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Duck in a Top Hat

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Everything posted by Duck in a Top Hat

  1. I will no longer have to leave early. However, I might be a bit late.
  2. Gah. These plans are always made at the last minute, and I find out about them even later. I'll have to leave early, at around six.
  3. Monopoly and Risk are two of my favorite games, but I rarely get to play them; everyone I know, while sharing my love for the games, says that they take too long. My brother devised a plan for a shortened version, that, while being mind-numbingly simple, actually works quite well. The only change to the rules is that you're not allowed to mortgage properties. That way, when you land on a hotel on Boardwalk, you're pretty much finished.
  4. I'm just finishing The Golem's Eye, book two of the Bartimaeus trilogy. It's my second time reading the series. I'm looking forward to reading Ptolemy's Gate; I remember it as my favorite in the series. I also heard that The Mysterious Benedict Society and the Prisoner's Dilemma is out now. The second I finish Ptolemy's Gate I'm going to go get it. For some reason I get the feeling that the next book in every series I like is coming out right now. Seriously. Because, as I mentioned, there's the new Mysterious Benedict Society, there's a sequel to the Hunger Games, a new Septimus Heap book, and to top it all: the Faceless Ones, the next installment in the Skulduggery Pleasant series. And they all cost $18, give or take.
  5. What a depressing topic. Well, for the record, I'm far from done with Blades of Avernum. Congratulations, Eph! Quote: here's hoping you stay for another 5000 posts!
  6. The time for procrastination is over! I am proud to present the new and improved John! Click to reveal.. Name: John Occupation: Hat Salesman Race: Human Alignment: Greedy Strength: 1 (+1) Dexterity: 4 Intelligence: 5 HP: 11 (6) Stamina: 7 Martial (Razor-rimmed throwing hat): 3 Bluff: 4 Diplomacy: 2 Items: -7 razor-rimmed throwing hats -Fish-hat? -Bronze breastplate -Torch Cool Thing: Can stick a throwing hat in a tree from five yards. Fear: My greatest fear is of a bald man without a hat.
  7. I loved this scenario. It was a very short play, and definitely worth my time. The plot was great. Ephesos managed to involve time-travel, and yet I wasn't left at the end having to piece together what just happened. It could have been long and overly complicated, but it wasn't. There wasn't too much combat, but there were still a few fun fights. The whole thing was balanced very well. I was never driven to madness by having to reload over and over again until I finally decided to screw it and cheat my way out. I could have been, but I wasn't. Instead I was challenged, maybe died once or twice, but I enjoyed myself nonetheless. The design was done by Ephesos. 'nuff said. Rank: [rating]Best[/rating]
  8. I really liked this scenario. The technical aspects were amazing, and I loved having to hide the bodies of the brigands I killed. Once I had just finished hiding someone and another guy walked in. I had to silence him before he could raise the alarm. There wasn't really any combat. Well, there was, but it was just coming up behind someone and putting a dagger in their back before they could do anything. That was a bit disappointing. The plot is okay. It's not Shakespeare, but as has been mentioned was just an excuse for a stealth scenario. Rank: [rating]Good[/rating]
  9. Who is this incompetent Duck person and why hasn't he been fired?
  10. I think the hint books cost $15 extra.
  11. I know I'm currently testing a scenario of my own, but while I wait for my testers I'll probably have time to test for this. Duck Mac OS X mastermind-at-toadpud-dot-com California Condor Rubber Duck Why that didn't come to mind immediately the world may never know.
  12. I haven't actually beaten any of the secret bosses, but you could try looking through the walkthrough here. Edit: If there's nothing there, I'm sure you could find a better walkthrough elsewhere; just try googling it. As an aside, you really, really should buy BoA.
  13. Well, if you already wrote reviews for some of the scenarios somewhere else, you could just port them over here, couldn't you?
  14. I just didn't include the Saturdays because I never know if I'm going to be doing anything. I'll check about the 10th.
  15. Originally Posted By: Dikiyoba The entire point of this thread is to post stuff, yes.
  16. Yes, I got your report. I fixed all the bugs you pointed out. Now I'm just waiting for the other testers.
  17. Quote: Duck, you've really got to start letting us know these things ahead of time. Talk to my parents.
  18. I probably won't be able to come. I've got a guitar lesson, a birthday party... I'm sure there's something else I'm forgetting as well. Someone will have to take over for John.
  19. Thanks to the people who already applied. I'll email you the scenario shortly. If anyone else wants to test it's not too late.
  20. If anyone is interested in beta-testing my new scenario, Turn That Frown Upside-Down 2, please post the name you'd like to be credited with, and your email address. Here are the details: Towns: 5 Outdoor Sections: 2 Suggested Level: 5-10 You should probably play Turn That Frown Upside-Down before you apply to test, but I'm not going to make it required. Also, to clear up any questions about my last scenario: I decided it wasn't worth releasing because of a large amount of suckishness. I intend to remake it completely in the future.
  21. I vote Monday, because I want to arrive on time to an AIM event at least once in my life.
  22. As I stated, I'm free practically any day, but those are the days I won't be at least an hour late.
  23. Tuesday doesn't work if I'm to ever see the first hour of a session. I'm pretty much free any of the other days.
  24. Who took over for John? I disapprove of the cooties he brought upon me. When are we having the next session? I have to have time to find an excuse to arrive late and leave early as I always have.
  25. I feel like an idiot. I've got a guitar lesson to go to, so expect me to come around 6:00 again. Maybe before.
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