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Everything posted by *i

  1. Fixed. Yeah, the rules are still a work in progress. I'll let everyone know when I have a "final" form. Of course, suggestions are more than welcome!
  2. Monroe's death was by accident from what I had gathered. I do think traps need to be reworked somehow.
  3. I think 61, but I have not tested it myself.
  4. I changed it slightly. If Gladwell dies, you lose the Bound attribute, but get the Dread Curse status. If you do not touch the Holy Symbol in 24 hours, you die.
  5. I think it would be a good idea. I'm not going to force anyone to do it. However, if people want to try it, just go ahead and make a new account and register with that account.
  6. I'm going to be reworking Shanker quite a bit. I'm not sure exactly what, but it will involve her resettling the Shanker's Tower regions.
  7. Adventurer Nationality: Avernum Attributes: Archer, Warrior Inherent: +1 base skill. Additional +2 skill when attacking a faction leader (Anama Priest, Gladwell, or Darkside Commander). Receive a 60 coin reward if you kill a faction leader. Ability: None. Tasks: Bonus Explore. May explore one location for free each day. Victory: Do three of the following: 1) Kill any faction leader 2) Hold any two artifacts at the end of the game 3) Kill any merchant AND hold at least 80 coins 4) Join a faction and have its leader win 5) Explore at least one-third (rounded up) of explored locations Aimee Nationality: Avernum Attributes: Mage Inherent: Base skill +5. You are part spirit and part living. As such, you may not attack and anyone who attacks you only wins if they have offensive skill that falls within a range of your defensive skill. Otherwise, they lose. Should someone succeed in killing you in a direct attack (no item or status usage), they will win so long as they survive. The range of skills to kill starts out as requiring the match to be exact (the range is zero, so the skills must match +/- zero), but is equal to the number of days that have elapsed minus the number of healing potions you have consumed (e.g. if it is day 3 and you have consumed one potion, the persons skill must match within 1). If examined, that person will learn your role. Abilities: Inflict confused status upon any target. Tasks: Extend Power. You can give, by mutual agreement, some of your power. The recipient gains an 'Augmented' attribute. The person gets skill +2 so long as Aimee is alive and may not attack Aimee. Aimee's base skill is -1 each time she extends her power. Her minimum base skill may not go below 1. Each time you extend your power, it effectively counts as drinking a healing potion. Victory: Survive at the end of the game. Alchemist Nationality: Avernum Attributes: Merchant, Weak Inherent: You are a merchant and receive infinite trades with items in your shop. Items that that enter your shop via trades are automatically converted to coins. You begin with two random potions of value 10 in your shop. At the beginning of each day, you receive herbs from any explored land you are harvesting. If you explore land, you will automatically begin harvesting herbs there. Abilities: Brew potions. May convert any herbs you have into potions. Number of herbs required is the nominal value of the potion divided by 10, except for the resurrection balm which requires 8 herbs to produce. Tasks: Harvest Land. Target an explored location. You will receive a given number of herbs for that day and any subsequent days. A list of herbs received for a given location on a given day is given to you at the start of the game. Victory: Each day, meet a threshold for the number of coins to have gained from sales. For days 1 through 5 they are: 10, 30, 60, 100, and 150. Failure to meet the requirement on a given day results in losing 20 coins from your total. If the value is negative at the start of a day, you starve. Also, if Shanker is dead, you must have the highest sales amongst all other merchants. Anama Hunter Nationality: Avernum Attributes: Archer, Warrior Inherent: While attacking someone in the Anama, your current skill level (after items, statuses, etc.) is increased by 50%, rounded down. If you kill an Anama member, you will receive a bonus of 20 coins. Ability: May target one person per day. Reveals if that person is in the Anama. Tasks: None Victory Condition: Total elimination of the Anama sect. The Anama Priest and all followers must be dead by any means necessary. If you join the Anama, your victory condition will be unaffected, and you will not count as an Anama member towards anyone else's. Anama Priest Nationality: Avernum Attributes: Anama