtingly a room for meditation. Each corner of the large room had one of the 4 elements in some way shape or form. The first corner had several tropical plants in it. The second, had several fine candles of many varieties each burning a large flame. The third corner of the room had a pond filled with small fish. A small fountain poured into the pond making a very relaxing scene. The fourth corner contained pretty much nothing. In the middle of the room was a nicely woven carpet. No doubt of Sholai origin and no doubt expensive.


Roshiera and Kohler continued to got through all of the rooms one by one. For the most part, they found nothing interesting. The 4th floor was guarded by several powerful creations though and the 2 were not allowed to go up there. They suspected that was where the master quarters resided. Another interesting thing that they had found was a Shaping hall downstairs. They did not enter it because even as children, they know it would be quite stupid to enter a shaping hall with all of the possible unknown creations.


Meanwhile, back at the Councilors throne room, Ramana was describing the situation. He told of everything he knew about what happened to the city and also told about how he brought in the 2 children and planned on training them.


"I will trust your judgment with the 2 children.", the councilor commented.

"I have no reason to doubt their loyalty considering that both of their fathers were of our greatest Shapers." Responded Ramana

"It is not their loyalty I doubt, not at all. It is the fact that their training will be motivated by revenge."

"And can you blame them for that? I will keep them on the right track and teach them how to manage their emotions."

"I'm assuming you are doing this because of what happened to your parents when you were around their age."

Ramana turned towards the councilor.

"My father was one of the greatest guardians ever. He served Lord Rahul and even general Alwan himself, only to get killed the final year of the war. I am doing this because I know what it feels like. I never got to avenge my father, because by the time I was a Shaper, the war was over."


" I can't tell you I understand Ramana, but that's because my father died of Natural causes when his time came, but I can ask you to be careful with what you do."


"Yes my lord." Ramana remarked as he began to walk out of the room.

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