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A Second Geneforge RP OOC


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I'll send him a pm. If he doesn't respond then I'll attack. If he continues to remain inactive(at least saying hey I'm a bit busy I'll post something in a few days) after what everyone considers a reasonable amount time (I'll only tie up my forces there for so long) I'll finish him off and we can continue the campaign without him.



edit: he has responded to my pm now lets see if he actually post something

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Lol, Your ships Nippds? Clear Spddin backwards. Nice touch.


Also note to all, Most (If not all) of us have been making things out of Puresteel. The game has clearly stated that is a rare thing so try and limit it. The only place that I know of that actually made it was on Dhonals Island. Every other refference said you cannot make it.

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Spddin. Quick lesson on naval theory. A ship can only be as heavy as the water it displaces. Therefore, a ship that displaces 1 cubic meter of water can only hold a ship that weighs a million grams, or about 1000 kilograms, or about a ton. Considering that this is, technically speaking, not much, a ship reinforced with Puresteel. Now, if we presume that Puresteel is much denser than regular steel, which has a density of about 8 grams/cubic centimeter, we will assign Puresteel the arbitrary density of 12 g/cm squared, 50% denser. Now, this means that, for every 1 cubic meter of displacement, you could have about 83,333 cubic centimeters of Puresteel. This means that you would have a 1.5 cm layer of Puresteel per side. Even if your reinforcement involved a layer a tenth that size, that you'd still be a lot of Puresteel. Not to mention that the only ship with a displacement of 1 cubic meter is , well, a lifeboat. Transporting golem, which no doubt weigh several tons, would require a ship either so large or so dense that it would be impractical, or a layer of Puresteel so small that it would be completely ineffective. Or you could use several tons of Puresteel. So, I, for one, vote that we limit the amount of Puresteel usable by each faction to a point where it will not, in fact, enable you to build an army. Take me. I've had, in the course of my factional history, the Puresteel usage of one (1) small rapier. Stop trying to overpower the RP with pure impenetrable golems of awesomeness.




NB: All these calculation were done in my head, so some level of inaccuracy would be expected.

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You you are going to have your shapers spend their time enfusing a ship with essence. Cool fine by me, send your shapers on a silly task and let me win!


Using math is helpful. I've done it twice now while talking to Spddin and Artemis in our rather longwinded debates over what happens next.


I don't count staticitcs on Armys and such as math for the purpose of that argument.


I have said the gates of Perikalia where reinforced with puresteel. I think I've said it somewhere else as well...

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My usage of puresteel is mainly canisters, which I'm gonna

say is recyclable to some degree, and Smackems.


I should also note it is very tempting to pull something out of thin air this should be resisted. Other then a couple of things I have mentioned in my wiki and just haven't been given the opportunity to use yet, I personally am gonna refrain from pulling more experiments out of thin air without at least making a few post mentioning researching it.

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I'm talking about taking the actual steel melt it down and reforge it. I don't see why this wouldn't be possible. However which each recycling I would lose a bit more puresteel so I couldn't do this indefinitely.


As far as the what the guy in the safe house say in G4 I'm not sure I don't currently have access to G4 right now so if someone could check that for me I appreciate it.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm off on holiday on boxing day. Camping!! So no Internet, Television or Cellphone coverage for nine days. I doubt this will interfere with this Rp too much since the pace has slowed but if anyone wants to do anything regarding the "Doctors", PM me about it before December 26th. Or Christmas since my December 26th comes before anyone elses.


EDIT: I have now left for holidays. Excpet no respons from me until around January 5th-ish. Happy Holdiays.

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Master Arkon is kinda inactive you can take control of his faction if you wish. sleeping dragon has been having activity problems as well (namely getting kicked off the forums). If you really want to participate and can't or don't want to use one of those factions or can't figure out away to wiggle in your own I let you manage a small portion of my forces if you find that desirable.