Inherent: If you are attacked, your skill is +2. If you hold the Holy Symbol, all Anama have skill +1. If an Anama member kills a mage, you get 20 coins. You receive 20 coins for each Anama member you recruit. You are immune to dread curse. Ability: Once per game, may resurrect one person. Remove all non-permanent status effects from a target. Tasks: Recruit Anama. May recruit members into the Anama. Build Shrine. For a cost of 150 coins, you may build the Anama Shrine. Victory Condition: Have the Anama Shrine built. Bound Servant Nationality: Avernum Attributes: Bound Inherent: Base skill +1. Ability: You may steal (up to 20) coins from a target. You may only target someone for stealing once. Tasks: None. Victory: Gladwell wins or be alive without a dread curse with Gladwell dead You are a servant of Gladwell. Craftmaster Strine Nationality: Avernum Attributes: Mage, Merchant, Weak Inherent: You are a merchant and receive infinite trades with items in your shop. Items that that enter your shop via trades are automatically converted to coins. You begin with two random objects of value 10 in your shop. At the start of each day, you receive 1 essence for each artifact you hold. Any trade where you receive an artifact does not count as a task if it otherwise would have. Abilities: Make Objects. You may convert essence into any number of objects. The essence required is the value of the object divided by 10, except for the Wand of Death, which requires 10 essence to produce. Tasks: Drain artifact. When holding an artifact, may take some of its energy causing it to lose much of its power (see below for modified artifact abilities) for the duration of the game. Each artifact drained grants you 4 essence upon draining. Victory: Each day, meet a threshold for the number of coins to have gained from sales. For days 1 through 5 they are: 10, 30, 60, 100, and 150. Failure to meet the requirement on a given day results in losing 20 coins from your total. If the value is negative at the start of a day, you starve. Also, if Shanker is dead, you must have the highest sales amongst all other merchants. Artifacts have the following abilities after being drained: Crystal Spire: No bonuses. Flaming Sword: Skill +1 when attacking. Fury Crossbow: Skill +1 if attacking and role identified correctly. Holy Symbol: Does not protect from negative statuses. Special effects in inherent abilities still work. Shadow Leather: Skill +1 when defending. Players with stealth receive no bonus. Darkside Commander Nationality: Empire Attributes: Darkside Loyalist, Warrior Inherent: Base skill +3. Receive additional +1 skill when attacking with a weapon. Receive additional +1 skill when defending with armor equipped. Receives normal armor bonus against magic users. Ability: None. Tasks: None. Victory: No Avernites win. Darkside Mage Nationality: Empire Attributes: Darkside Loyalist, Mage, Stealth Inherent: Base skill +1. When examining someone, the other person will not learn you did so. Ability: None. Tasks: Curse Target. Once per day, may place the weakened status upon a target. Victory: No Avernites win. Dionicio Nationality: Avernum Attributes: Stealth, Warrior Inherent: Base skill +1. May gain bonuses from armor despite stealth attribute. If you correctly identify a Darkside Loyalist when attacking, you get an additional skill +2. If you kill a Darkside Loyalist by your own hand, you receive a reward of 40 coins. Ability: None. Tasks: Speed Burst. Once per game, may bestow haste status upon yourself. Scan Region. Target any region (explored or unexplored), you will learn what items are present (if unexplored) and if it has the Loyalist Hideout; the Darkside Loyalists will not learn you scanned this region. Victory: All Darkside Loyalists and the Infiltrator (if he exists) dead. Empire Agent Nationality: Empire Attributes: Archer, Stealth, Warrior Inherent: Get additional skill +2 when attacking if you guess the target's identity correctly. If you kill Shanker, you get a 60 coin reward. Ability: Once per game, may learn the identity of a target. Tasks: Hire Player. May hire a player to kill Machrone. See victory condition 3. Victory: Do three of the following: 1) Kill Shanker 2) Hold a specific, randomly chosen artifact at the end of the game 3) Hire an Avernite to kill Machrone and have that Avernite be successful. When hired, both must PM the moderator. Machrone and the Avernite are now enemies. If successful, the Avernite receives a permanent skill +1 and 40 coins. 4) Ensure neither the Anama nor Gladwell factions have more than three members, including the leader. 