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Everything posted by *i

  1. I think I'm all caught up with actions. Still a few more trades that I'll wait until morning to process. Sorry, been a long day.
  2. And the blood continues to flow... ASH LAEL
  3. The bloodbath proceeds. RCCCL
  4. The killing continues! WZ AS
  5. Oh no! Another corpse uncovered. XELGION
  6. Machrone publishes: Q) What is the role of one of the Darkside Loyalist targets? A) Machrone Q) Who started with the Fury Crossbow? A) Bloodmoon Q) What are the names of two Anama members (living or dead)? A) Marlenny and Alorael
  7. Another one bites the dust. SLEEPING DRAGON
  8. The killing begins! The first victim is... SARACHIM
  9. Just to clarify the rules. Machrone receives 5 coins once per day from answering a question on the day it is given. This is given whether it is right or wrong.
  10. Machrone publishes: Q) What are two of the random roles (slots 13-16)? A) Anama Hunter and Vahkos.
  11. The moderator shop is now open for business.
  12. Thank you everyone for agreeing to play. Here are the ground rules. Only the moderator (me) and people who are playing the game and are alive may post here. Anything else will be instantly deleted. The current living players are: Alorael Andraste Ash Lael Bloodmoon Doom Warrior Excalibur Marlenny Omlette RCCCL Sarachim Sleeping Dragon Sporefrog Tarson Thuryl Xelgion Wz As Some ground rules: 1) If you are playing PLEASE READ ALL THE RULES. They have been updated since the last game. 2) Private communication is allowed. 3) Submit your actions to me by way of PM in the thread I started with you. If I cannot figure out what you want to do, I'll simply ignore it, so try to be clear. 4) Actions will be processed in the order they were received when I get around to them. Read the rules for how often you can submit and any other exceptions. 5) Please posts all rules questions in your PM with me or in the rules topics. 6) If you are not playing or dead, please do not influence the game. You may look, but not touch. Otherwise, the game begins: Friday, July 10 at 1:00 AM EDT If you do not communicate with me within 24 hours of me sending it to you, you may be replaced. Just a reminder, no actions that kill anyone will be processed until after a day has passed. Also, the game will end at the latest on: Wednesday, July 15 at 1:00 AM EDT *** Moderator Shop Antidote (15) Resistance Elixir (30) Wand of Death (60) Assassin Leather (60) Crystal Spire (60) Flaming Sword (60) Fury Crossbow (60)
  13. I'm going to say the person joining must satisfy another. There must be a disadvantage for joining Gladwell.
  14. I'm debating whether to change this or not. I sort of like having the Bound Servant be weak for balance sake. Thoughts?
  15. My goal with Gladwell was to make him attractive for the weak who need to be strong, hence the power skill. Realistically, someone already strong has little use of his "gift". Of course, if people think that it would be unbalancing, I'm open to suggestions.
  16. I like the idea of balancing dual wield, however, I am concerned about breaking balance. I would generally advise against it for this reason.
  17. This is the list of possible roles for Game 7. Only 16 of these will be used. The roles will be chosen as follows: Roles 1-10: Anama Priest, Bound Servant, Darkside Blademaster, Darkside Mage, Dionicio, Domont, Gladwell, Machrone, Micklebur, Shanker. Role 11: Adventurer or Empire Spy (50% each) Role 12: Alchemist (25%), Craftmaster Strine (25%), or Oliver (50%) Roles 13-16: Randomly chosen to be any role not currently used. The magic users are: Aimee, Darkside Mage, Gladwell, Necromancer, Sacred Item Cultist, Shanker, Vahkos. People who may join the Anama are: Adventurer, Alchemist, Anama Hunter, Dionicio, Fae, Infiltrator, Oliver, Pure Spirit, Ronaldo, Skribbane Addict. People who may join Gladwell are: Adventurer, Anama Hunter, Craftmaster Strine, Dionicio, Fae, Infiltrator, Necromancer, Ronaldo, Sacred Item Cultist, Skribbane Addict. The roles, in alphabetical order, are: Adventurer Nationality: Avernum Skill: Stealth Attack: Physical Immune: None Ability: May target one person per day. If that person has any items, you steal one of them (chosen at random). If you kill one of your targets, you receive a reward of 40 coins. Victory Condition: You must do two of these: Have the Assassin Leather at the end of the game, kill Dionicio, kill Gladwell, kill Darkside Blademaster, kill Machrone, kill Oliver, kill Craftmaster Strine, kill Skribbane Addict. Aimee Nationality: Avernum Skill: Standard Attack: None Immune: Most Attacks Abilities: Your target may not perform any actions for 24 hours. You may not directly attack anyone or hold and use items. You can only be killed by the Wand of Death. Anyone else who attacks you will learn your role. Victory: Number of Avernites (including Aimee) that win is at least twice the number of Imperials that win. Alchemist Nationality: Empire Skill: Standard Attack: Physical Immune: None Abilities: If you attack, your opponent will always