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The Almighty Doer of Stuff

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Everything posted by The Almighty Doer of Stuff

  1. If they're not on OpenBoE.com, I'll stick them there right now.
  2. You could equip them as usual, or you could press the Use button like it was a wand.
  3. Lions, tigers, and bears, oh my didn't warrant ranking? Or Little Richard?
  4. lions tigers bears oh my "The Lion Sleeps Tonight" "Eye of the Tiger" "The Bare Necessities" "Ooh! My Soul" using graphics for alchemical ingredients as feces items in BoE/A scenarios ten thousand spoons when all you need is a knife
  5. I don't know where the Like button went, but thanks. I'll think more. Wenn-duluu might be better; there's meant to be a little more emphasis on the third syllable but I didn't want a schwaed e or a like some people suggested. The double u makes it look and sound about right.
  6. The Adventures of Pete & Pete the video of a bunch of turkeys walking in a circle around a dead cat in the middle of the road AutCraft (Minecraft server for autistic people) Minecraft in general Markiplier Inspector Peanut Grant Wood Norman Rockwell Hypgnosis (art collective) Tangent: While we're talking about names with apostrophes, I have a question which I may have asked before but I forget: I have a demon character named Wendu'lu, and I've also tried Wen'dulu. I'm trying to find the best way to call her (WEN-doo-loo) but without the fecal appearance and hopefully not looking terrible, but I'm not sure how. What do you think?
  7. Thanks! Yeah, we're trying to keep BoE and its catalog of adventures alive and maintained. It's going slow but it's going.
  8. Cait Sith / Reeve Tuesti They Might Be Giants (band) Lieth (Avernum jack of all trades) Pete Townshend Eternal Sunshine on the Spotless Mind Five Nights at Freddy's franchise Lady Gaga Barenaked Ladies ducks vultures human skulls as decoration Wings (band) L. L. Bean fava beans Runtz (fruit flavored candy, the hard kind, not the chewy kind) Puggsy for Sega Genesis novelty mugs novelty teapots whatever is behind the wall behind you right now
  9. Items not appearing immediately until you step on them is not intended behavior. That'd be a question for the programmers. Sorry.
  10. It doesn't have to be limited. You could go really complex if you wanted, using the Random Number and Place Item nodes liberally. We no longer have a limit on special nodes, so it could be two thousand nodes long if you're patient.
  11. Sorry to hear you're struggling, Harehunter, but good on you for keeping up the fight! I apologize for never putting up your site on my own website like I said I would; I never figured out how to fix the hyperlinks so they would properly direct. It's good that Jeff and Mariann are offering to host it, though.
  12. Baccala salad and stuffed mushrooms! And a liquid-center hard candy, grape flavor.
  13. The first one reminds me more of a piece of driftwood with a handle than a sword. Too pale and texturey. The second one is awesome though. I've always loved the Alien Blade and I'm pleased to see a really nice rendering of it. I've never actually acquired it or seen its lore in the main games, but it's available in BoE and I liked it. In the original BladBase.exs it didn't have the poison dripping ability accidentally, but I still liked it.
  14. If you download the development version of OBoE, labeled as experimental in the forum header, all included graphics are available under GNU GPL 3.0+, You can use them in accordance with that license. If it's a user-made graphic not included with that program, it is likely not available under a free license and may even be infringing on somebody's copyrights or trademarks itself.
  15. I don't know what I'll do when I can't log into AIM and immediately receive a message that says "smirking zeeq thief" anymore. RIP AIM. :'(
  16. We are trying to make it cross-platform. My primary OS is Linux Mint and I only use Windows when I absolutely need to. So I would love to have BoE work on Linux. Mind you, I'm talking about Blades of Exile, not Exile III. They are different games. The Exile Trilogy will, hopefully, be someday possible to plug into Open Blades of Exile and play, but that's a ways off. EDIT: Wait, I think I misunderstood. I just woke up. You ARE interested in breathing new life into... something? Which is... not programming, but just running it on an old computer? I think that's what you said...