5) Correctly identify, to the moderator, the name and role of all other players, living or dead, by the end of the game. May only make one attempt. Fae Nationality: Avernum Attributes: Weak Inherent: You begin with 40 coins. Ability: You may disguise your identity as any other role. You will appear as that role to any information gathering ability. Tasks: Backstab. Target anyone with whom you have done a trade where you have both exchanged something (gifts in either direction do not count). Person is automatically killed (or at the end of day 1) and you receive any items and coins. Merchants are immune to this. Victory: Hold at least 100 coins worth of loot (coins, items, or artifacts) at the end of the game. Loot is defined as wealth you have gained from backstabs or net value from trades with people you subsequently backstab. Gladwell Nationality: Avernum Attributes: Mage Inherent: You may not attack anyone directly. You may access the items and artifacts (except the Holy Symbol) from your servant's inventories if it were your own. +1 skill for each artifact you (or your servants) hold. +2 skill for each servant that is alive. For every 3 areas you or your servants explore, your skill is +1; you may gain this bonus retroactively. You will learn the identity (name and role) of the person who explores Gladwell's Tower and they become your enemy. You are immune to dread curses. Ability: You may compel a servant to attack a target. Tasks: Recruit Servant. You can bind, by mutual agreement, other players who are not Anama members or Darkside Loyalists. Reclaim Tower. If you or one of your servants has explored Gladwell's Tower and you currently have an offensive skill of at least 10 (with statuses) you may reclaim Gladwell's Tower. Victory: You have a higher attack skill (even through you cannot attack directly) than anyone else's defensive skill. Hedge Wizard Nationality: Avernum Attributes: Mage, Warrior Inherent: Base skill +1. Your skill is +1 if you hold at least one artifact. When you explore, have a 50% chance of finding extra herbs. Ability: None Tasks: Craft Item. For 1 herb, you may craft one of the following: Healing Potion, Antidote, Potion of Clarity, Blessing Crystal, Explorer's Charm, and Shielding Crystal. Victory: Have at least 15 victory points. You get victory points as follows: +2 for each region explored, +1 for each item you craft, +6 for killing the Adventurer or Empire Agent (may get this only once), +4 if Shanker is alive, +1 for every other unaligned person that wins. Infiltrator Nationality: Empire Attributes: Stealth Inherent: Base skill +1. May use up to two weapons when attacking. Ability: Once per game, may place traps around yourself. Anyone who attacks you for the next 24 hours will have their skill reduced by 50%. Tasks: Identify Avernite. Identify, to the moderator, an identity of an Avernite. If correct, so long as you are alive, this Avernite will receive a penalty of skill -2 when attacked by you or a Darkside Loyalist. Victory: No Avernites win. Machrone Nationality: Empire Attributes: Weak Inherent: Once per day, if you answer a question (see victory condition) on the day it is given, you get a 5 coin bonus. Ability: Every day, may ask one yes or no question about the game to the moderator. The moderator will then answer the question. The moderator has the right to determine if a question is outside the spirit of the game and may decline to process the action. Tasks: Answer questions. You may answer any number of questions provided by the moderator. See the victory condition for more information. Victory: Every day, two questions about the game are given to you (three on the first). You must answer, by PM to the moderator, at least one question every day. Your response is posted publicly by the moderator. You must answer five questions correctly to win. Each incorrect response or failure to submit a question during a day will raise the number of questions you need to answer correctly by one each time never to exceed the total number of questions available. You may answer a question as many times as you like, but only your last answer will count toward your victory. Micklebur Nationality: Empire Attributes: Anama, Warrior Inherent: Base skill +1. Skill +3 when attacking a mage. If you kill a Gladwell, receive a 40 coin reward. When the Anama Shrine is built, you learn which players, if any, have the Bound attribute. Ability: Can detect if a target has the presence of magic: either the Mage or Bound attribute. You will not see which one, however. Tasks: Build Shrine. You may build the Anama Shrine for 200 coins. Victory: Gladwell and all those with the Bound attribute dead. Nephil Warlord Nationality: Avernum