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Everything posted by TriRodent

  1. Do you have a recent save that you could go back to (without sacrificing too many hours of work...)? Even if you don't, the column should be gone but the golem should still be sort of in the area (it chases after you if you run). Hidden contents what I did to get the quest done lo those many years ago Welcome btw, always nice to see a new ... er ... face/letter in the box
  2. Jeff/Spiderweb is currently remaking/updating Geneforge 1 (out early next year?) & QW2 is probably next on the schedule after that, so most likely 2022 sometime. Have you played the other SW series? Lots & lots of game hours available with them. Demos available on SW's site (link at the top of the page) that let's you try them out.
  3. Wandering monsters will show up on occasion (usually scaled with how difficult that particular area is - don't expect goblins west of Ft Remote nor drakes strolling around the Eastern Gallery), depending on the monster type you'll usually get a little bit of loot that you can sell/a few gp. How much did you spend on the boat? IIRC it was only 4-500 (?) gp, a big chunk of your pocketbook near the start of the game but it shouldn't have broken the bank a few levels in. A3 has two different kinds of boards. Quest boards (which are what you're seeing in A1) & job boards. Quest boards are 'not' respawning, but they do occasionally have a new quest/job put up so check them occasionally. Job boards (A3) do respawn & are of the "go deliver 'x' item to 'y' person in 'z' city' variety (or go kill 'x' monster & deliver it's head to 'y' person in 'z' city). Once you do get to A3 make sure to read the Strategy Central advice/warnings about accepting jobs as they can bite you if you aren't paying attention. Two different types of boards, sorry about the confusion. Honestly you shouldn't be worried about/using trainers until mid game or so (at least the way I play). Most skills (other than melee, ranged, magic) have a cap of 10 skill points... BUT you can train 2 levels also. So if there's a skill you really like/use, train to 10 & 'then' go to the trainer to get it to 12 (otherwise if you've bought two earlier in the game you can only get 8 points (+ the two you bought for ten). I will use a trainer later on for those skills that I don't particularly want to train in (first aid, cave lore, etc - I'll put a couple of points into them so I'm not completely incompetent but there tend to be better uses for skill points), but money can be better used to by a level of a useful spell here & there. I 'never' buy any equipment, you're going to be finding plenty all over the place (ok, never is a bit strong but it does apply to normal items. There are some unique items that you may want to buy much later in the game). Same applies to potions, scrolls, wands, etc (I will gather herbs & make some potions though). Money 'is' somewhat tight but it shouldn't strangle you (apropos of nothing in particular, a visit to Ft Dranlon might be in order...)
  4. Ah, in my mind the way I tend to play, the first character listed is 'me' & the other three are NPCs. No, I don't believe you can get the info you're seeking about the other people wandering around towns. Money is tight, no question. You'll eventually need to buy two boats so don't sweat the one (one for the big wide open 'sea' south of Cotra & one up in Ft Draco for the little inland river - lots of things to do down south & the one up north is needed to move towards one of the end game quests). With a little self justification you could use the cheat code "iampoor" (500 gp each time). You say you want to buy 2 points each of quick action for everyone ... negotiate a bulk training rate for the group... Say each point costs (pulling number from my butt here...) 800gp or 3200 for the group for one point. You 'negotiate' a group rate of 1700gp to teach everyone one point at the same time (in other words you have to have the 1700 on hand & not just buy one point per person when you can afford it). So buy everyone one point & 'refund' yourself 3 "iampoor"s (1700 + 1500 'cheat' gp = 3200 that you actually have to spend to get the point). Come back when you have another 1700 built up & get the other point (or even work out a bigger bulk discount if you get all 8 points at once... you get the idea). It just depends on how 'pure' you want to keep the game (& in some of SW's games, iirc using a cheat code locks out some medals if that's a concern). Myself (when just playing & not testing), I tend to use 'imdrained' to reload points rather than hiking back to town to do so. However I will make my party walk back to the front of the dungeon before doings so (with the assumption that it's a clear shot back to town) & then head back in to do some more monster thumping (I 'won't' do it however if I have to go somewhere where there is no backtracking as that goes against the spirit of (my personal) cheat usage). Good news though, when you get to A3 there is potentially unlimited money through the job boards so that headache is much reduced.