receive the first strike. You know the identify of Shanker at the beginning of the game. You have an inventory of alchemicals. Once per day, you may specify a list of potions to make given that you have the alchemicals to do it. As part of this order, you may convert coins or items into alchemicals (20 coins or item value equivalent = 1 alchemical). Victory: Shanker wins. If she is dead, have 80 coins at the end of the game so you can return to the surface. Anama Hunter Nationality: Avernum Skill: Standard Attack: Physical Immune: None Ability: May target one person per day. Reveals if that person is in the Anama. While attacking someone in the Anama, your skill level is treated as Power. If you kill an Anama member, you will receive a bonus of 20 coins. Victory Condition: Total elimination of the Anama sect. The Anama Priest and all followers must be dead by any means necessary. You may join the Anama to go undercover. You will gain the magic immunity, but your victory condition will be unmodified. Also, you do not count as an Anama member when evaluating anyone's victory conditions. Anama Priest Nationality: Avernum Skill: Standard Attack: Physical Immune: Magic Ability: If you are attacked, your skill is power for the duration of the battle. May use one of two abilities: (1) Once per game, may resurrect one person, or (2) remove all status effects from a target. Victory Condition: Gladwell dead AND recruit at least one Anama member by the end of day 2, two by the end of day 4, and three by the end of day 5. Failure to meet a recruiting requirement will cause a random non-Anama member to learn the identity of the Anama Priest. Anama Priest can recruit Anama members who are not mages, servants of Gladwell, or Darkside Loyalists. Anyone who joins the Anama gains immunity to magic. See the rules for specifics. An exact list of roles that can join is given at the top of this thread. Bound Servant Nationality: Avernum Skill: Standard Attack: Physical Immune: Physical Ability: If you attack someone while not under Gladwell's influence, your opponent will always receive the first strike. (1) Investigate a role. You will learn the last action that role did. (2) You may do odd jobs and earn coins: 10 the first time, 15 the second, and 20 every time thereafter. Victory Condition: Gladwell wins or his geas is broken. You are a servant of Gladwell. Craftmaster Strine Nationality: Avernum Skill: Standard Attack: Magic Immune: None Abilities: If you attack, your opponent will always receive the first strike. You may submit a list of items to craft once per day. A list of four items and one artifact will be generated randomly and will require other random items (of lesser value) as "ingredients". The artifact can only be made once. If it is not made and you die, it appears in the moderator shop the next day. Victory: Craft at least one item per day. Failure to craft an item on a given day, will raise the total required at the end of the game by one. The artifact on your list counts for the current and the next day. Darkside Blademaster Nationality: Empire Skill: Power Attack: Physical Immune: Physical Ability: None. Victory Condition: All five of the following must be dead, by any means necessary: Anama Priest, Dionicio, and three other random targets. Darkside Mage Nationality: Empire Skill: Stealth Attack: Magic Immune: None Ability: May target one person per day. The target is cursed for the next 24 hours. If the target decides to attack anyone, his or her attacks will be unable to harm the opponent. Note the curse only affects when the target attacks, not when the target is being attacked. Victory Condition: All five of the following must be dead, by any means necessary: Anama Priest, Dionicio, and three other random targets. Dionicio Nationality: Avernum Skill: Power Attack: Physical Immune: None Ability: May target one person, living or dead, per day. Reveals that person's nationality. If you kill a Darkside Loyalist by your own hand, you receive a reward of 40 coins. Victory Condition: All Darkside Loyalists (Blademaster, Mage, Domont) dead by any means. Domont Nationality: Empire Skill: Standard Attack: Physical Immune: None Ability: May use one of these per day. (1) Target a role (e.g. Domont) and give a keyword (must be a word in the English language, not be a name, or other personally identifying information), the person in that role is given a keyword. (2) Sell one of your items to the moderator shop at face value. Victory Condition: All five of the following must be dead, by any means necessary: Anama Priest, Dionicio, and three other random targets. Empire Spy Nationality: Empire Skill: Stealth Attack: Physical Immune: None Ability: May target one living or dead, per day. Reveals that person's skill level. When you kill someone, you will learn their role. If you kill one of your targets, you will receive a reward of 40 coins. Victory Condition: You must do two of these: Have the Flaming Sword at the end of the game, kill Machrone, kill Darkside Blademaster, kill Gladwell, kill Oliver, kill Alchemist, kill