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Everything posted by *i

  1. And the band plays on... DUCK
  2. Machrone publishes! Q) What is the name of one of Gladwell's servants (living or dead)? A) Excalibur Q) What is the name and role of the person who killed the first person who died? A) Nioca as Dionicio
  3. Another body found! EXCALIBUR
  4. Another one bites the dust! SLEEPING DRAGON
  5. Another day, another corpse... XELGION
  6. The bodies keep coming... ANDRASTE
  7. Omlette has been replaced by RCCCL Rowen has been replaced by Alorael Let's thank our alternates!
  8. The carnage continues... ELLE
  9. Another death... DOOM WARRIOR
  10. The killing commences... SARACHIM
  11. If you want to change your action, that is fine. Please, please, please follow this protocol: 1) Edit your old post by striking through your old action. 2) Make a new post detailing the new action. Likewise, if you cancel, do step 1 and step 2 is: 2) Create a post indicating you are rescinding your action. This helps me out a lot. It also helps you that way I do not process an action you do not want me to. If you do not follow this protocol and I mess up, it's your fault, not mine. Otherwise have fun. Game sounds fun!
  12. Machrone publishes: Q) What are four roles NOT in the current game? A) Aimee, Infiltrator, Ronaldo, Nephil Activist
  13. The following players MUST respond to me by 11 PM EDT today or risk being replaced. Omlette Rowen
  14. Rule clarification: The following items/artifacts may be used defensively: Flaming Sword, Ironskin Balm, Heroic Brew, Killer Poison, and Resistance Elixir.
  15. FYI: Actions submitted prior to the start time are ignored. Also, make sure you do something to acknowledge you are playing ASAP. You will be replaced if I do not hear something by the end of the first day.
  16. Thank you everyone for agreeing to play. Here are the ground rules. Only the moderator (me) and people who are playing the game and are alive may post here. Anything else will be instantly deleted. The current living players are: Alorael Andraste Doom Warrior Duck Elle Excalibur Marlenny Nikki Nioca RCCCL Sarachim Sleeping Dragon Sporefrog Tarson Wz As Xelgion Some ground rules: 1) If you are playing PLEASE READ ALL THE RULES. They have been updated since the last game. 2) Private communication is allowed. 3) Submit your actions to me by way of PM in the thread I started with you. If I cannot figure out what you want to do, I'll simply ignore it, so try to be clear. 4) Actions will be processed in the order they were received when I get around to them. Read the rules for how often you can submit and any other exceptions. 5) Please posts all rules questions in your PM with me or in the rules topics. 6) If you are not playing or dead, please do not influence the game. You may look, but not touch. Otherwise, the game begins: Saturday, August 1 at 11:00 PM EDT If you do not communicate with me within 24 hours of me sending it to you, you may be replaced. Just a reminder, no actions that kill anyone will be processed until after a day has passed. Also, the game will end at the latest on: Friday, August 7 at 11:00 PM EDT *** Moderator Shop Antidote (15) Killer Poison (30) Infiltrator Cloak (30) Disruption Crystal (30) Null Bug (45)
  17. Quote: I'm in favor of Stareye's proposal, but some guidelines do need to be set. Of course. The guidelines proposed are as follows: 1) The review must be at least 100 words. 2) The review must make a reasonable attempt to explain how the reviewer felt about the scenario and stick to the scenario being reviewed. In other words, be topical. 3) The review must meet be legible/understandable. No chatspeak or poor grammar. 4) The review must not attack the author (or anyone else) personally and adhere to the Code of Conduct. 5) The review must supply a score from 1-10 at the end. The moderator may deny a review only if at least one of these guidelines is met. The moderator must then inform the reviewer of his or her decision, the reasons for denial, and offer constructive suggestions for how to address the moderator's concerns.
  18. That makes it imperative that Fae does not get figured out.
  19. Anyway, what do people think about Fae's new setup?
  20. He will indeed have a list of spirits. I think conditionals for this case is okay because they are fairly easy to decipher.
  21. The privileges will be loosened if we deem it necessary. It's impossible to foresee the future, so I don't want to set standards that may have to be revised later. It's not about confidence in people, it's about structure, utility, and cleanliness. Again, a lot easier to not let a mess appear than to clean it up and have people complain. Of course, people still get to post whatever they want with respect to opinions in the relevant Blades forum (so long as it is within the CoC). If someone wants to discuss a review, have at it. If someone wants to give an opinion on a scenario, fine. The Review forum is simply meant to be a clean publication that anyone can contribute to. ADoS: We tried doing things like "creativity" and "innovation" in one of the scenario contests. Long story short, it caused more harm than it did good. Why? Because these things are very subjective to begin with. No one could agree what these things even meant and not every good scenario fit into the "box". In fact, the numbers individually were pretty worthless. That's why future contests have been about one comprehensive number. It's still subjective but rating overall rating, but it seems more people can agree on "good" and "bad" in the overall sense than when you ask them.
  22. Since the spirit you attack is random, I'm not going to give you a free swing at Vahkos. This makes his death purely on luck. I may make it so Vahkos can specify a list of living characters and the spirits to attack with otherwise it is random. Nonetheless, I do like people having to gang up on him. With Omlette's proposal (a) a lone wolf could still take him out. This is not what I want.
  23. Quote: I don't blame you. But, it hasn't been a recent problem, at least on SV. Why not start with the more open system (but not completely open) that Nioca and I are espousing, and if necessary you can restrict it from there. I know from experience that these things rarely become less restrictive. It is a lot easier to make things less restrictive than to make them more so later. Generally, people dislike it when privileges are taken away. I would say we should start more restrictive and then revisit the question later. I have no problems with authors categorizing their scenarios. The caveat is that this must be known and authors can be punished in their reviews if they misclassify something. This puts a check on this. I still contend that here is the best place. We have the most traffic and always will. Further, when people have to go offsite and register a new account to review scenarios, that's going to turn people off. Remember, we are trying to target people who are not invested. Those people are no likely to check out somewhere else. That's just the way it is. Let the Blades Forge do what it is good at: being a resource for designers. Remember, simpler is better from the point of getting players to actually write reviews. Anything that these forums could not handle is too complicated in my mind. Nothing is as simple as write a 100 word or more review and rate it from 1-10. Requiring anything else will just scare people off. People state a goal of expanding the base of players and, by consequence, the designing community. This requires a critical mass of participants and little else. Success breeds more success. Complicated systems located in a place where "uninterested" people are unlikely to go is not going to help this.
  24. I could change it so spirits are only added at the start of the day. This makes being killed far less punitive and forces people to coordinate better. When Vahkos sends a spirit out, he picks. When someone uses an action, the attacking spirit is random. Also, since the spirit is always the attacker, things like the protected will deflect the spirit and cause it to be used up. There are defensive maneuvers one can do to help deplete his supply. Shanker can protect someone who then strikes Vahkos. Gladwell can use items on Vahkos. Anama Priest can use his nullify ability. EDIT: I also made the last day of the game the day of death. Vahkos may send out an unlimited number of spirits on that final day. To clarify, anyone who acts against Vahkos on day 1, will be attacked at the end of day 1 by a spirit. All deaths resulting from that will become Vahkos' spirit army. Of course, if Domont bags a kill with his ability, that will add as well.
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