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Posts posted by Mosquito---Slayer

  1. I am not sure whether anyone has reported it earlier but it is possible to kill Moseh after helping revive him, the trick is to kill him the same time you revived him, it won't work if you left the zone and came back later which means that you can't get both the awards, but really the shapers give you 500 coins in any case, the trainer in Rivergate keep will still lower his prices and most importantly you get an extra bunch of ~250 XP in addition to the items Moseh drops on death as well as Rebel reward.


    Also, I have a question, I did the Shaila's quest according to shapers and the caravan and Moseh according to rebels, however I do have a fairly pro shaper reputation, If I do the the Monarch quest acc. to Rebels will that mean that the next time I meet Alwan and the shapers they will be hostile to me? or is it possible to still deal with them with the pro-shaper reputation/high leadership?

  2. (Not speaking about the this particular case)

    At least technically Mental illness is some sort of psychological problem that corresponds to irrational behavior but is natural, very often(possibly always) you will be able to find medical descriptions/solutions etc. for such cases.

    This sort of condition is related to but is not 100% same as that of the condition of the culprit in such cases, a (medically) mentally ill person is probably more likely to indulge in such activities, however persons which do not suffer from such (medical) conditions are also capable of such incidents, for instance a perfectly sane person who has been under a lot of stress for some time or so, such cases are practically undetectable especially when American culture involves a lot of staying alone, cultures in which there is a strong family relation are probably better equipped to deal with such cases. In any cases this is one of the reason I believe in Gun control.

    Basically since these cases are extremely hard to detect beforehand, the only possible solution to me seems preemptive measures applicable to everybody, obviously if you don't have a gun you are less likely to go on a shooting spree, I do understand that someone with criminal mentality who is hell-bent on killing people will end up procuring guns in any case, but still I do think(debatable point obviously) that assault and other heavy gun-control has the potential to prevent a decent percentage of such cases ,at least spur of the moment cases.

  3. I don't know what to say but I cleared out both the western barrier zone and Thornton ruins even before I did Moseh and by clearing out I mean I killed every single Battle Alpha, Glaahk and Wingbolt at torment difficulty with my player at level 27, I am totally confused as to why the shock trooper is belittled by everyone as a weak character, I never managed to do that with either a warrior or a lifecrafter or a Servile even on lower difficulties, from now onwards I'm just going to laugh at anyone who calls the shock trooper weak, at least in my opinion he is the most powerful PC you can have.

  4. What is the value of the storyline of Geneforge? Will you be completely lost if you play the last one first?

    I did play the last one first,(mainly because I started with Avernum and never really cared about the other games until I ran out of Avernums), by then since G5 had the best engine I started with it, and really it doesn't cause any problems at all, you may not be able to relate to the occasional remark here and there when talking with the important characters, but otherwise the game is pretty much totally self contained.

  5. Yet guns have also saved lives, by driving off intruders with violent intent. Tell me, how would your gun control measures have effected the multitudes of men and women who used a firearm to scare off violent criminals? Would you tell them that they should not have had a gun? That they should have remained powerless as their children were victimised and killed? I'm sure they would clap for you.

    The point of this thread if you have followed it decently was that the bigger heavier assault rifles should be banned whilst retaining the smaller ones, also try to understand that a ban works both ways, if I am preventing good people from having a gun, I am also applying that logic to criminals,additionally there are enough things in the world including smaller guns that can be used to scare of non-social elements and police exists for a reason, by your logic maybe we should also allow households to store nukes, after all nothing else will scare the crap out of anti-social elements faster and better.

    As for the children comment I simply wanted to imply that if no step is taken in spite of so many deaths that is practically an Insult to the family members of those guys, basically you are telling them that this has happened and this will happen in the future because we don't care so shut up, and I don't find that very appropriate.

  6. Australia isn't America. Personally, I admire the United States for valuing freedom over a false sense of security. If people in the U.S.A don't like guns, then don't buy them. If they don't like living around people with guns, move to a gun free area. Expecting people to give up a freedom enshrined in their Constitution simply to make you feel a little bit safer is the high of tyranny. Demanding otherwise law-abiding citizens to hand in their firearms when government enforcers are armed to the teeth stinks of hypocrisy.

