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Everything posted by *i

  1. Quote: ...serious mistakes...telling Marlenny my role at the start of the game This seems to kill off a lot of players. Look at Sarachim as Vahkos in this game. I'm sorry, but there was no logical reason for Sarachim to reveal his role, period.
  2. The simple (albeit not perfect) fix to this is to not allow any conditional actions or to simply ignore things that are invalid due to faction. An example of the former is someone wanting to use poison to attack someone before they have it. The latter case happens with Gladwell compelling someone who he does not possess. It's not perfect, but it is a lot better than doing things by player.
  3. Ask and you shall receive. Alorael -- Micklebur Andraste -- Adventurer Ash Lael -- Darkside Blademaster Bloodmoon -- Ronaldo Doom Warrior -- Pure Spirit Excalibur -- Dionicio Marlenny -- Anama Priest Omlette -- Machrone RCCCL -- Domont Sarachim -- Vahkos Sleeping Dragon -- Bound Servant Sporefrog -- Alchemist Tarson -- Shanker Thuryl -- Gladwell Xelgion -- Anama Hunter Wz As -- Darkside Mage
  4. I see three ways to divide the labor. Time. Each person works a "shift". They are responsible for doing all action in that time period and no others. Players. As Alorael suggested, each moderator only handles a group of people. This is tricky because often you would need to interfere with another moderator's players. I don't think this would work well. Tasks. Each moderator handles some aspect of the game. For instance, one moderator could process all the ability/actions and another could handle all the trades, shops, and faction joining. I honestly see this as the most attractive because it allows each to function mostly separate and allow for each to have his or her own system which is key. Thoughts?
  5. I'm honestly surprised Thuryl did not end up dead a lot sooner. As Alo pointed out, there were multiple opportunities to kill him. Heck, the Wand of Death was just waiting in the moderator shop to be used. Had the team got its act together and bought it, it would have been game over sooner.
  6. Unfortunately, I believe it is possible for multiple computers (and therefore people) to be logged in to the same account simultaneously.
  7. Yes, another forum/thread would be necessary, but what happens when two moderators start doing things simultaneously? Also, this presumes that nothing gets missed or done redundantly. While this is possible, I'm seeing this as a pain in terms of people management. A possible solution would be to agree on shifts. For instance, each moderator agrees to take only a portion of the day. This would help somewhat. However, it would still be important all moderators communicate quite regularly.
  8. Excalibur: You managed to kill the Darkside Mage which helps satisfy your original victory condition and also satisfied the Anama victory condition. In retrospect, you had nothing to lose by joining the Anama. On the other hand, Sporefrog as the Alchemist would have won had he not joined the Anama. Shanker had won but none of the other conditions were met.
  9. For those who are curious. Log Day 1 Micklebur detects Gladwell is under magical influence Gladwell changes his immunity to physical Bound Servant receives 10 coins Alchemist brews Ironskin Balm Alchemist joins the Anama Machrone answers a question, receives 5 coins. Machrone asks moderator question, gets "yes" response. Shanker protects herself Shanker buys antidote from moderator for 15 coins Pure Spirit learns Vahkos is unaligned Dionicio buys Clover Boots from moderator for 15 coins Alchemist uses Crystal Spire; finds Shanker has Holy Symbol Pure Spirit buys Disruption Crystal from moderator for 30 coins Pure Spirit uses Warding Crystal on Anama Priest Darkside Mage curses Dionicio Adventurer trade Flaming Sword to Alchemist for Killer Poison Domont gives keyword "cake" to Darkside Blademaster Alchemist sells Crystal Spire to the Anama for 35 coins Alchemist buys Box of Traps from the Anama for 35 coins Ronaldo poisons Darkside Blademaster Alchemist gives Anama Priest 5 coins Day 2 Vahkos attacks Shanker, but Shanker is warded Vahkos switches attack to physical Vahkos attacks Alchemist, but is immune to physical because he used Ironskin Balm Anama Hunter attacks Anama Priest, but Anama Priest is warded Darkside Blademaster kills Vahkos Dionico attacks Domont, but is cursed Domont escapes Adventurer kills Bound Servant with Killer Poison Anama Priest trades 20 coins with Alchemist for Flaming Sword Alchemist uses Box of Traps on Anama Priest Machrone answers questions, gets 5 coins Anama Hunter joins Gladwell Dionicio joins the Anama Anama Priest sells Flaming Sword to moderator for 20 coins Micklebur kills Anama Hunter Micklebur gets Killer Poison Gladwell switches his immunity to magic Machrone asks moderator question, gets "no" response Shanker protects herself Dionicio kills Darkside Mage Dionicio receives reward of 40 coins Shanker sees Dionicio being suspicious Anama Priest kills Domont Darkside Blademaster dies