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What does Ghaldring want?[G5]


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I'm currently dealing with Alwan's quest to meet Ghaldring and receive his message. I told Ghaldring I was not ready to commit myself to the rebellion. When he send his lackey to kill me in a duel I talked him out of it by reminding him of Salassar, and now ... nothing. I can't get into his chamber to get the message, and the doorman keeps saying to come back tomorrow.

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Originally Posted By: Nioca
See, I always hated the power core. I'd always lose creations I had leveled up slightly, such as Cryoas. So I always tried to take the lab route.

Dikiyoba manages to get cryoas through (on normal) with regeneration aura and sticking them way back in a corner where they aren't hit quite so badly.
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