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Prefered spells from Geneforge 5:Overthrow[G5]

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The Geneforge games are based on RPGs so this game is fully of spells and creations. This time I want to know from all the fans what spells they like to use in combats or non-combat spells. I like to use the Kill spell in fights... It sounds soooooo good!!! And a daily spell... Mass Energize. I love also the Mass Madness spell. Is my favourite!!! And let's see the most popular spells...

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I like essence orbs. Not becauses its the best spell but because the targeting on it is different to other spells. Its fun to get it just right, also it can do a fair amount of damage.


After that it boils down to effiecny. Small targets get blasted by kill and Icespray. Depending on the games the bosses will get hit by Wrack, Essence Shackles, Essence lances, Searer. You end up seeing plently of nice little graphics and a Boss cower before repitive damage. All in all I value the vaierty of spells over a single spell.

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Especially on harder difficulties, mental magic will save your hide many times over. Daze (and the variants thereof, including charm) are superior by far. Freezing hordes in their tracks allows you to pick them off one by one rather than being swarmed and eaten alive.

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Originally Posted By: Master1
Originally Posted By: Dikiyoba
Restoration aura.

This too. As a shaper, all I would ever do is put up buffs and regeneration aura. I would then cast daze if there was a horde, healing as necessary.

Same for my lifecrafter playthrough so far. It's certainly one of the most efficient healing spells, essence-wise, and really helps to keep your creations alive for longer.
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Battle magic is not nearly as effective on the higher difficulties. While it can work, it tends to make the baddies come after you instead of you your creations. The way I play, that's not good. My PC has little life and armor. While battle magic can be good for finishing someone off, mental magic is far preferable, especially on torment.

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