    False sense of security? Sure, tell that to the parents who lost there kids, I'm sure they will clap for you. While ensuring freedoms guaranteed in the constitution is probably important it is much more important to ensure that people actually stay alive, that's when they will be actually able to enjoy those freedoms. Argue all you like but it's simple enough to understand that less guns means a lesser chance that some maniac will have them and that means a lesser chance of such heart-wrenching incidents taking place. Shooting down(no pun intended please) any proposals on technicalities or on absurd logic of "we are not like them" or "It won't work here" even before trying it is at least in my opinion an indication of the fact that you simply don't care, If you are skeptical then you can try the suggestion on a smaller scale maybe with people who are more willing but just harking about constitutional rights when people are dying is plane stupid.

  7. Started one on Dikiyoba's recommendation, in spite of playing on torment it's just proving to be ridiculously easy, my PC is currently level 26 and I have about 3 more zones to go before I attempt Moseh, still I have two questions:

    1. Where and when will I get the talisman of might ?

    2. What's the cap for money? I have about 17000 and I don't think I need to train in anything else for this chapter.

  8. I've done all the quests there that I intend to (I am NOT kicking out the farmers). Is there a point later in the storyline where I'll be required to kick Barghan ass (and thus I shouldn't turn it hostile until then)? Or should I not be doing that to Bargha at all?

    You will get a choice.


    Aside: as someone who's played Avernum on iOS only, I'm still a little surprised that Bargha backslid so much over the two trilogies. It's like it and Spire switched places. Aside from the destruction of towns I knew from EFTP, it's the most disturbing part of what happened...

    Never compare the maps of first and second trilogy,Fort draco to formello was like 80 miles in A1, it was about 15 in A4. (I believe that avernum is subject to unusually strong cave quakes and they are so common that the people don't even care. :) )

  9. Here's a nice message I came across :



    21st : Last day of the world -- Party

    22nd : World didn't end --Party

    23rd : Hangover

    24th : Day before Christmas -- Party

    25th : Christmas -- Party

    26th : Day after Christmas -- Party with leftovers

    27th : Hangover

    28th, 29th and 30th : Last Friday , Saturday and Sunday of the year -- Party

    31st : Day before new year -- party

    1st : New year -- Party

    2nd : If you are still alive after so many parties then : Party



  10. yes you can.

    well at least in boe

    Yeah, basically I meant BoA and N:R, Exile's engine I don't even bother with, just the thought of playing on that sends a chill down my spine and makes me want to cry, that always results in me playing the newer SW games to console myself.

  11. It's not the greatest of ideas to totally ignore the the mental magic skill, Unlock is always pretty useful and will enable you to make do with lesser investment in mechanics, dominate can also help a lot in the tougher fights, actually if you have to ignore one magic skill, you can very well just ignore battle magic , A shaper's creations are/should always be good enough for damage, the shaper should just concentrate on weakening the enemies and keeping his creations nicely buffed and healed. All said and done , you can certainly complete the game with your party build as well, it's decent enough. The selection of creations is fine although mix and match always tends to be a bit better strategy so maybe get the pack of fyoras and back them up with an Artilla or maybe a roamer, or even a thahd and continue that way.

  12. Advance? In the game? So now that I did the first one for him, I'm "forced" to do the rest? Or "take his help" meaning doing something else in the future that I haven't done yet? (I did note that he has enough influence over me to disable me from saying anything about the Spiral.)

    I think he is talking about A6, I'd say go and do all his quests whenever you feel like them, you can still neutralize his threat later on.


    By killing him


  13. Nethergate, then Geneforge 1-3, then Avernum 4, GF4, Av5, GF5, Av6, then Avadon and the Avernum remake. You get to experience how the games evolved as well as get the best versions of each game, and this way you have PLENTY of time to enjoy the classics and Avadon/Avernum remake before Avadon 2 and Avernum 2 are released in 2013.

    It will probably be more enjoyable if you played all geneforge games at one go and then continued on to the second avernum trilogy, A4 doesn't feel much older than G5, just my opinion though.

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