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Posts posted by Mosquito---Slayer

  1. Here's what Jeff said when he was asked about Avadon on android and such:

    I'm afraid that it did not do well. Certainly not enough to justify the considerable hassle of dealing with the platform. I wish I had better news. sadold.gif


    At this point, we would do more Android ports through Humble Bundle, should they ever show interest, but definitely not on our own.


    - Jeff Vogel

  2. I have managed to complete most of the areas of great cave and western excavation(except a few too tough for my level, notably the patrick's tower quest of checking the mushrooms, the fungus doesn't take acid damage and that's a real problem currently, I depend just too much on the acid attack), however the other two quests have been done, so now I have access to Almaria and the areas beyond and hence hopefully I can level up and do it later. The best thing is that apart from a single energy potion during the very start of the game I haven't used any item at all(OK, a few bandages but they don't count)

    Here's what the character looks like currently:-

    Name : Sarrior (Slith+Warrior ,very unimaginative I know,that's what happens when you start a game in the middle of night)

    Level:21 Health:216 Energy:209

    Strength : 5 (1 from items)

    Dexterity : 2 (No investment yet)

    Intelligence : 9

    Endurance : 10

    Pole weapons : 4 (All from race bonus)

    Quick Action : 3

    Mage Spells : 8 (5 from traits)

    Priest Spells : 2

    Spell craft : 8 (6 from traits)

    Hardiness : 3

    Defense : 5 (These are probably a total waste of skill points, maybe I will unlock parry but looks hard right now)

    Tool Use : 8

    Nature Lore : 3 (All bought)

    Blade master : 6 (all from traits)

    Gymnastics : 1 (due to items)

    Magical Efficiency : 3 (all from traits)

    Sharpshooter : 6 (all from traits)

    Everything else is at 0, and for the last few levels I have been just pumping up intelligence and endurance, I'm wondering what direction to take for my PC now, should I continue the emphasis on endurance or should I go for hardiness?, also how much tool use can I get from items and what level should I aim for in that regard?, also at what level can I expect my PC to end the game at? and at last should I go for a few more points in priest spells?

  3. Another less well-known possibility is that the G5 PC is Shaila (sp?) from the Forsaken Lands. She went crazy after using the Geneforge, and even though the G4 PC supposedly killed her, the same was supposed to be true of the G4 PC and Alwan.

    Shaila is a rather distant probability, because either she was killed or handed to the shapers for fixing her and considering she went according to a general who belonged to Alwan, there is little chance she will be handed over to Rawal.

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