Attributes: Archer, Warrior Inherent: Skill +1 if in possession of a bow. When attacking with a bow, your opponent receives no armor bonuses. Receive 30 coins if you explore any Fang Clan location. Ability: None. Tasks: Farsight Blessing. Once per day, may give sharpshooter status to a target, including yourself. Victory: Hold the Fury Crossbow AND no faction leaders (Anama Priest, Gladwell, or Darkside Commander) win. If in a faction, that leader may win. Oliver Nationality: Empire Attributes: Merchant, Weak Inherent: You are a merchant and receive an unlimited number of trades for items in your shop. You begin with five random items, three common and two uncommon. Any items you acquire automatically end in your shop. Ability: May swap one of your items in your shop for another of equivalent or lesser value with the moderator shop. Tasks: Scan Inventory. You will see the inventory of any target. Victory: Each day, meet a threshold for the number of coins to have gained from sales. For days 1 through 5 they are: 10, 30, 60, 100, and 150. Failure to meet the requirement on a given day results in losing 20 coins from your total. If the value is negative at the start of a day, you starve. Also, if Shanker is dead, you must have the highest sales amongst all other merchants. Pure Spirit Nationality: Avernum Attributes: Warrior Inherent: At the beginning of the game, you know the identity of Dionicio. You are immune to the dread curse status. You may not join Gladwell. Ability: Can target one person per day. You will learn that person's faction, if any. Tasks: Bless Target. Once per day, may bestow the blessed status upon a target, including yourself. Victory: Hold the Holy Symbol at the end of the game AND one of the following: the Anama Priest wins OR the Darkside Loyalists do not win. Ronaldo Nationality: Avernum Attributes: Stealth, Warrior Inherent: Skill +1 when fighting an Empire citizen. Anyone who attacks you and does not have the stealth attribute has skill -2. Ability: None. Tasks: Brew Poison. Once per day and twice per game, may create a poison potion. Victory: Kill three Empire citizens by your own hand (either by attack or poisoning). The Darkside Commander counts as two. Sacred Item Cultist Nationality: Avernum Attributes: Stealth, Mage Inherent: If someone targets you with the Wand of Death, the person who used it will receive the dread curse instead and you will learn the user's identity (name and role). You are enemies with any artifact holders. When in combat with any artifact holder, your skill is +1. Your skill is +1 for each artifact you hold. Ability: Once per game, may target a character. If that character has any artifacts, you will steal them. Tasks: Scry Location. You will learn what items or artifacts are present in a chosen location. Victory: At the end of the game, have any three artifacts in your possession. Shanker Nationality: Empire Attributes: Mage Inherent: Base skill +1 when defending. Skill is +2 when defending for each artifact you hold. Receive 20 coins whenever an unaligned player explores any Shanker's Island locations. You may not join a faction. Ability: May query a target's current offensive skill against you. Tasks: Ward Target. As part of a trade, you may grant the warded status to a target. You may also place wards upon yourself. Victory: The total number of merchants and unaligned mages must outnumber either the number of Anama members or Gladwell and his servants. Skribbane Addict Nationality: Empire Attributes: Weak Inherent: You are enemies with everyone. Base skill +2 for each time you consume skribbane. 25% chance of finding Skribbane when exploring a location. Ability: None. Tasks: None. Victory: Kill at least three people. One of them must be the Darkside Commander, Gladwell, Micklebur, or Shanker unless all of them are dead through other means. Trickster Nationality: Avernum Attributes: Mage Inherent: None. Ability: May redirect the action of one player onto another. You must specify the player whose action you want to redirect as well as the new target. The Anama Priest and Gladwell are immune to having their actions redirected. Tasks: None. Victory: No more than four other players win Vahkos Nationality: Empire Attributes: Mage Inherent: Base skill +5 unless your opponent has the Holy Symbol. Immune to all status effects (positive and negative) including resting. Ability: None. Tasks: Death Curse. Once per day, You may target one character by providing his or her identity. If correct, the person receives the Dread Curse status. If incorrect, the person will learn your identity. Victory: You are the only survivor at the end of the game.
