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Everything posted by *i

  1. Another day, another body. Ho Hum. Next up is... BLOODMOON
  2. No one, to my knowledge, has ever tried to sell scenarios. First, it is prohibited by the license. Second, even suggesting it is a slap in the face to all the good designers who have given their time and effort for free so you have these scenarios to play.
  3. Another dead person. This time it was... NIKKI
  4. A lot of items have been changing hands very rapidly. Make sure you got everything you should have. Anyway, next game I am probably going to make it so you may only offer one item per day or complete one trade (which may involve multiple items changing hands). I resisted this for simplicity reasons, but it is getting too difficult for me to manage as you guys become better at playing.
  5. A body is burning! While it is difficult to figure out, people eventually figure out it was... DUCK
  6. A paper is being distributed. It reveals the following information: 1) Bloodmoon is Oliver 2) Rowen killed PGLB 3) Wz As is the Bound Servant Note that these are Machrone's answers to questions and may or may not be accurate.
  7. Oh no! The killing has started. Who is it this time? It was... PGLB
  8. New rule regarding items and artifacts: Artifacts may only be used once per game day. This includes using artifacts like the Flaming Sword as part of attacks. Defensive use does not apply.
  9. Game begins now! Oh, a few people have not messaged me yet. Please do so ASAP or you may be replaced.
  10. Thank you everyone for agreeing to play and watch. Here are the ground rules. Only the moderator (me) and people who are playing the game and are alive may post here. Anything else will be instantly deleted. The current living players are: Ash Lael Bain-Ihrno Bloodmoon Dikiyoba Doom Warrior Duck Marlenny Nikki Nioca PGLB Rowen Sarachim Sporefrog Tarson Wz As Xelgion Some ground rules: 1) If you are playing PLEASE READ ALL THE RULES. They have been updated since the last game. 2) Private communication is allowed. 3) Submit your actions to me by way of PM in the thread I started with you. If I cannot figure out what you want to do, I'll simply ignore it, so try to be clear. 4) Actions will be processed in the order they were received when I get around to them. Read the rules for how often you can submit and any other exceptions. 5) Please posts all rules questions in your PM with me or in the rules topics. 6) If you are not playing or dead, please do not influence the game. You may look, but not touch. Otherwise, the game begins: Tuesday, April 21 at 8 PM EDT No action submissions will be accepted before that. A few people tried to submit some things, and those posts will be ignored. In other words, submit again after the game starts. I'm doing this not to be a jerk, but to make sure everyone gets a fair chance at getting their post in. I'm sorry if you are busy at the start time, but it is impossible choose a start time that works for everyone. Also, if you have not done so already, reply to my PM topic with you as soon as you can. If you do not within 24 hours of me sending it to you, you may be replaced. Just a reminder, no actions that kill anyone will be processed until: Wednesday, April 22 at 8 PM EDT Also, the game will end at the latest on: Tuesday, April 27 at 8 PM EDT
  11. Vahkos will be difficult to play. Note that I give him the option of specifying a physical or magic attack now, so he has more flexibility. For defensive stuff, I will by default use the last attack done unless the person says otherwise. Granted, he still cannot simply point and shoot, time is not on his side in this respect. He must scheme and have other people kill and maximize killing. Another part of the strategy is to convince people to attack him and end up killing themselves. The Mad Monk is interesting. I think I will have to do something with regards to the fiesty slap of pain. I like the Guard Captain, but he may need some refinement. I had similar ideas for a role like this before this game was developed, but I dropped it prior to the first draft of roles. I may look into reintroducing said character.
  12. Yes, the box of traps provides something else altogether. I did not list it as a status because it is so different than everything else. Granted, when I do accounting, I track it as such.
  13. Yeah, try to keep thread titles concise, descriptive, and easy to read (no ALL CAPS). The reason is aesthetics; our members like our boards easy to read. — Stareye, who would never steal one of Alorael's gimmicks.
  14. All right, for new roles, items, and rules, please direct them to the new ideas thread I made. I cleaned up the rules thread since a lot of the discussion there was stale and not applicable to the current set of rules. For Round 5, I am not going to add any new roles or much else just yet because I want to test our existing set. The reason is I want to keep changes incremental from game to game so I can more easily evaluate what works and what does not. Changing too much all at once introduces too many variables and it becomes hard to identify what worked and what did not. As for the pacifist, I am not opposed so long as the role always, from a rules point of view, offers the player a chance to win. This will be an absolute requirement to any role I add.
  15. This will be the official place for people to put ideas about the game. The rules and roles threads will be for comments and questions on the existing rules and roles. Ideas for new things should be posted here.
