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Finished my first playthrough.[G5]


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Now that the adventure of Maythos the Rebel Lifeshaper has come to a wonderful conclusion (The final battle was just awesome. I love this series) I need to start again. But I'm spoilt for choice. I know I want to be a shaping or magic based class, but I can't decide which.


Also, alignment. I'm thinking Trakovite, but really I have no idea. Which ones do you guys think were most fun to play?


Oh, funny thing. Ish. I was searching the world for more living tools, and I'd already bought all the ones the servile smuggler had, but he still had one on display that he refused to sell. End result: The Shaper Empire was hunting me because I murdered four of their council members, massacred their towns, ruined the war effort, and was generally a jerk to them. The Rebels were hunting me because I stolle a living tool. Joy.

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I would suggest the Sorceress personally for her quantities of magical muscle and the essence to make a few meatshields for cover. I havn't played with her yet though, so thats just assumption.


I greatly preferred the Rebel aliment. Getting told to go out and just kill was exceedingly entertaining.

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All of the other ending besides Rebel have the same final battle, so for the rest of your playthroughs just go for whichever ideology you most prefer. Astoria if you want a feel-good ending, Alwan if you want to see the Rebellion suffer a bit, Taygen if you're feeling extra brutal, or Trakovite if you want to really change the world.


Since I play on easy mode, tactics aren't big for me, and I usually pick a class that goes well with the faction I'm joining. Sorceress feels great for Astoria (though you might want to go with serviles since you didn't play one as a Rebel), guardian for Alwan, shaper for Taygen, and I like Shock Trooper or one of weak-in-shaping classes for Litalia. That's how I play, anyway. smile

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Originally Posted By: Fluff
The Shaper Empire was hunting me because I murdered four of their council members, massacred their towns, ruined the war effort, and was generally a jerk to them. The Rebels were hunting me because I stolle a living tool. Joy.


Rawal is the incomplete option, since the game can end as soon as you complete his final quest. If you want to see that ending, make sure you don't get your control tool removed.

Dikiyoba personally prefers the shock trooper, if you don't mind a whole pack of creations to manage and very little magic to play with.
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For the ending, since you have done ghaldring already, would be Astoria. Mostly, it is just that after Ghaldring, the rebelion seems to be best off with Astoria's ending, even though Ghaldring still

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I would choose a Shock trooper or a servile as your character, but that again is just my opinion. If you tell how you prefer to play, with or without magic, creations, ect., you would probably get a better answer.

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Originally Posted By: Master Ackrovan
that after Ghaldring, the rebelion seems to be best off with Alwan's ending, even though Ghaldring still

WTF, you mean the total loss of troops, resources, and land? They only get the Ashen Isles, and thats only on a temporary lease. I'm about 99 percent sure you meant to say Astoria.
Oh, yeah, sorry, I did. I'll fix it now.
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Originally Posted By: Fluff
Bah. Everyone knows that the mighty Ornks were derived from Drakons! Some things were just lost along the way. Others, were gained.

The ability to survive in space, for instance.

But that's impossible. Ornks existed before Drakons.

Drakons descending from Ornks, on the other hand...
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