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Originally Posted By: Lord Safey
Master Arkon is kinda inactive you can take control of his faction if you wish. sleeping dragon has been having activity problems as well (namely getting kicked off the forums). If you really want to participate and can't or don't want to use one of those factions or can't figure out away to wiggle in your own I let you manage a small portion of my forces if you find that desirable.

can i join then?
if so how do you play, to you all get together at the same time or just post when you can?
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Whatever happened to Goldenking's faction? Is it still around, where is it? Anyway, Sleeping dragon's faction doesn't seem to appealing to me right now. Also, is Nioca officially out of the picture, because Safey's Zerg forces seem to have taken care of him(her?). I could probably carve out my own either in Illya or the Greyghosts (although Dantius seems to have those at the moment). Possibly Northern Burwood based in Poryphera or something.

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Yeas, I have control of Burwood, the Greyghosts, and the Fens of Aziraph. Goldenking's areas were defeated by ET's forces. Sleeping Dragon was banned, but apparently he will still be playing, so that leaves Nioca, who was 86'd by Safey. So, yeah, that means that there is pretty much no place that's unclaimed.

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ET had forces? I must have missed that.

Originally Posted By: Dantius
Yeas, I have control of Burwood, the Greyghosts...

That can be taken care of. Burwood and the Greyghosts are recently conquered, after all. You don't seem to have much of a hold on Poryphera or Khima.


Illya would be the easiest choice, but then the only factions I get to interact with would be sleeping dragon's who is momentarily gone, and yours. If I choose a northern territory, I interact with you, the Archon, and Safey.


A little bit of irony:

Originally Posted By: Sleeping Dragon
I'm going to hit my 1000th post soon. It feels strange. Like someone should try to stop me, you know? Isn't anyone going to stop me before it's too late?

And then he got banned.

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Originally Posted By: I need no introduction
Originally Posted By: Lord Safey
Master Arkon is kinda inactive you can take control of his faction if you wish. sleeping dragon has been having activity problems as well (namely getting kicked off the forums). If you really want to participate and can't or don't want to use one of those factions or can't figure out away to wiggle in your own I let you manage a small portion of my forces if you find that desirable.

can i join then?
if so how do you play, to you all get together at the same time or just post when you can?

Just post when you can. Just common sense and don't over power anything.
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Originally Posted By: A Figment Of Your Imagination
A little bit of irony:
Originally Posted By: Sleeping Dragon
I'm going to hit my 1000th post soon. It feels strange. Like someone should try to stop me, you know? Isn't anyone going to stop me before it's too late?

And then he got banned.

That is actually quite a large bit of irony. I noticed that before. It's quite funny. But SD was a sock of ET, so pardon me if I use the names interchangeably.
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You know, I want to question the validity of Safey's faction. How does one go about hiding hundreds of huge floating vlish-blimps underground? His tunnels would have to be pretty huge. And how did he get them out? He would have to collapse most of the island. It's not like there were a bunch of magically capable beings on that island like, I don't know, drakons, who would be around to notice the sort of magical activity it takes to create all those creations and make all those tunnels.


Anyway, I'm still considering whether to join this RP or not. I have an idea for a faction, it's going to be based in Burwood and the Greyghosts, basically it's going to be all the people Dantius freed from the Drakons when he destroyed them.

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He has had for centuries and specialized creations to make these tunnels. I assure their quite extensive. He also has had plenty of time to ward them against detection. However most of tunnels are not big enough for blimps to travel through. The blimps are actually made piece mill carried through in suspend animation to the hangar near the surface where the finally shaped together.

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I've decided not to join this RP because I probably wouldn't ever have any time to write anything after break (Even though I already wrote my faction overview and intro). And Safey's messing up Burwood, which is where I wanted to have my faction. So good news Dantius, you don't have to deal with me.


I'm gonna get back to programming my game now.

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I prodded him when I first announced my intentions for mera, got no response. I then prodded him with notification of my intentions to war with his faction and why, all I got was some mumblings about him posting soon. I feel I have made plenty of overtures of cooperation on this. If he wants to work me on this I welcome it but he needs to show some life.

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Originally Posted By: J.P Diddy
Wait, wait. I WILL make a post before the vacation is out. I promise.

Just woundering what vaction you were refeering to.

I think I have lost my flash drive (I think thats what they're called) and amoung other things all of my ASG RP data has been lost so it will be a while till my next IC post. I shall do it though.
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