  8. The full list of identities Code: 1 Anama Priest Marlenny 2 Bound Servant Duck3 Darkside Blademaster Alorael4 Darkside Mage Doom Warrior5 Dionicio Wz As 6 Domont Nioca7 Gladwell Rowen8 Machrone Monroe9 Micklebur RCCCL 10 Shanker Sporefrog11 Adventurer Sarachim 12 Oliver Xelgion13 Pure Spirit Andraste 14 Anama Hunter Excalibur15 Infiltrator Spddin Ignis16 Alchemist Ackrovan
  9. The battle log... BATTLE 1 Excalibur (Anama Hunter) attacks Nioca (Domont) on Day 2 Anama Hunter is enemy with Domont b/c he is on DL list No ID made Excalibur Skill +2 (Base skill) +1 (Warrior attribute, Domont not a mage) +1 (Sword, weapon bonus) Total = 4 Nioca Skill +2 (Base skill) +1 (DL attribute) +1 (Leather Armor, armor bonus, Anama Hunter not a mage) Total = 4 Tie. Defender wins ties. Nioca kills Excalibur! BATTLE 2 Wz As (Dionicio) versus Nioca (Domont) on Day 2 Dionicio is enemy with Domont b/c he is part of victory condition No ID made Wz As Skill +2 (Base Skill) +1 (Inherent base skill increase) +2 (stealth attribute) +1 (warrior attribute) +2 (flaming sword, Domont not a mage) +1 (blessed status) -1 (opponent has buckler, blocks 1 weapon bonus) Total = 8 Nioca Skill +2 (Base skill) +1 (DL attribute) +1 (Leather Armor, armor bonus, Dionico not a mage) Total = 4 Attacker wins. Wz As kills Nioca! BATTLE 3 Alorael (Darkside Blademaster) attacks Sarachim (Adventurer) on Day 2 Adventurer is enemy with DL Blademaster b/c Adventurer on target list No ID made Alorael Skill +2 (Base skill) +2 (Inherent base skill increase) +1 (DL attribute) +1 (Warrior attribute, Adventurer not a mage) +1 (Mace, Adventurer not a mage) +1 (Inherent weapon bonus) -1 (Opponent has buckler) Total = 7 Sarachim Skill +2 (Base skill) +1 (Base skill inherent) +2 (Chainmail bonus, DL Blademaster not a mage) +1 (Archer attribute, has a bow) +1 (Anama attribute when defending) +1 (Warrior attribute, opponent not a mage) +1 (Mace, weapon defense from warrior attribute) +2 (Protected status) Total = 11 Defender wins Sarachim kills Alorael! BATTLE 4 Sarachim (Adventurer) attacks Rowen (Gladwell) Adventurer is enemy with Gladwell b/c Gladwell is a faction leader ID made correctly Sarachim skill +2 (Base skill) +1 (Correct ID) +1 (Base skill inherent) +2 (Faction leader bonus, inherent) +2 (Mace, Gladwell is mage) +1 (Archer attribute, has a bow) +1 (Cavewood Bow, target ID correct) Total = 10 Rowen skill +2 (Base skill) +1 (Mage) +2 (Servant bonus) Total = 5 Attacker wins Sarachim kills Rowen! BATTLE 5 RCCCL (Micklebur) attacks Sporefrog (Shanker) Micklebur is enemies with Shanker b/c Shanker is a mage ID made correctly RCCCL skill +2 (Base skill) +1 (Correct ID) +1 (Base skill inherent) +1 (Knowledge brew) +3 (Inherent, attack mage) +5 (Berserk status) +2 (Mace, target is a mage) +2 (Composite Longbow, correct ID) Total = 17 Sporefrog skill +2 (Base skill) +1 (Mage attribute) +5 (Unaligned alive) +1 (Leather Armor, opponent not a mage) -2 (Dumbfounded status) Total = 7 BATTLE 6 Wz As (Dionicio) attacks Spddin Ignis (Infiltrator) Dionicio is enemies with Spddin Ignis b/c Dionicio is a target ID made correctly Wz As skill +2 (Base skill) +1 (Correct ID) +1 (Base skill, inherent) +2 (Stealth attribute) +1 (Warrior attribute, opponent not a mage) +2 (Flaming Sword) +1 (Cavewood Bow and correct ID) +1 (Blessed status) -1 (Opponent has