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Posts posted by Mosquito---Slayer

  1. Obviously you need good amount of intelligence with an Agent, maybe not as much as the shaper but 9-10 is reasonable and more won't hurt.

    Strength is really subjective, sort of depends on how much headache you can tolerate :).

    Don't bother much with dexterity, endurance also isn't very useful if you are going for hit and run, but a few points in end. just so as to be able to take a good blow or two won't hurt.

  2. I will give The Dark Knight Rises a bit more than 5, but it was such a disappointment compared to the previous one, at least it was better than John Carter: Crap of 2012.

  3. Luck also helps in some special encounters, Triumph is right about the item drop rate, only your real life luck affects that, whether an item will drop or not is decided when the area is being loaded and most items have a pretty low chance.

    (So if you want you can reload the area until you get what you want, that's called making your own luck :))

  4. Do you mean that the year is happy? Or are you wishing me a happy new year? Or that you are happy about the new year? Or are you commanding the new year to be happy? Or are you telling me to be happy about it?

    All of them, and Happy new year to all.

  5. Actually other classes should use up just about similar times with their "daze 5 enemies and concentrate on one" or "hit and run" tactics, besides if you do 8 attacks in a single round you are almost certainly doing much more damage then any single PC can ever hope to, in fact I think the shaper might actually take lesser time, the only real areas where shapers suck are the periodic damage dealing ones which can get very annoying with a multitude of creations.

  6. Shapers are certainly decent with magic, there magic however is much more useful to buff and heal their creations rather than doing damage to the enemies, also a shaper has a very poor defence and thus it relies on its creations for both it's defence as well as offence, hence it is generally not a good idea to make a shaper which relies on magic without creations.

    When you say late in game Agents become strong, do you mean late in the first geneforge or late in the sequels? Keep in mind that I'm starting with the first game! :)

    He basically means that they get strong as the game progresses(and this point is probably valid for all Geneforges)

  7. I want you all to promise me something. If you ever see a spider, I want you to smash it dead, alright? Don't just put it in a little cup and take it back outside, because It'll just find its way back in. Kill them. Kill them all.

    What if it says : "You are cute"?

    (In a rather high pitched voice I mean)

  8. How much difficult the game could get with the Agent, playing her as a pure caster spell mage? And what about the Shaper? Can I play it without relying in summonings? Or should I forget my bias and play a Shaper with powerful summoning anyway?

    No, it's extremely hard if not impossible to play a shaper without creations, however in my personal view it's pretty enjoyable and easy playing a shaper with creations,

    Agent is a very powerful class as well but it can lead to problems if not handled in an optimum manner and I wouldn't really recommend it for a first time player.

  9. Bah, I always knew spiders would be the new lords and masters of the world, and I think Jeff will be their trusted servant.

    Or maybe it's just the result that's astonishing to a human, and it's no stranger than the myriad of other survival strategies that evolution has produced.

    I will go with this, as a hobby I have spent some time to observe the behavior of insects and similar things including ants, spiders, scorpions,grasshoppers and very rarely snakes(and obviously mosquitoes) and while I haven't discovered anything that great, they do some pretty cool things.

  10. As a general rule of thumb, when you find yourself linking to locked topics, it's worth thinking twice.

    Well, I didn't really mean anything wrong, but in case there is some problem with the topic the mods should feel free to lock it.

  11. I Mosquito---Slayer, permanent foe of the mosquitoes, hereby declares this thread to be a collection of links to the threads on SW which you guys have found to be the most pointless, funny or plain stupid.


    really it's a good way for oldies to laugh at something they may have derided in the past, and for newbies like me(Do I qualify or what?) it's a good chance to catch up on some community history.


    So all you have to do is post a link to the thread which you think satisfies the above criterion, they needn't be something that started of pointless or funny ,you can very well link something that became like that in it's journey, also the thread is about SW threads only but if you have a real gem from elsewhere(doubt you can pass SW standards but whatever, also obviously don't link something that violates CoC in that case) fell free to link, also I know that this very thread is a big contender for the pointless category but since you are already accessing it don't link this one.


    Just to start, here is a real beauty.

  12. Firstly try to space your party apart so that the poison doesn't affect everyone.

    Also you needn't talk to him, just attack him straightaway, which will give you an extra turn.

    Try to daze the worms he calls.

    Also use your own summoning spells and buffs before the fight for sure.

    *If you still can't beat him then you are a bit lower in level then you should be, In that case maybe you should first attempt the comparatively easier Fort Duvno quests.

  13. Well, I get fans and it acknowledged the keyboard (*lock lights did the flash upon powerup) but other than that nothing.

    Same thing happened to me 2 moths ago, it turned out that the wire connection with the power button on CPU was loose, I could have never guessed it(especially since I have no idea how to open/reach that part of the CPU), but eventually the wire got totally detached from the button and I stopped getting anything, you could check that if you haven't already.

  14. Wait...so you can help Moseh, then kill him before you leave the zone, and then go report to both Alwan and Pirik that you did what they wanted?

    That's the problem, no you can't tell Alwan that you restored him, you will have to tell him that Moseh died, however he still gives you 500 coins, also restoring Moseh gives ~250 XP, killing him again gives ~250 XP, so basically at the cost of a shaped breastplate(which you can find later in the game in any case) you get 250 XP points , the rebel award , Moseh's loot and your reputation doesn't go down with the shapers either ,which is still great.

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