  16. Northern Isles Game Rules Basics At the start of the game, everyone is assigned a secret role. Except for a few rare exceptions, no one knows the roles of the other players at the start. Everyone has an individual victory condition. Some facilitate collaboration with certain other players, whereas some are in direct conflict. The game lasts for at most five days. To win, you must be alive and have your victory condition satisfied at the time the game ends. Role Assignment Roles change from round to round. Please read the relevant role list for the current round. There are 16 roles. The first 10 are always in the game. The next 6 are chosen randomly under some specification. The details are: Roles 1-10: Anama Priest, Bound Servant, Darkside Blademaster, Darkside Mage, Dionicio, Domont, Gladwell, Machrone, Micklebur, Shanker. Role 11: Adventurer or Empire Spy (50% each) Role 12: Alchemist (25%), Craftmaster Strine (25%), or Oliver (50%) Roles 13-16: Randomly chosen to be any role not currently used. Note that slots 13-16 may include possible roles from slots 11 and 12 that were not selected. For example, it is possible for both the Adventurer and Empire Spy to be in the same game. Game Flow I will send all players a PM revealing their role, victory condition, abilities and any other pertinent information. At any time, a player may submit by PM to the moderator if they want to use their ability or do an action. You may only submit one action at a time. I place these requests in a queue and process them when I can. They are processed in the order they were received, however, if your last action validated less than 24 hours ago, your action is skipped until sufficient time passes. Also, any actions that kill anyone are not validated for the first 24 hours. Note that conditional submission of actions is only allowed for specific cases. These are actions that await the reception of an item or a player joining a faction where doing that action would be impossible otherwise prior to that event occurring. An example of a conditional action NOT allowed would be one where the action depends on whether the target is alive or not. Some important terminology: Submitted: The time stamp you give me your action. Do NOT edit your action to change it, but instead cross out the old action (strikethrough tag) and make a new post for the new action. Validated: The time when your action becomes valid for processing, which is generally 24 hours after your last action was valid. Processed: The time when I execute your action. After this, there is no rescinding actions. Combat In place of using your ability, you may instead decide to attack a character. When your action gets processed, the attempt will be made. When attacking, if the person is an enemy, you will get the first strike absent any other qualifiers. Otherwise, the person you attack will strike first. A role is an enemy if: 1) That person is a target in your victory condition or if you are a target in theirs. 2) The target specifically requires an artifact in their victory condition that is specifically part of yours. 3) The target is in the same faction as another enemy or you are in a faction and another faction member has that enemy. In other words, all faction members share the same enemies. Note that enemy lists can only expand. If you join a faction, everyone in that faction gains enemies that may be unique to you. If you die, those enemies remain. The reason this rule is here is to help prevent random slaughter. There are two primary considerations in deciding if a strike kills someone: skill level, and attack type versus immunities. If the first strike fails due to skills or immunities, the other person will get a counter strike. In the rare case where both happen to be immune to each others attacks, neither one will be able to kill the other, the encounter will end, and the person being attacked will know who attacked them. Every role has either a physical, magical, or poison attack type. A few roles are immune to either physical, magical, or poison attacks. If the attack type matches the immunity, that person may not be harmed by the other. In the absence of immunities, there is the consideration of the skill level of the attackers. There are three skill levels: standard, stealth, and power. They have the following abilities: Standard -- Can kill other standard or stealth roles, but not power. You can be killed by any other skill level. The target's death is immediately reported in the game thread. Stealth -- Can kill any standard, stealth, or power roles. You can be killed by any other skill level. The target's death for an offensive kill is reported in the game thread only after 24 hours from the time of death has elapsed (or the end of the game). Defensive kills are reported immediately as normal. Power -- Can kill any standard, stealth, or power roles. You are immune to being killed by standard skilled roles. The target's death is immediately reported in the game thread. When a person is killed, the victor receives any items or artifacts. Roles, however, are not revealed upon death unless otherwise stated. Artifacts, Items, and Coins There are five artifacts and many items. Artifacts can be used indefinitely whereas items have one use. A few roles are trying to acquire the artifacts as part of their victory conditions. A full list of artifacts is given in a separate post. All items and artifacts have a value in coins that are detailed there. Coins are treated separately than items. Every person has an inventory that holds artifacts and items. Alongside the inventory is a number of coins. When someone is killed, the person that did the kill receives any items, but not coins. Any kills done by traps count toward the person who laid the traps. If a person kills someone, they get any artifacts or