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Best city in the geneforge series[G5]

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Dhonal's Keep is easily my least favorite city, because you had to walk through more than half the city to get into -- or out of -- the keep itself. You couldn't even use EXITZONE as that would warp you to island 1 (and possibly mess up your game). Not quite as bad as the boats, but definitely not good.

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My favorite city? I don't have one. An ideal city would be where all the shops and important places in the city are located right around the exitzones, and where all the unimportant things or the things that I do not need to go to repeatedly are farther away from the zones. I really hate it when it is the other way around, and I have to walk all the through and back to talk to a person.

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Geneforge has never been particularly impressive on the city front. The zone structure and the engine don't lend themselves very well to cities that are anything more than functional. Avernum is slightly better. Height adds a lot, and with outdoors everything just seems larger.


—Alorael, who thinks the biggest flaw is the fact that none of the cities really seem like cities to him. Hamlets, definitely. Small towns, maybe. The term "city" and the size of the zones don't match.

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The hamlets were perfect for G1, and still more or less credible for G2. But from there on, it got a bit silly.


If you think of the urban zones as just a few selected blocks in a much bigger offstage city, it's suddenly completely fine. But the games do nothing to encourage this rationalization, which I think is a shame.


So as it stands, the entire economy of the Shaper empire seems to consist of about two dozen one-person businesses. Maybe this is just Jeff's own fantasy — a world on the shareware scale.

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The Magus Complex will always be the place in the Geneforge series I feel the most at home in. It probably has to do with my Awakened sympathies, but it as lots of other neat things in it as well. It made sense that every area has little buffer zones protecting it from every other area (refreshing to see the Shaping art taken seriously outside of the Empire). There were also interesting people at the complex, an NPC that would join your party, a library, and humans and serviles living in harmony. Good times.

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if you're underground somewhere and you exitzone, then the game takes you to south end, with the map still being of the previous island. i had to blindly navigate my way to harmony isle so that map would pop up, and it made the maps back to normal. i wouldnt reccomend doing that if you're in somewhere like a basement, dhonals keep [the inside], or if you traveled down a ladder.

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