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I have gotten too the second part of this game, and at that time we got a new computer without my save on it, now i find myself bored from doing all the stuff i had done before again because i like to play the whole game finishing everything in it (and yes i have tried playing as a different sect, but it seem the monsters are always the same in those ect. map which have no point other than monsters to fight and ect quests to do. so is there a bigger sect which requires you to not kill any thing and spy on people 0.0


(end of english version)


moo moo moo moo moo moooooooo mo ooo mooo moo


(end of cowversion)

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There is no spy sect, but the game often tries to offer you spy routes in which you can avoid most of the monsters and fights by using mechanics and leadership.


If your really bored with the fights though, the best thing for you might be... to cheat. I know it sounds crazy, but consider using one of the editors floating around to beef up your character. I do it once I've beaten the game once so I can sit back and see the different points of view and endings without concentrating on the fights so much over and over again.

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ok thanks for the advice about cheating but i wont full out obliterate my game, ill do it sparingly.



Originally Posted By: Tarson
Leave your sanity at the door.


ehhh but i dont have sanity?


Edit: awnser to dikiyoba, that would problably work but my old comp has a hole in it (sitting it in the back of car with and open trunk.... my mistake)


And for those cows that are lurking out around there:

moo moo mooo mo mo mooo moo moo mo moo


Originally Posted By: Tarson
moo moo mo mooo moo


moo mooo mo mooo moo moo moo mooo


Moo: moo mo mooo moo moo moo moo moo oom mo mo mo mooo moooooo mo moo moo

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:'( i didn't feed the turtles, and spam, and cheese, and yogurt what is wrong with you people... there are only 3 bananas left 0.0


edit: oh wait you were talking to him.... well why do you kill the fluffy tutrle?


someone pouring water into a glass translation:


":'(so i was talking to barbra"


"and she said3"


"well bye0.0"

*glug glug glug glug*



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well thats why you leave your sanity at the door.... so you can follow chicken coops like this, and also feed the fluffy turtles

p.s. i want to change my screen name to pancake 0.0


tanslatioon for today is.... panint drying on walls-


.... .... .... ...., ..... ..... .... .... .... ..... ....

... 0.0

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