items that person had. Twice per day, you may trade items with other players or the moderator shop (see the relevant section) by PM to the moderator. These require both people submit the details of the trade to the moderator within 24 hours of each other. If they do not match, the trade is not done. Coins may be given away in exchange for nothing and the recipient does not need to accept. You may only participate in two trades per day with the exception of merchants trading items or artifacts to/from their shop. This merchant trade only occurs if at least one item enters or leaves the merchant's shop. The merchants are Alchemist, Craftmaster Strine, and Oliver. Giving away items or coins counts as a trade. Receiving only coins in exchange for nothing does not count as a trade. Giving away the coins, however, does. To trade type: Player A: TRADE {ITEMS 1} WITH {PLAYER B} FOR {ITEMS 2} Player B: TRADE {ITEMS 2} WITH {PLAYER A} FOR {ITEMS 1} or Player A: OFFER {ITEMS} TO {PLAYER B} Player B: ACCEPT {ITEMS} FROM {PLAYER A} Note that you may trade any number of items for any other number of items. Read the section on merchants for more information. Recruitment and Joining There are two characters who can recruit others: the Anama Priest and Gladwell. Recruitment can only be done by mutual agreement (both must PM me within 24 hours of each other). Joining or recruiting does not count as an ability use and offers some advantages. Note that Darkside Loyalists may not join any other faction. Only one person may join each faction per day except on day 5 where any number may join. To join someone, you must type: JOIN {NAME OF PERSON} as {ROLE} This is the name (e.g. Stareye) and the role of the person you want to join (e.g. Anama Priest). The following conditions apply: Anama -- You can only join if you are a non-magic user, not a Darkside Loyalist, and are not or under a geas (i.e. from Gladwell). If you join, the following happens: * You know who all other Anama members are. * Your immunity becomes magic. * You gain the ability to solicit a donation of a random amount of coins: 5-20. * You gain access to the special Anama shop. * You receive an extra victory condition: Anama Priest wins OR kill a mage or the Anama Hunter OR all mages dead. * You become enemies with any magic users or servants of Gladwell. Note: Your Anama membership continues even if the Anama Priest dies. If you are in the Anama and attack another Anama member, any benefits you gained will instantly be removed and everyone in your faction will be made aware of what you did. You are not able to actually leave the Anama, however. Gladwell -- You can only join if you are not in the Anama or are not a Darkside Loyalist. You are under a geas with Gladwell. The following occurs: * Gladwell learns your role. * Your skill is power so long as Gladwell is alive. * You will gain the victory condition: Directly satisfy at least one of Gladwell's victory conditions (kill a target or give him a required artifact) or break Gladwell's geas. If you were one of Gladwell's targets and join, you must satisfy another victory condition. * If you have a victory condition that conflicts with one of Gladwell's, his supersedes yours. * Gladwell can compel you to do any action in place of something else you would like to do. In an attack, you normally get the first strike. * You become enemies with anyone who is enemies of Gladwell. Notes: To break the geas, you must acquire and use the Holy Symbol after Gladwell is dead. Moderator Shop The moderator runs a shop open to all players. Any player may trade with the moderator for items in the shop. The cost of the items is marked up 50% from the base value. Items may be sold to the moderator shop for coins at 50% their base value. The moderator shop only accepts a trade of coins for items, or items for coins, and not items for items or a combination thereof. Trading with the moderator counts as one of the daily trades. Trades are done on a first come, first serve basis. There are five slots for items that are refilled as items are purchased. Artifacts cannot be sold to the moderator shop. Anama Shop Any Anama members have access to a shop that is run by the moderator. It has a different set of items but otherwise functions much the same. The price of any item is the base value +5 coins. Items or artifacts cannot, however, be sold to the Anama shop. Normally, only Anama members will know the current contents of the Anama shop. Merchants Merchants may participate in an unlimited number of trades so long as an item enters or leaves the merchant's shop. Otherwise, this counts as a normal trade. The merchants are Alchemist, Craftmaster Strine, and Oliver. Any items or artifacts you trade with a merchant will end up in his or her shop. A merchant can only trade an artifact or item if he or she receives at least 50% in value of the items in return. When a merchant is killed, all items disappear and any artifacts will end up in the moderator shop. Merchants may move any items in their inventory into their shop, but not vice versa. Items in the shop may not be used except when attacked or required for survival (e.g. use Antidote if poisoned). Any potions the Alchemist makes will end up in her shop. Any items Craftmaster Strine makes will end up in his shop. Either one may trade with a promise to make an item (50% value rule applies). This allows for a person giving coins, items, or artifacts in exchange for the service. This is done by specifying (in the PM to the moderator) that the merchant wishes to use his or her action to produce the item to be traded. Oliver begins with a shop that contains four random items and an artifact. Private Communication Private communication is an important and vital part of the game. People are encouraged to make use of the public thread as well