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Everything posted by *i

  1. Sorry for getting behind. Been really busy this weekend with work. I added Quarhag Pass and updated the scores. Duck: I agree with you and the idea is on my list of things to do. I just haven't gotten around to it yet.
  2. Quarhag Pass Mac/Windows Author: Smoo Difficulty: 10-18 Version: 1.0.0 [composite=eyJ0aXRsZSI6IlF1YXJoYWcgUGFzcyIsInRpZCI6IjEyMjc5IiwidGFncyI6WyJhdmVybnVtIHVuaXZlcnNlIiwibXVsdGlwbGUgZW5kaW5ncyJdLCJiZ2FzcCI6eyI1IjowLCI0IjoyLCIzIjoyLCIyIjowLCIxIjowfX0=] Composite Score: 3.5/5.0 Best: 0.00% (0/4) Good: 50.00% (2/4) Average: 50.00% (2/4) Substandard: 0.00% (0/4) Poor: 0.00% (0/4) [encouragenecro] [/composite] Keywords: Avernum Universe, Multiple Endings
  3. Added. If you can't think of keywords now that's fine. You can add them later.
  4. Rats Aplenty Mac/Windows Author: Smoo Recommended Levels: 1-5 Version: 1.0.2 [composite=eyJ0aXRsZSI6IlJhdHMgQXBsZW50eSIsInRpZCI6IjEyMjU3IiwidGFncyI6WyJhdmVybnVtIHVuaXZlcnNlIiwiYmVnaW5uZXIiLCJkaWFsb2d1ZSBoZWF2eSIsImh1bW9yIl0sImJnYXNwIjp7IjUiOjMsIjQiOjEzLCIzIjoyLCIyIjoxLCIxIjowfX0=] Composite Score: 3.9/5.0 Best: 15.79% (3/19) Good: 68.42% (13/19) Average: 10.53% (2/19) Substandard: 5.26% (1/19) Poor: 0.00% (0/19) [encouragenecro] [/composite] Keywords: Avernum Universe, Humor, Dialogue Heavy, Beginner
  5. Quote: I also was thinking that maybe we should put some popular scenarios that many would be familiar with, such as Bahssikava, Canopy, Mad Ambition, Frostbite... I agree. I've been hoping the authors will contribute them to the testing. Quote: Will the BoE version be up in time for the rating contest? That is the hope. It may be difficult from the sheer volume of BoE scenarios, however. I still need to think on how we could do this.
  6. ADoS is correct. I chose five because that is the absolute lowest I would consider a sample to be statistically significant. Even that is probably too low, but we need to start somewhere. Also, if 30% of our population thinks it is one of the best scenarios, there is a decent chance a generic player might like it too, even if the rest of the reviewers hated it. The point with this are to base recommendations upon how a significant number of people feel, not some averaging scheme. Now I agree the thresholds are arbitrary, but if you feel they should be something else, feel free to comment. We may to a Review Contest when this thing gets off experimental mode. Good idea Kel!
  7. Kill Them Dead Mac/Windows Author: Enraged Slith Difficulty: 5-10 Version: 1.0.0 [composite=eyJ0aXRsZSI6IktpbGwgVGhlbSBEZWFkIiwidGlkIjoiMTIyMzQiLCJ0YWdzIjpbImRpZmZpY3VsdCIsImh1bW9yIiwibXVsdGlwbGUgZW5kaW5ncyIsInNob3J0Il0sImJnYXNwIjp7IjUiOjAsIjQiOjQsIjMiOjcsIjIiOjEsIjEiOjB9fQ==] Composite Score: 3.3/5.0 Best: 0.00% (0/12) Good: 33.33% (4/12) Average: 58.33% (7/12) Substandard: 8.33% (1/12) Poor: 0.00% (0/12) [encouragenecro] [/composite] Keywords: Difficult, Humor, Multiple Endings, Short