buckler) Total = 10 Spddin Ignis skill +2 (Base skill) +1 (Base skill, inherent) Total = 3 Attacker wins! Wz As kills Spddin Ignis BATTLE 7 RCCCL (Micklebur) attacks Doom Warrior (Darkside Mage) Micklebur is enemy with Darkside Mage b/c Darkside Mage is a mage ID made correctly RCCCL skill +2 (Base skill) +1 (Correct ID) +1 (Base skill inherent) +1 (Knowledge brew) +1 (Shanker defeated) +3 (Inherent, attack mage) +5 (Berserk status) +2 (Mace, target is a mage) +2 (Composite Longbow, correct ID) +1 (Crystal Spire, correct ID) Total = 19 Doom Warrior skill +2 (Base skill) -1 (Inherent) +1 (Darkside Loyalist) +1 (Mage) Total = 3 Attacker wins! RCCCL defeats Doom Warrior
  10. The game log... Day 1 Anama Hunter explores Shanker's Ruins: North Tower Anama Hunter gets Buckler, Blessing Crystal, 10 coins Shanker receives 20 coins because of exploration Anama Hunter purchases Cavewood Bow from Moderator Anama Hunter purchases Sword form Moderator Domont explores Gladwell's Tower Domont gets Haste Potion, Fury Crossbow, 10 coins Gladwell learns Domont's identity Domont purchases Leather Armor from Moderator Dionicio explores Enchanted Cave Dionicio gets Magic Ring, Flaming Sword Micklebur explores Ruined Outpost Micklebur gets Leather Armor, Heroic Brew, 10 coins Anama Priest receives 10 coins for Anama exploration Micklebur puchases Mace form Moderator Adventurer explores Fang Clan Tunnels Adventurer gets Cavewood Bow, Skribbane, 25 coins Adventurer explores Crystal Cove Adventurer gets Chainmail, Null Rod Adventurer purchases Knowledge Brew from Moderator Anama Priest explores Shanker's Ruins: Mines Anama Priest gets Buckler, Eye of Hawk, 10 coins Anama Priest receives 10 coins for Anama exploration Oliver scans Domont's inventory Oliver scans Micklebur's inventory DL Blade explores Old Warren DL Blade gets Mace, Skribbane, Ivory Skull Shanker explores Abandoned Mine Shanker gets Cavewood Bow, Healing Potion, 25 coins Pure Spirit explores Haunted Hut Pure Spirit gets Resistance Potion, Shadow Leather Dionicio gives Shanker Magic Ring DL Blade examines Dionicio Shanker protects Adventurer Gladwell explores Webbed Cavern Gladwell gets Antidote, Warding Crystal, 25 coins Machrone examines Anama Priest Alchemist begins harvesting Gladwell's Tower Alchemist receives 1 herb Machrone explores Dead Swamp Machrone gets Buckler, Explorer's Charm, 25 coins Gladwell buys Potion of Clarity Darkside Mage explores Northern Docks Darkside Mage gets Spear, Crystal Spire Day 2 Anama Hunter attacks Domont (Battle 1) Domont defeats Anama Hunter Domont gets Buckler, Blessing Crystal, Cavewood Bow, Sword Dionico attacks Domont (Battle 2) Dionicio defeats Domont Dionicio gets Haste Potion, Fury Crossbow, Leather Armor, Buckler, Blessing Crystal, Cavewood Bow, Sword Dionico receives 40 coins Infiltrator traps Fang Clan Village Oliver scans Darkside Mage's inventory Oliver scans Infiltrator's inventory Bound Servant gives 10 coins to Infiltrator Oliver explores Fang Clan Village Oliver is killed by traps Bound Servant explores Mushroom Farms Bound Servant gets Composite Longbow, 25 coins Bound Servant examines Darkside Blademaster Dionicio uses haste potion Machrone uses Explorer Charm to explore Fang Clan Village Machrone is killed by traps Infiltrator gets Buckler, Explorer's Charm Adventurer joins Anama Dionicio uses