  17. Oh, right. That. That's just the Windows version of Exile III with an old version of Wineskin stuck on it, not a real Linux version, IIRC. That's what I remember hearing. (Actually I think this came up before and we determined I made that up? But maybe I'm making this up instead. We've got low barometric pressure here though, boy am I sick today...) Yeah, anyway, BoE never got the Linux treatment. We've just got a partially done BoE Linux version that isn't releasable.
  18. I don't know any of the details of the programming, although the Linux version is based on Celtic Minstrel's work, not the other way around. The goal is to make the whole thing cross platform, I think, and the Linux branch of it is fairly recent. For more details, ask CM. He'll probably see this soon enough, or you can pop into the IRC chat room ( http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=%23openboe ), which he checks more often. He's not there now but I suspect he will soon enough. The chat is a convenient place to coordinate development things, I think.
  19. Sorta kinda. It runs. I think it still doesn't have menus and is unplayable. The Windows version doesn't run especially well with Wine either. We're working on it though. I think. Hey, since you're a coder, Cromagnon or otherwise, I don't suppose you'd like to help out the project? We like help. Celtic Minstrel does nearly all the programming work himself which is why it's so slow-going.
  20. Spell levels and not giving, or alternately removing existing spells and items. That can be done with nodes now, right? I mean without killing the PCs and including level 1-3?
  21. Hypothetically if the system were broadened beyond the Exile paradigm as I suggested, it would be very useful to change keystrokes and stuff, but that's not something that's really being considered yet. Right now the focus is just on getting the Exile paradigm itself to work, to start with. Anything else would come later, if at all, provided we find a programmer who is interested in developing the project in that direction. I suggested to my friend, who has a two-person game studio with a business philosophy strongly influenced by Jeff's, that maybe taking on OBoE as a side project might possibly maybe be some sort of useful part of a marketing thing maybe. I don't know, but I'll be showing her BoE today and she'll decide if she wants to show her programmer. My friend is unfamiliar with Spidweb and her programmer is only familiar with Jeff, not his games, but we'll see. I vaguely recall having a pleasant BoE dream last night but I don't remember the details. It probably made no sense.
  22. That would explain why there was always a difference of about two lines of dialogue showing on one OS that would be cut off on the other, I suppose.
  23. I did some thinking about the long-term and talked to some people who know more about gaming and upgrading classic games than I do, and I was also thinking about the famous "RPG Maker". It's a similar software to this, but much more flexible, and for-profit. People still, to this day, pay good money to make cookie-cutter pixel-art-style JRPGs using, if I'm not mistaken, a full-on scripting engine, as opposed to BoE's unique, accessible node-based system. BoE is GNU GPL 3.0+ which means there's little limit to what could be done with it, and it could all be for free, instead of for pay like RPG Maker. A "Classic Exile Mode" should be included for people to play classic BoE scenarios, design and play scenarios people who like the engine make using it, and play the original Exile Trilogy once the ability to read the plugged-in data files is eventually, hypothetically added, all with no changes to the way they play short of a few bug fixes and convenience features (i.e. quickspells are fine but no junk bag). And then the whole concept could be extended modularly, using the ease-of-use, node-based paradigm or even improving on it, making both game system and editors much more powerful and flexible for those who want to play outside Classic Exile Mode. This could bring a new audience to the classic scenarios and maybe even draw new Exile-style scenario designers into the community, by giving an audience and outlet to people who want to make classic-style pixel-art western RPGs with an easy-to-use interface. It'd be a win-win. But all of that is for later. Step One is get the game to run on modern operating systems at all and show Jeff Vogel, and see what interest we have from the community. Nothing else is really even on the table at all until that happens. I'm only thinking about this stuff because I don't know how to program and I'm out of work and have literally nothing else useful to do with my time. Step Two would probably be to do simple upgrades to the interface with better readability, intuitiveness, and quickslots, as I've said. After that, maybe other programmers would be more likely to be drawn to the project and be inclined to help than they are now.
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