  8. Good idea, Kel. Added that to the list thread. Let's get some reviews!
  9. The Eternal Mac/Windows Author: Nikki Difficulty: 10-15 Version: 1.0.0 [composite=eyJ0aXRsZSI6IlRoZSBFdGVybmFsIiwidGlkIjoiMTIyMzAiLCJ0YWdzIjpbImRhcmsiLCJsaW5lYXIiLCJteXN0ZXJ5IiwicGxvdCBoZWF2eSIsInNlcmlvdXMiLCJzaG9ydCJdLCJiZ2FzcCI6eyI1IjowLCI0Ijo3LCIzIjoyLCIyIjowLCIxIjowfX0=] Composite Score: 3.8/5.0 Best: 0.00% (0/9) Good: 77.78% (7/9) Average: 22.22% (2/9) Substandard: 0.00% (0/9) Poor: 0.00% (0/9) [encouragenecro] [/composite] Keywords: Short, Serious, Mystery, Linear, Light/No Combat, Dark, Plot Heavy
  10. More scenarios are always welcome! Just need the scenario name, recommended levels, version, and some keywords. Consult the thread in the Rankings subforum for assistance there.
  11. Nobody's Heroes Mac/Windows Author: Kelandon Difficulty: Beginner Version: 1.0.0 [composite=eyJ0aXRsZSI6Ik5vYm9keSdzIEhlcm9lcyIsInRpZCI6IjEyMjI3IiwidGFncyI6WyJiZWdpbm5lciIsImVhc3kiLCJodW1vciIsImxpbmVhciIsInBsb3QgaGVhdnkiLCJzaG9ydCJdLCJiZ2FzcCI6eyI1IjoxLCI0IjoyLCIzIjowLCIyIjowLCIxIjowfX0=] Composite Score: 4.3/5.0 Best: 33.33% (1/3) Good: 66.67% (2/3) Average: 0.00% (0/3) Substandard: 0.00% (0/3) Poor: 0.00% (0/3) [encouragenecro] [/composite] Keywords: Beginner, Easy, Humor, Linear, Plot Heavy, Short
  12. Some people find longer, in depth comments more helpful. Others don't. We're not going to find two players alike and it's impossible to please everyone. Rather, if you don't like the way a review is done, make your own. That way everybody wins. One thing I do know to be counterproductive is criticizing people who are just trying to help. Sure, offer suggestions on how things can be improved. That's fine. However, it might be best to do so privately.
  13. Echoes: Renegade Mac/Windows Author: Terror's Martyr Difficulty: levels 20-25 Version: 0.0.1 [composite=eyJ0aXRsZSI6IkVjaG9lczogUmVuZWdhZGUiLCJ0aWQiOiIxMjIyNCIsInRhZ3MiOlsiYWx0ZXJuYXRpdmUgY29tYmF0IiwiY29tYmF0IGhlYXZ5IiwiY3V0c2NlbmUgaGVhdnkiLCJkYXJrIiwiZGVzaWduZXItc3BlY2lmaWMgdW5pdmVyc2UiLCJkaWZmaWN1bHQiLCJpbm5vdmF0aXYgc2NyaXB0aW5nIiwibGluZWFyIiwic2VyaW91cyJdLCJiZ2FzcCI6eyI1IjoxMiwiNCI6MywiMyI6MiwiMiI6MSwiMSI6MH19] Composite Score: 4.4/5.0 Best: 66.67% (12/18) Good: 16.67% (3/18) Average: 11.11% (2/18) Substandard: 5.56% (1/18) Poor: 0.00% (0/18) [encouragenecro] [/composite] Keywords: Combat Heavy, Serious, Linear, Difficult, Dark, Alternative Combat, Cutscene Heavy, Designer-Specific Universe, Innovative Scripting
  14. Avatar Mac/Windows Author: Terror's Martyr Difficulty: Prefab Version: 1.0 [composite=eyJ0aXRsZSI6IkF2YXRhciIsInRpZCI6IjEyMjIzIiwidGFncyI6WyIyNC1ob3VyIiwiZGFyayIsImRlc2lnbmVyLXNwZWNpZmljIHVuaXZlcnNlIiwiZGlhbG9ndWUgaGVhdnkiLCJsaW5lYXIiLCJwbG90IGhlYXZ5IiwicHJlZmFiIHBhcnR5Iiwic2VyaW91cyIsInNob3J0Iiwic2luZ2xldG9uIl0sImJnYXNwIjp7IjUiOjAsIjQiOjQsIjMiOjUsIjIiOjEsIjEiOjB9fQ==] Composite Score: 3.3/5.0 Best: 0.00% (0/10) Good: 40.00% (4/10) Average: 50.00% (5/10) Substandard: 10.00% (1/10) Poor: 0.00% (0/10) [encouragenecro] [/composite] Keywords: 24-Hour Scenario, Dark, Designer-Specific Universe, Dialogue Heavy, Linear, Plot Heavy, Prefab Party, Serious, Short, Singleton