from poison Day 3 Ronaldo joins Gladwell Alchemist gives Adventurer 20 coins Dionicio buys warding crystal for 25 coins from Anama Dionicio buys ivory skull for 15 coins from moderator Machrone gives 20 coins to Adventurer Gladwell compels Ronaldo to attack Micklebur Ronaldo kills Micklebur Ronaldo gets Killer Poison Pure Spirit learns Ronaldo is working for Gladwell Shanker protects herself Dionicio uses warding crystal on himself Dionicio kills Adventurer Day 4 Shanker gives Holy Symbol to Alchemist Machrone gives 5 coins and Antidote to Gladwell Dionicio gives Clover Boots to Gladwell Machrone answers questions, gets 5 coins Anama Priest resurrects Adventurer Machrone asks moderator question, receives "no" response Gladwell compels Ronaldo to attack Anama Priest Ronaldo kills Anama Priest Alchemist solicits a 10 coin donation Adventurer kills Machrone Adventurer gets 40 coins Dionicio kills Ronaldo Dionicio gets Fury Crossbow, Killer Poison Day 5 Dionicio sells Fury Crossbow, Killer Poison, Ivory Skull to Anama Shop for 55 coins Alchemist gives Holy Symbol to Pure Spirit Pure Spirit uses Holy Symbol, resurrects Anama Priest Pure Spirit give Holy Symbol to Shanker Dionicio give 55 coins to Shanker Adventurer give 15 coins to Alchemist Alchemist buys killer poison from Anama for 25 coins Adventuer joins the Anama Pure Spirit joins the Anama Anama Priest removes all status effects from Gladwell
  10. This game definitely was more constrained because of the fact the moderator (me) was ridiculously busy. Unfortunately, this is how my summer works. I get up in the morning, go to work, come home, go do some activity, return late at night, and sleep. The weekends usually involve some all day events. I'm sorry this did not work well with this game and I apologize if anyone's play was hampered. About two moderators. This is possible, but will be tricky. There needs to be a careful division of labor with meticulous record sharing. Keeping track of things is probably the most difficult part of this game and this problem becomes more difficult with multiple moderators. I personally do not see an easy way to break up the work in a way that avoids this altogether. I'm definitely open for out of the box ideas for dealing with this. Just thought I'd give you my quick two cents.
  11. All right, let's talk about this now...
  12. So here's what went wrong. There's a little rule about you get two trades per day. I admit I had not been 100% rigorous in defining a day and let a few things slide for convenience. Nonetheless, I took a pretty hard approach at the end since there was no ambiguity. Basically trades got maxed out and there was no possible path to win for the Anama faction. I know this rule is annoying, but exists because: 1) Trades were "free" before and became too difficult for me to manage. 2) Long trading chains were really abusive and I wanted to weaken alliances somewhat. 3) Reflects a bit of reality of only doing so much in a day. I also got too many conditionals. I try to work with this, and this is fine so long as only one person does this. Unfortunately, when you have multiple conditionals depending on other conditionals of other players, it becomes too difficult to resolve and I simply don't allow them. A few actions got ignored because of this. Also, please be explicit in your actions. I try to be pretty lenient, but if there is ambiguity and I don't have the patience (which I apologize for being short of the last few days) to sort out the action, it got ignored. I have more thoughts, but I want to hear what you say first. We'll talk about future moderation in the other thread. Let's keep this for game analysis.
  13. I think it is quite clear what the outcome of this game is. Let's congratulate our winners: EXCALIBUR TARSON Thanks everyone for playing. Comments to follow.
  14. Someone back from the dead. MARLENNY
  15. I'd rather not have this discussion until the game is over. I thought I said this many times now. The reason is I do not want anything to get inadvertently revealed that would affect the game. Let's wait please.
  16. When will it end? BLOODMOON
  17. I have been thinking of the application idea. It would be great if someone with more skill in those sorts of things than I would be willing to develop it. I do think it would take more than a day's work with the game's complexity, however.
  18. Let's have this discussion later, please. Oh dear! Another body discovered. MARLENNY
  19. The dead has risen. ANDRASTE is seen walking around!
  20. I'm just really busy during the summer. Normally it's not this insane. We'll talk about this once the game ends.
  21. Machrone publishes: Q) What is the name and role of the person who bought the first item from the Moderator Shop? A) Sporefrog as Alchemist Q) Who was the first person to join Gladwell? A) Xelgion
  22. And the band marches on... ANDRASTE
  23. The carnage keeps on coming. ALORAEL
  24. Machrone publishes: Q) What are two of the random roles (slots 13-16)? A) Anama Hunter and Pure Spirit.
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