Skribbane Addict. Fae Nationality: Avernum Skill: Standard Attack: Physical Immune: None Ability: You will never receive the first strike and you may not use any items or artifacts offensively. May assume the identity of any other role (e.g. Fae). You will appear as this role to all information gatherers. Your identity is retained even after death. Victory Condition: Your goal is to trick people into "joining" or trading with you. Anyone who "joins" you, trades with you, or gives you an item ends up dead regardless of skill, immunities, or other effects. Trick at least three people this way. Gladwell Nationality: Avernum Skill: Power Attack: Magic Immune: Magic Ability: You may not attack anyone directly. You may not give away or trade any artifacts that are in your victory condition and these may not be stolen by anyone else. If any of your servants attack you, you will always get the first strike. You may do one of the following once per day: (1) Compel one of your servants to do any action they could do, or (2) Switch your immunity form magic to physical, or vice versa. Victory Condition: Five randomly generated victory conditions that contain holding two artifacts at the end of the game and three people dead by any means or under your geas. Gladwell can bind other players who are not Anama members or Darkside Loyalists. An exact list of roles that can join is given at the top of this thread. People who join have power skill if Gladwell is alive. However, they have the following penalties: (1) Gladwell can override any ability request with his ability and (2) person gains the victory condition that Gladwell must win or the geas be broken. Note that if Gladwell compels someone to attack, they will normally get the first strike. Infiltrator Nationality: Empire Skill: Stealth Attack: Physical Immune: None Ability: Once per game, may get a free action that does not count towards the 24 hour period. You must specify this in a PM with your action. Victory: Kill three Avernites by your own hand. Dionicio counts as two. Machrone Nationality: Empire Skill: Standard Attack: Physical Immune: None. Ability: You never get the first strike; however, if you are attacked by a non-enemy, you have a 50% chance of escaping. Every day, may ask one yes or no question to the moderator. Once per day, if you answer a question (see victory condition) on the day it is given, you get a 5 coin bonus. Victory Condition: Every day, two questions about the game are given to you. You must answer, by PM to the moderator, at least one question every day. Your response is posted publicly by the moderator. You must answer five questions correctly to win. Each incorrect response or failure to submit a question during a day will raise the number of questions you need to answer correctly by one each time never to exceed the total number of questions available. You may answer a question as many times as you like, but only your last answer will count toward your victory. Micklebur Nationality: Empire Skill: Power Attack: Physical Immune: Magic Ability: (1) Can detect if a target is a magic user or is a servant of Gladwell. (2) Can solicit a donation of 10-30 (random amount) coins. Victory Condition: Anama Priest wins OR Gladwell and all his servants dead. You are an Anama Member. Necromancer Nationality: Avernum Skill: Standard Attack: Magic Immune: None Ability: Target a dead person, you will learn their role and gain their ability as a possible action. Victory Condition: Use your ability on two randomly selected roles. Nephil Activist Nationality: Avernum Skill: Standard Attack: Physical Immune: None Ability: If you attack, your opponent will always receive the first strike. Visit the Fang Clan once per 24 hours with a list of actions. While there, you can do any of the following: * Trade with a Fang Clan trader. He has a randomly generated inventory of three items every day that only you see. The cost is the value of the base value of the item +5 coins. * Hire the Nephil pathfinder for 40 coins to learn the role of a target. * Hire the Nephil shaman for 25 coins to offer a blessing towards any player. The blessing gives skill of power for 24 hours. * Hire the Nephil thief for 25 coins. He steals a random item from a target's inventory (if any) and gives it to you. * Hire a Nephil assassin for 60 coins. He attacks a target of your choice. Has skill of stealth, physical attack, no immunity, and gets the first strike. The pathfinder, shaman, thief, and assassin can only be hired once per game. Victory: The Darkside Loyalists do not win AND spend at least 100 coins on the Fang Clan. Oliver Nationality: Avernum Skill: Standard Attack: Physical Immune: None. Ability: You never get the first strike; however, if you are attacked by a non-enemy, you have a 50% chance of escaping. You may do an unlimited number of trades (involving items from your shop) per day. Each day, you may submit a list of up to three targets. You will see their inventories. Victory Condition: Each day, you must grow your total wealth by 10% (rounded up) of the starting value of