  15. An interesting scenario with the usual Jeff Vogel polish. The problem here is there is a little too much of the Geneforge/A Small Rebellion two sides, moral ambiguity stuff here. Don't get me wrong, that can be a good thing. Did it work well in A Small Rebellion? For the most part. Geneforge? No question. Here everything is too short and compressed for me to really develop any emotional attachment to either side. Both are evil in some way, but the other part of the equation is missing. What makes them good? There wasn't enough time to flesh that out. It just felt like I had to choose which bad guy to help. So nice try, but play A Small Rebellion instead. Rank: [rating]Substandard[/rating]
  16. Za-Khazi run is an interesting concept. It's very linear (the outdoors map is a straight line) and you have an urgent mission to complete with a time limit. Everything is good? Right? Sadly, this scenario is just a series of dungeons that are very loosely connected. The bulk of the scenario is almost totally divorced from the reason you are doing the thing. Furthermore, there is very little immersion. I had this vital mission to complete in a limited time, but I never felt rushed or any sense of urgency. Rather, I would just progress through the series of plot points with the knowledge, in the back of my mind, what the goal is. In short, a scenario needs to pull you in, this utterly failed in this respect. Like all of Jeff Vogel's scenarios, the coding is done well and the combat is interesting. There are even a few optional fights (e.g. Khoth) that can give a player a run for his or her money. Unfortunately, the technical wizardry does not outweigh the lack of immersion. Rank: [rating]Substandard[/rating]
  17. Incorruptible Mac/Windows Author: Tridash Difficulty: Beginner Version: 1.0 [composite=eyJ0aXRsZSI6IkluY29ycnVwdGlibGUiLCJ0aWQiOiIxMjIyMiIsInRhZ3MiOlsiYmVnaW5uZXIiLCJqdW5nbGUiLCJsaW5lYXIiLCJzaW5nbGV0b24iXSwiYmdhc3AiOnsiNSI6MCwiNCI6MTAsIjMiOjAsIjIiOjAsIjEiOjB9fQ==] Composite Score: 4.0/5.0 Best: 0.00% (0/10) Good: 100.00% (10/10) Average: 0.00% (0/10) Substandard: 0.00% (0/10) Poor: 0.00% (0/10) [encouragenecro] [/composite] Keywords: Beginner, Linear, Singleton, Jungle
  18. Yes. We will do BoE as well. I just wanted to test it with BoA first.
  19. Turn That Frown Upside-Down Mac/Windows Author: Duck Difficulty: Beginner Version: 1.0 [composite=eyJ0aXRsZSI6IlR1cm4gVGhhdCBGcm93biBVcHNpZGUtRG93biIsInRpZCI6IjEyMjIxIiwidGFncyI6WyJiZWdpbm5lciIsImxpbmVhciIsInNob3J0Il0sImJnYXNwIjp7IjUiOjAsIjQiOjAsIjMiOjEsIjIiOjMsIjEiOjJ9fQ==] Composite Score: 1.8/5.0 Best: 0.00% (0/6) Good: 0.00% (0/6) Average: 16.67% (1/6) Substandard: 50.00% (3/6) Poor: 33.33% (2/6) [encouragenecro] [/composite] Keywords: Beginner, Short, Linear
  20. Every reviewer is going to have his or her own style. Let's try not to criticize people. Such detail should be welcomed. Thanks Nioca.