as private communications. You may use any means at your disposal. Dead players may not communicate with anyone else about the game. If discovered by the game administrator, that player may be permanently banned from all future play. I do ask that you be able to give me an honest summary if I ask for it. This helps me understand the game flow better and helps address weaknesses in the game. Statuses The following statuses are acquired by way of abilities and items: Antimagic: Any magic attack, anything that inflicts any status effect except poison, or ability use by a magic user will fail. This applies for both the person with the status and anyone that person targets. Berserk: Gained from skribbane use. You have a skill of power and get the first strike. Blessed: You effectively have power skill. Confused: Any action you do will fail. Cursed: If you attack someone, your attacks will be unable to harm your opponent. Poisoned: You will die in 24 hours unless this effect is cured by either using an Antidote or the Anama Priest. Protected: If you are attacked, the attack will fail. Note you are not protected from item or ability use. Resistant: Your immunity is magic. Shielded: Your immunity is physical. Vulnerable: You will have an immunity of none. Note that shielded and resistant override this status. Withdrawal: After Skribbane use wares off, you gain this status permanently (except Skribbane Addict). Any action has a 50% failure rate. All statuses (except Withdrawal) last 24 hours from when the action is processed. The statuses Berserk, Blessed, Resistant, and Shielded only apply for one offensive attack. This allows only one offensive action with any of these statuses. Without this rule, it is theoretically possible to get more than one. Miscellaneous For clarity, character or player describes the name of the person playing whereas a role is what personna they are playing. For instance suppose I (Stareye) am playing the Cranky Moderator and you wanted to target me. If the action is for a character type: TARGET STAREYE. If instead it is for my role, type: TARGET CRANKY MODERATOR. Targeting a dead person for actions that require someone to be alive are simply removed from the queue. Such actions are not processed and a new action must be submitted. In the case of roles that need to kill specific targets, killing a target only counts once. If you kill your target and he or she is resurrected, killing him or her again does not count towards your victory condition. Note that victory conditions that say a role must be dead, must die again if resurrected. If a player is killed in a stealth attack, the player will be informed that it was stealth and asked to try and not make their death obvious while still not influencing the game. The latter takes precedence. When in doubt, just say absolutely nothing about the game after you are dead. In the case when a role that needs a particular artifact joins Gladwell, it is acceptable for Gladwell rather than the role to hold the artifact at the end of the game. Certain abilities give a guaranteed first strike. The order of precedence are: always, normally, unspecified, and never. When both people have a first strike condition that matches, normal battle order applies (consult the section on enemies). Please post any questions about the rules below.
  17. I did that to balance the Anama and Gladwell so they got (statistically speaking) the same number of people who can join.
  18. Also, I may give out three new questions per day to reflect the days event. Examples of questions: Who is the Anama Priest? Who initially had the Fury Crossbow? What is the role of the first person killed? Who killed the Stareye? What is one of the artifacts Gladwell needs to collect?
  19. When rules get a little more settled, I was going to make a histogram of how well roles performed. The one that stands out is the Empire Spy. It is a tough one to play, but I would like to collect more data before modifying it too much.
  20. Honestly, I do not think the pacifist would be all that fun to play. The problem I have is what happens if too many people die right away? Then the person may as well leave. I am willing to consider it, but I would like to see a more robust development of this character. As I said, I think keeping Machrone in the set of roles (if not being optional) is a good thing for the time being.
  21. Gladwell is not the go out and kill type. He cannot attack anyone directly, including Aimee. Vahkos was only ever immune to poison. His strength was the first strike, which makes him effectively immune to a lot. Machrone. Taking him out was my first instinct. However, I would like to test him in the next round and see how it works out. If it is clear that it does not, I think we should either take him out or make him optional. Which brings up the point: who to replace him with? I contend a randomly selected role.
  22. Gah, should say "Somebody" meaning anyone. Good catch. Should be fixed now.
  23. All right, I misunderstood. The way I have it now, it would be the one on the second day. To rephrase: Every day, the moderator reveals an additional victory condition. If he gets either one (or both) of his submissions wrong that day, he will need to satisfy the victory condition revealed on that day. If Machrone gets both right, the victory condition of the day is not required.
  24. He submits two per day. If on the first day, he gets only one of them right, he must do the condition for day one. If he gets both wrong, he must do the condition for day one as well -- no extra penalty for getting both wrong. I would prefer to reveal the victory conditions after the day, but there is an inherent problem on the last day of the game where the victory condition is essentially blind.
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