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A6 - Terrible Game Ruining Bug?


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I have reached Tenevra, and I was in the middle of doing the quest for the Vahnatai. I fight a bit of the way through Rentar-Ihrno's fortress, eventually reaching the friendlies. Problem is, when I reach the friendlies, the text comes up saying their leader waves me forward, then... disaster. The game ends, some text and a picture comes up saying I failed too many quests or angered too many people to complete the game.


This is really bad, and also makes no sense. Why would the vahnatai be mad at me? Why just at that random point? Yes, I failed the Fort Draco quest, but I succeeded in the Fort Monastary quest, and everything seemed to be going fine with the Vahnatai, I don't understand why it is saying I lost all of the sudden. This seems more like a bug than a serious loss of the game. None the less, my game is ruined as is. Help?

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Problem is, even though I have many, many saved games going really far back, I haven't the faintest clue what went wrong when, thus I wouldn't even know how far back to go to fix the issue.


In case a visual might help: I literally move one space forward from this position, it gives me the text where the leader waves me forward, then when I close out the text it jumps right to this. Needless to say, I am quite bummed.

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Jeff just went on vacation so this probably won't even make the next version.


The only thing I can think of that would trigger a problem in the last quest that you need to continue after failing Fort Draco is a theft to make the area hostile. I know that there are a few auto end nodes to deal with certain situations like kill Starrus or Melanchion before you get past a certain point, but this is a new one for me.


If you have a save from before Fort Draco, then redo that area since that should get you two quest to allow you to skip this one.

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I noticed what I thought waa a minor bug remaining in this same area a while back. After finishing everything in this area, on my way OUT past the friendlies, I triggered the initial intro text you should get if you walk into the room. Because I had run past that point in combat mode, it didn't trigger until walking back out much later. It wasn't fatal to my quest like yours, but I'll wager it's related to what is tripping up the game here.



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The code didn't help. Thanks for the idea, though, always willing to try a new idea.


And in case you didn't know, Synergy, the 'bug' you referred to has been fixed. A pity, as I imagine that would have done the trick.


Making progress in my new game. Going to do things very differently in this one, as differently as I can. Would still be interested in a solution to this problem, however, for the different ending I imagine I'm so close to in my old game, if nothing else. Emailed Jeff.

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This was a legit bug, which will be fixed in v1.0.2. Here is the support info ...


Game Ends Unexpectedly During Vahnatai Quest


In Avernum 6 v1.0 and v1.0.1, if you fail the Fort Draco quest and then attempt the mission for Tenevra, when you reach Clodeca-Tel, the game will unexpectedly end. Should you encounter this problem, just before you enter the room where you are told that you fail, press Shift-D, enter


sdf 23 13 0


and press Return. You will be able to enter the room safely.


- Jeff Vogel

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Ah, okay, the code Spidweb gave simply resets the Fort Draco quest. Which I wouldn't have noticed had I not tried to get back to the Castle using the Fort Draco pylon. I guess I could attempt the quest again. If I were to fail it, will I encounter the same game ending problem anywhere else in the game, do you think? I suppose if I did, I could just enter the code again. Here goes nothing!

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