  5. Ok, I started up the game. Go into the shop that you want to remove. Click on the shop area - 'not' the person that you interact with. A 'remove' circle should show up then right below the shopkeeper. The build screen doesn't have anything to do with it (other than once removed, that shop being available to build should show up over there)
  6. There should be a circle with a line through it somewhere on the build screen, click on that.
  7. Just a very weak topical joke following the rather thin line of logic that you apparently double posted something (using up forum resources) & that by removing one you got some back (or were trying to zero out one type like what happened in your game)...
  8. Go 'into' the shop/building. From there click on the build icon down on the bottom of the screen & follow above directions. (little square of terrain' footprint of the shop that you placed a while ago)
  9. Doors don't close, something about the magnetic field underground attaches them to the nearest wall (something like an electromagnet) & they can't get unstuck until after you leave the city & come back (they'll reset while you're gone) For thieving purposes I assume? I stick my party in an unobserved room/alley, go into fight mode, have one guy (or potentially gal, no need to be sexist after all) go do the ... er ... income redistribution, & the others stay put out of sight. After your pockets are filled (it may take a turn or three to get to where you want, open chests, etc) then leave fight mode & stroll away whistling innocently. Open up the character screen & the hp/mana info is listed up near their picture
  10. Are you sure it was an accident, he may have been trying to see if he could zero out his forum resources after all...
  11. You can also tear down buildings that you have already built (without having to pay the initial building costs all over again if you want them again). If you do have a large amount of money saved up then you could probably disable the distiller/baker & miller (in that order as you can't have the first two without the other) to free up those resources. Not sure how much iron that would free up but stone should improve. Also in each of the 2nd forts who will trade one of that area's resource for one of each of the others. 'Not' a good use of your resources but in an absolute pinch (this won't work for you right now as you don't have any of two different resources)
  12. Jeff/Spiderweb makes it so that you have to pretty much deliberately screw up your party to not be able to finish/survive while on easy or normal settings. Having a traditional melee meat shield in your party is pretty far from deliberately screwing up. /although I'd give him at least one level of priest skill so that he can heal/cure if the assorted others' time could better be used dropping serious spells on the monsters that need thumping
  13. I saved mine in a text file with a (basic) description of who I supported, what I did (as I had multiple games with testing) & then saved the text file into the QW folder so that I can find it/them again in a couple of years. Too late for you this time around I realize, but for anyone who wanders into the thread before their endgame...
  14. Yeah, $2.50 for an extra 1500 hours of gaming is probably the best return on investment your're ever going to get (figured at 100 hours (easy math) for each of the 16 extra games abovbeyond the basic three (ok, not 'perfect' math...))
  15. Yes. Another multi chapter series is Geneforge (5 chapters), however for that one the first chapter is being updated for modern machines & due out early next year so you may as well wait on that. Spiderweb (link at the top of every page here I think) will let you play the first 1/4-1/3 of any of their games in demo mode (fully functional, you just can't finish the game for free) so you can get a really good feel for what you may enjoy. Both games have deep RPG roots but QW involves a lot of strategic goal pondering in addition to good old fashioned monster thumping Anyway, enjoy the journey. I wish I was seeing Avernum (a place that I have spend hundreds & hundreds of hours over the decades) for the first time again. And welcome to the forums. If you look over there -----> you'll see a box, please leave your sanity in there if you happen to stick around.
  16. I'm not completely sure & someone who plays with the stats will probably be along soon with an accurate answer. That said... I think armor bonuses (good & bad) are always factored in no matter what your actions. Similarly you get bonuses (good & bad) from all weapons no matter the type of attack (melee or ranged). Generally any dual wielding guy that I have doesn't have a lot of skill points in archery to begin with so I've never noticed them missing more because of the dw to hit penalty (or just wrote the miss off as being a lousy shot to begin with). Then too I try to give everyone a point or two in both mage & priest skills so they could toss a fireball/minor heal. So he'd probably be using a spell rather than his bow anyway (& I think magic has a different to hit calculation so the dw may not even come into it). So it pretty much boils down to ... I dunno {shrug}. Interesting question though.