your shop. Failure to achieve the goal on a given day will cause the following days to require an additional 10%. You also get a 5 coin bonus for each unique person you have traded with and received and item (coins do not count). Oliver will have a shop that will be discussed in the rules. The shop begins with five items. Items in your shop may not be used by you except when defending from attacks. You may move items from your inventory to your shop, but not vice versa. Pure Spirit Nationality: Avernum Skill: Standard Attack: Physical Immune: Magic Ability: If you attack, your opponent will always receive the first strike. At the beginning of the game, you know the identity of Dionicio. If someone targets you with the Wand of Death, the person who used it will die instead. Can target one person per day. You will learn that person's faction, if any. Victory: The Darkside Loyalists do not win. Ronaldo Nationality: Avernum Skill: Stealth Attack: Physical Immune: None Ability: Can target one person. This target is poisoned and will die within 24 hours if they do not use an antidote. Victory: Kill three Empire citizens by your own hand. The Darkside Blademaster counts as two. Sacred Item Cultist Nationality: Avernum Skill: Stealth Attack: Magic Immune: Poison Ability: If someone targets you with the Wand of Death, the person who used it will die instead. May target an item or artifact. It reveals which role (e.g. Sacred Item Cultist) has the item or artifact. If multiple people have items, will reveal all of them. Victory Condition: At the end of the game, have three randomly chosen artifacts in your possession. Shanker Nationality: Empire Skill: Standard Attack: Magic Immune: Physical Ability: If you are attacked, your skill will be power for the duration of the battle. (1) May target you or another person with one of the following statuses: Blessed, Protected, or Resistant, or Shielded. (2) Once per game may permanently change a target's default immunity from none to either Magical or Physical. Note: Can only be used on someone whose default immunity is none. Victory Condition: You will receive a list of five randomly generated characters. All of them must be alive at the end of the game. For each one that is dead, you must hold an artifact at the end of the game. Skribbane Addict Nationality: Empire Skill: Standard Attack: Physical Immune: None Ability: Can detect if a target has skribbane. If you attack someone with skribbane, your skill level is power for the battle duration and you normally get the first strike. You are immune to Skribbane Withdrawal. Victory: Successfully kill someone while using Skribbane twice. Vahkos Nationality: Empire Skill: Power Attack: Magic Immune: Poison Ability: You always get the first strike and may attack up to two people per day. You may switch your attack from Magic to Physical or vice versa once per day. You may not use or equip items or artifacts, nor may derive any benefits from having them in your inventory. You magic attack will kill Aimee. Victory: You are the only survivor at the end of the game.
  18. Quote: "Will you answer no to this question or give me a list of every player and their role?" TM is correct. Clearly abusive or irrelevant questions will be ignored.
  19. The Pure Spirit is weak, but I am unconvinced that he is not powerful enough. In this game, he admittedly got messed up because he randomly ended up Gladwell's enemy. That aside, he starts out with a guaranteed power role ally. With this alliance, there are definite strategies this pair can use to achieve victory.
  20. Quote: Perhaps the Shanker should need to have done some task for each Player dead at the end of the game. This is a good idea. I will think about it. What I'm thinking is to give Shanker five random roles (perhaps not entirely to make it interesting) to keep alive. For each that is dead, she needs an artifact at the end of the game.
  21. Q1) Who purchased the first item from the Moderator shop? A1) Terrors Martyr Q2) What is the identity (name and role) of a merchant? A2) Wz As as Craftmaster Strine Q3) What is one of the artifacts Gladwell seeks? A3) Holy Symbol Q4) What is the name and role of the person who killed the first person? A4) Sarachim the Bound Servant Q5) Who started with the Assassin Leather? A5) Ash Lael Q6) Who are all the servants of Gladwell (names only)? A6) Sarachim, Nioca, and Wz As Q7) What is the name and role of one of the Darkside Loyalist random targets? (Not Empire Spy or Adventurer) A7) Xelgion as Rolando Q8) What items and artifacts did Oliver start with in his shop? A8) Flaming Sword, Antidote, Ironskin Balm, Poison Potion, Warding Crystal Q9) What is the name and role of the first person Ronaldo targeted with his ability? A9) Creator as Shanker Q10) What is the name and role of the person who purchased the first item from the Moderator Shop and what was that item? A10) Terrors Martyr as Gladwell purchased Holy Symbol Q11) What is the current immunity of Gladwell? A11) Physical Yeah, I know, Q1 and Q10 are very similar. This was a mistake on my part.
