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Everything posted by Tirien

  1. Originally Posted By: Erasmus In exile each spell had a key mapped to it Each spell in Avernum also has a hotkey, you just need to hit M (for mage spells) or P (for priest spells) first. Hitting A after that will select the first spell, B the second spell, ect.
  2. I belive P = Priest spells, while M = Mage spells. I never did use the keyboard much, other than to enter combat mode and use bows. And pick things up.
  3. Originally Posted By: Urban Whinger Spiderweb's games don't have the retro appeal in the same way. They're mostly just simple. Strangely enough, this is what drew me to the Avernum series. I was getting tired of games that made my comp want to commit suicide, even on the lowest settings. Spiderweb's games are simple in terms of graphics, which is a nice change from games that seem to have been made for the purpose of showing off pretty graphics. Probably why im still playing games like Morrowind even today. Then again, Morrowind had some pretty good graphics when it first came out... Maybe ten years from now I'll consider Oblivion to be simplistic.
  4. Thats what Abe Lincoln thought... Then a T-rex ate him. Nobody is safe from the threat of randomly occuring dinosaurs. Better get my tinfoil hat. P.S. : The nightmares wouldnt be of the bones, diki.
  5. More bones, yet again? Dikiyoba is going to give us all nightmares at this pace... At least Dikiyoba hasnt posted any pictures of human remains.
  6. Originally Posted By: Erasmus (i.e. Are you an anthropomorphic personification of a holy day?) Technically, Jesus wasnt born on christmas, so its not really a holy day. (And in my mind, everyday is my own little holiday.) When I first read "anthromorphic", I thought "Oh god no, santa is a furry?" Then I realized what you meant. Although it would explain why Santa stalks everybody to see if their "naughty or nice".
  7. Originally Posted By: Ephesos Hopefully, I will return recharged and ready to try and kill you all again. Your not trying to kill them hard enough. Kurex is the only one who can be given credit for killing Adon. Also, have you forgotten about us poor log-devourering beavers?
  8. Tirien

    Pandora's Box

    Actually Mystic, I think Alorael locked it earlier. Not sure why its unlocked now. The End is a lie.
  9. Originally Posted By: The Mystic However, also every year, there's a large number of accidents during & immediately after the first snowfall, because some drivers mistakenly think that the laws of physics--let alone the rules of the road--don't apply to them. If the laws of physics dont apply to santa, then they dont apply to me. Of course, santa has talking reindeer who are either alcoholic or have cancer, so I guess it doesnt matter anyways.
  10. What have you been smoking? Avernum and Geneforge are completely different universes. The only ones who belive otherwise are the Vahnatai Creationists, and we all know they cant be trusted. Or do you already know this and are just attempting to troll?
  11. Do not tempt the wrath of the Nine-Headed Cave Cow by comparing it to a ornk. The ornks are nothing compared to the Cave Cows.
  12. Why do I have the sinking feeling this is going to degenerate into something like the "Are Drakons superior" thread?
  13. Originally Posted By: CRISIS on INFINITE SLARTIES Collateral damage from when the Nine-Headed Cave Cow bovine thudded the Vahnatai Creationists into oblivion. All praise the Nine-Headed Cave Cow! (for getting rid of those vahnatai creationists, that is.)
  14. Originally Posted By: Dikiyoba Taygen can't possibly be a vahnatai. Vahnatai are known for creating uncontrolled hordes of monsters, not for creating something that will kill off uncontrolled hordes of monsters. Dikiyoba. Maybe Ghaldring is secretly a vahnatai then. He likes creating hordes of uncontrolled monsters after all. Or maybe Shaper Monarch is the real vahnatai. Or maybe we should just blame it all on X/Sylak.
  15. Originally Posted By: lordofdc That is indeed true, though I doubt they exist on the same world. There is a possibility, but I doubt that. Avernum and Geneforge are set in completely different universes. The only known empire (if it can even be called that) in the Geneforge series are the shapers. Wether the Sholai are a empire or not isnt really known. (At least, if it is, i've completely forgotten about it.)
  16. I dont think Nikki was saying it into a mirror either. Some of the people I see driving up to or from the canyon really needs to have their license taken from them. Ive seen people try to pass when the oncoming traffic isnt even 200 feet away.
  17. Technically, its the Stat Luck that has no effect. Actual luck does however, otherwise you would always get the same drops.
  18. Please Fnord, im begging you... No more crossover, it hurts the brains of everyone who sees it. I cant unsee it!! It burns!
  19. It just started to snow here at the Canyon. Unfortunately, its not sticking. Bah. Last year the snow just piled up here. Figures I move here in the same year it doesnt snow (much).
  20. Originally Posted By: Student of Trinity I've heard there are some fancy elevators that sometimes move sideways. Does anyone else have nightmares involving having to ascend ridiculously high buildings in ridiculously rickety or unstable elevators? I get these maybe only once every few years, but by now I've had enough of them that I recognize the genre. I remeber the elevators in the Luxor (in Las Vegas) go like that. Having a phobia of elevators beforehand didnt help. And yes, like so many other things on these forums, it gave me nightmares.
  21. Well, this thread IS on the BoA forum, so its not too unreasonable that he was excluded. Maybe you could make a BoE contest to make up for that.
  22. Originally Posted By: Ephesos I think we're all missing the fact that Dintiradan already won this thread. We know that Eph, were just in denial. I dont see Dinti posting here, do you?
  23. Isnt it technically summer there? And yes, the weather has been crazy lately. Apparently, there was a tornado in Oregon not long ago, and having lived there for 19 years, I can tell you that that is not normal. This is my guess on what is causing this. Click to reveal.. the Vahnatai Did It™
  24. Originally Posted By: Lilith look who doesn't get jokes Why should I when I could use the opportunity to increase my postcount?
  25. Im pretty sure it isnt, since I took it straight from the book "The call of Cthulhu and other dark tales", which is a collection of H.P. Lovecrafts work. Page 88, to be specific. Took me a bit to find it in my collection. I think I have enough books to keep a fire going for a year...
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