blessing crystal on himself Darkside Blademaster attacks Adventurer (Battle 3) Adventurer defeats Darkside Blademaster Adventurer gets Mace, Skribbane, Ivory Skull Adventurer gets 60 coin bonus for killing a faction leader Shanker explores Remote Island Shanker gets Leather Armor, Eye of Hawk, 10 coins Adventurer attacks Gladwell (Battle 4) Adventurer defeats Gladwell Adventurer gets Antidote, Warding Crystal, Potion of Clarity Adventurer gets 60 coin bonus for killing a faction leader Bound Servant dies because Gladwell killed Pure Spirit learns faction status of Micklebur Anama Priest uses Null Rod on Shanker Shanker is dumbfounded Micklebur drinks Knowledge Brew Micklebur drinks Skribbane Darkside Mage gives Adventurer Crystal Spire Micklebur attacks Shanker (Battle 5) Micklebur defeats Shanker Micklebur gets Cavewood Bow, Healing Potion, Leather Armor, Eye of Hawk Micklebur gets +1 skill Micklebur gets 40 coins as reward for killing mage Dionicio attacks Infiltrator Dionicio defeats Infiltrator Dionicio gets Buckler, Explorer's Charm Alchemist begins harvesting Northern Docks Alchemist receives 1 herb Alchemist explores Mushroom Farms, begins harvesting Alchemist gets Composite Longbow, 25 coins Alchemist receives 1 herb Day 3 Micklebur uses Skribbane Micklebur attacks DL Mage (Battle 7) Micklebur defeats DL Mage Micklebur gets spear Micklebur gets 40 coins as reward for killing mage Pure Spirit joins Anama, they find Holy Symbol Alchemist does not meet his requirements Game Over
  11. And that is the game. Here is the future of the Northern Isles... * The Anama handily defeated all of their rivals and established a colony in the Northern Isles. Both the Anama Priest and Micklebur work tirelessly to cleanse any evil magic from the isles and are largely successful for years. * The Darkside Loyalist threat has been eliminated and Dionicio returns home victorious to a nice well-earned vacation. * The Adventurer has joined the Anama, who have won, and managed to kill both Gladwell and the Darkside Blademaster. He now lives amongst the Anama, wealthy and famous. * The Pure Spirit eventually allies with the Anama and is able to recover the Holy Symbol. He helps them on their quest to destroy magic in the Northern Isles. * The Alchemist's herb growing ability was inadequate to make the potions to reestablish his business. The Anama do occasionally give him work to keep him afloat, but he never achieves any wealth of note and lives in poverty. Congrats to our winners! Andraste Marlenny RCCCL Sarachim Wz As Detailed information to follow...
  12. After a long quiet, another body found... DOOM WARRIOR
  13. The following location has been explored: Mushroom Farms
  14. Another corpse was found... SPDDIN IGNIS
  15. The following location has been explored: Remote Island
  16. Two more deaths! ROWEN DUCK
  17. The bloodshed continues... ALORAEL
  18. A body washes up on the shore... MONROE
  19. Another body found... XELGION
  20. For clarity, Turkey is now Duck.
  21. Oh no! The carnage has begun. Two bodies were found. EXCALIBUR NIOCA
  22. The following location has been explored: Northern Docks
  23. The following location has been explored: Webbed Cavern
  24. The following item has been purchased from the moderator shop: Potion of Clarity
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