  17. In GF I tend to play as a creationless Agent (with the 'very' occasional meat shield to distract foes for a turn or two). In Avernum (& GF for the Agent), names tend to be the assorted main characters of a book I'm reading/movie or tv show I"m watching at the time I start the game. Meaningless throw away names essentially Although I do tend to play the assorted games as 'me' being the 1st listed character (regardless of the name) for whatever that's worth
  18. Glad that you got it figured out. One thing that I try (try, sigh) to do religiously is save in a new slot as soon as I enter a new area. You've got 20 save slots, might as well use them. If a situation like yours comes up again then you're only out 10-20 min rather than an hour.
  19. Jeff has said for years that "Any idiot can play my games..." I think tonight was the proof of concept... 😄
  20. The butler did it. Oh crap, sorry. I didn't read the title first .... huh ... ? .... I've been locked out of the edit feature .... aaaauuuughhh.... {runs from the room (after gathering one last whiff of that new paint smell...) screaming & hiding face in shame....} /good idea btw
  21. F5... What E-E said is mainly for outdoor encounters. If you're in a dungeon somewhere then you pretty much have to finish the fight (iirc). If you're in a dungeon & near some stairs you might be able to gather everyone around the bottom/top, end combat (if the 'monsters' aren't too close), & change levels allowing a breather, but (again iirc) that also lets the assorted monsters heal as well. And let me, for whatever it's worth, toss my 'welcome' out there as well.
  22. Not so much for creating thousands & thousands of years of mind numbing history (filled with impossible to remember names) for his own universe, but rather the (three/four different) massive universes for us to explore. I was having a conversation with a friend earlier in the day about Avernum and the incredibly comprehensive/fleshed out universe that Jeff created/populated with 'real' characters & events. She wasn't getting it until the phrase Tolkeinesque came to mind. Now granted, pretty much 'any' RPG has to create a universe for us to go play in, but Jeff seems to do a deeper dive into creating unique stories/situations than most. And then continues those stories onto six chapters (Avernum, 5 for GF, 3 Avadon, ? for QW) keeping the continuity more or less intact/growing. Now granted Tolkein is pretty much 'the' standard upon who's shoulders most all fantasy world building (no matter the medium - books, games, tv, movies, music, etc) has been based upon for closing in on 100 years. Does Jeff deserve consideration to sit at the feet of the master? (things have been quiet around here, time to kick over a rock & see what comes up...)
  23. Like I said right up front, I wasn't trying to insult your intelligence. There have however been far more times in my life than I can count (even if I drop my pants & take off my shoes) where I can't do something, someone asks what should be a blindingly obvious question....and after a flash of insight, my reply could not be broadcast over the airwaves. There's a reason why that calls to tech support about a machine not working, the questions start off with 'is it plugged in & turned on...?'. You hadn't had any luck otherwise so it was time to go back to the basics/start and make sure. But .... {redacted to avoid a TOS problem} ... good luck
  24. I'm really not trying to insult your intelligence here... Are you positive it can run on an XP? I mean that OS was probably my favorite over the years. I'm always very late moving platforms & my Win7 machine is well over a decade old (now doing backup duty as I was dragged kicking & screaming to W10 back in Jan....sigh) You did get a fresh download from Spiderweb & not just try to reinstall with the files on your computer? And if you did to that, you downloaded a Windows version & not an Apple? Otherwise, I'm out of ideas. Good luck
  25. TriRodent


    And, no offense to E-E for not pointing out...but it may not be obvious, the same applies to javelins & razordisks. Just equip them & you have all the consumable ammo that you need. And let me add my welcome also - please leave your sanity at the door.
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