  22. I hate being a jerk about the rules like that, but they are clear. The requirement to ID someone was placed in because there was an issue about joining factions and being tricked into it (Fae aside). This prevents this sort of abuse. Otherwise, this was a pretty slow game. I would like your guys thoughts on it. I have several ideas for the merchant roles so the game does not turn into a mad dash of trades at the end.
  23. Just a note to avoid criticism: The Anama Priest would have won had Oliver not misidentified her. He tried to join Micklebur, which is invalid and therefore he did not join in time. The Skribbane Addict for some reason only used Skribbane once, despite having a second copy.
  24. Let's congratulate our winners: Creator Dikiyoba Nioca Sarachim Terrors Martyr Wz As The roles were: Ackrovan as Domont Andraste as Anama Priest Ash Lael as Micklebur Creator as Shanker Dikiyoba as Oliver Doom Warrior as Darkside Blademaster Marlenny as Darkside Mage Nalyd as Empire Spy Nioca as Machrone Sarachim as Bound Servant Sporefrog as Dionicio Tarson as Pure Spirit Terrors Martyr as Gladwell W-Dueck as Skribbane Addict Wz As as Craftmaster Strine Xelgion as Ronaldo Log: Day 1 Bound Servant does odd jobs, gets coins +10 Bound Servant gives 20 coins to Darkside Mage Micklebur solicits a donation of 10 coins Machrone joins Gladwell Machrone answers question, gets 10 coins Oliver views inventories of Anama Priest, Machrone, and Craftmaster Strine Machrone answers question, gets 10 coins Day 2 Gladwell compels Bound Servant to attack Pure Spirit Bound Servant kills Pure Spirit, gets Warding Crystal Empire Spy attacks Bound Servant Bound Servant kills Empire Spy Darkside Blademaster kills Dionicio, gets Fury Crossbow Machrone gives 40 coins to Gladwell Gladwell purchases Holy Symbol from Moderator Gladwell uses Holy Symbol Micklebur solicits a 20 coin donation Ronaldo purchases antidote from Moderator Ronaldo poisons Shanker, but Shanker is immune Craftmaster Strine joins Gladwell Day 3 Ronaldo gives Skribbane to Skribbane Addict Skribbane Addict buys Skribbane from Moderator Shop Domont attacks Micklebur Micklebur kills Domont, gets Ivory Skull Darkside Blademaster gives Fury Crossbow to Bound Servant Darkside Blademaster attacks Gladwell, Gladwell kills Darkside Blademaster Bound Servant trades with Craftmaster Strine Craftmaster Strine converts Warding Crystal to Heroic Brew Gladwell compels Bound Servant to kill Darkside Mage Bound Servant kills Darkside Mage Machrone answers question, gets 10 coins Craftmaster Strine buys Killer Poison Skribbane Addict uses Skribbane Skribbane Addict kills Ronaldo, gets Antidote Day 4 Oliver buys Ivory Skull form Moderator Oliver trades items to CM Strine CM Strine makes Crystal Spire, Heroic Brew, and Rod of Alacrity CM String gives Crystal Spire, Heroic Brew, and Rod of Alacrity to Oliver Gladwell changes immunity to physical Machrone answers question, receives 10 coins Gladwell gives Holy Symbol to CM Strine Oliver sees inventory of Machrone, Bound Servant, and Shanker Skribbane Addict learns Bound Servant does not have Skribbane Machrone gives 5 coins to Oliver Bound Servant learns last action of Empire Spy Machrone gives 15 coins to Oliver Craftmaster String gives 15 coins and Holy Symbol to Oliver Day 5 Machrone answers a question, gets 10 coins Bound Servant trades with Oliver: Heroic Brew for Holy Symbol Anama Priest resurrects Dionicio Bound Servant gives Holy Symbol to Anama Priest Anama Priest uses Holy Symbol Sporefrog joins the Anama Game Over
  25. Game is over. No further actions will be accepted.
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