  21. Witch Hunt Mac/Windows Author: Nioca Difficulty: Beginner Version: 1.0.3 [composite=eyJ0aXRsZSI6IldpdGNoIEh1bnQiLCJ0aWQiOiIxMjIyMCIsInRhZ3MiOlsiYXZlcm51bSB1bml2ZXJzZSIsImNvbWJhdCBoZWF2eSIsImxpbmVhciIsInNob3J0Il0sImJnYXNwIjp7IjUiOjAsIjQiOjQsIjMiOjExLCIyIjoxLCIxIjowfX0=] Composite Score: 3.2/5.0 Best: 0.00% (0/16) Good: 25.00% (4/16) Average: 68.75% (11/16) Substandard: 6.25% (1/16) Poor: 0.00% (0/16) [encouragenecro] [/composite] Keywords: Linear, Combat Heavy, Avernum Universe, Short
  22. This is probably the best of the scenarios that came with the four default scenarios. It offers a fairly linear plot with a major branch point near the end where you get to decide whether to serve the Empire or the Rebellion. This is good because it offers replay value. I do wish the branch point would have came a bit earlier and more choices were given in the earlier part of the game. I just saved where I had to make my decision and just reloaded to play both sides. The plot is definitely good and the town design is not lacking. I really liked some of the cutscenes. They are primitive by what we see today, but good examples. This scenario is an example of what to do. It's not one of the greats, but it definitely deserves acclaim. Rank: [rating]Good[/rating]
  23. Valley of Dying Things is fairly good introductory scenario and serves as a good showcase of the design elements in Blades of Avernum. It has a decent plot, good fights, and town design that is not lacking. The use of scripting in several of the fights gives creative examples that have been used by many designers hence. I must say I really liked some of the combat and it is much improved over its Blades of Exile predecessor. Overall, I would say it is unremarkable, but definitely a good starting scenario for Blades of Avernum. Rank: [rating]Average[/rating]
  24. Diplomacy with the Dead Author: Jeff Vogel Difficulty: levels 25-35 Version: 1.0 [composite=eyJ0aXRsZSI6IkRpcGxvbWFjeSB3aXRoIHRoZSBEZWFkIiwidGlkIjoiMTIyMTkiLCJ0YWdzIjpbXSwiYmdhc3AiOnsiNSI6MCwiNCI6OSwiMyI6NCwiMiI6MiwiMSI6MH19] Composite Score: 3.5/5.0 Best: 0.00% (0/15) Good: 60.00% (9/15) Average: 26.67% (4/15) Substandard: 13.33% (2/15) Poor: 0.00% (0/15) [encouragenecro] [/composite]
  25. The Za-Khazi Run Author: Jeff Vogel Difficulty: levels 17-30 Version: 1.0 [composite=eyJ0aXRsZSI6IlRoZSBaYS1LaGF6aSBSdW4iLCJ0aWQiOiIxMjIxOCIsInRhZ3MiOltdLCJiZ2FzcCI6eyI1IjowLCI0Ijo3LCIzIjo1LCIyIjozLCIxIjowfX0=] Composite Score: 3.3/5.0 Best: 0.00% (0/15) Good: 46.67% (7/15) Average: 33.33% (5/15) Substandard: 20.00% (3/15) Poor: 0.00% (0/15) [encouragenecro] [/composite]
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