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Duck in a Top Hat

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Everything posted by Duck in a Top Hat

  1. Clock in. 11:27. Clock out. 6:34. Just taking a little break. I still have roughly 17 hours left to use. I'm actually making pretty good progress, and I think there's a possibility I'll finish. I'm not promising it'll be good.
  2. Well, after you've done your first dungeon you should try to learn some stuff with town scripts like Dahak suggested, and try to soup it up a bit with scripting stuff.
  3. Hey, I got an appearance! Edit: Oh, I probably should have started reading before I got all happy about it.
  4. @Niemand: Thankfully, my character graphics cannot be ruined. ResEdit wouldn't work on my leopard computer, so I used my old one, which does not contain BoA. I tried your program, and it works on my good computer. My custom floor graphics are working fine. @Slarty: I have no idea the answer to any of those questions, except I do know what kind of computer I'm working on. Anyway, it doesn't matter anymore.
  5. Okay, I'm trying to figure out how to make custom graphics. So, following the advice of the BoA editor docs, I got ResEdit (I am using a mac) so that I could edit the graphics files. So I tried to open some of the graphics files to look at them. I got this message: Code: The file 'Character Graphics' has no resource fork. Opening it will add one. Do you wish to open it? I clicked okay, and for some reason it just gives me a white, blank window. What could be the problem?
  6. Quote: least experienced of all of you, save duck, Oh, you would be surprised. I've made 2 scenarios, when you put together all the never-to-be-finished fractions of terrible scenario ideas. But seriously, prepare to be crushed.
  7. Quote: I would just like to point out that people repeatedly suggested you post part of the script, and you repeatedly refused, saying it wouldn't help. However, had you posted that one line of code, somebody would immediately have been able to point out the problem. Well, the good thing is that I fixed it. But you're right, most of my glitches are silly mistakes. But I'm learning, and they're becoming less frequent and easier to solve on my own. Hopefully I won't need any more help in the near future.
  8. Okay, I'd just like everyone to know: I GOT IT TO WORK! (Two given up scenarios later ) It turns out that for some reason, the BoA grid is upside down, and (0,0) is the top left! This explains everything!
  9. I'm so scared! Seriously, though, this will be my second scenario, and probably only likely to win 'Scenario most influenced by lack of sleep'.
  10. Okay, here's my idea. You should have an invisible character somewhere, and he comes with the two, and starts the dialogue with the picture and the name of whichever is talking. (You wouldn't be able to switch pictures, but as Ephesos said, you could have two in the picture and just use set_name. But if set_pic or whatever doesn't work, then perhaps set_name won't, and so my idea won't.) This would probably work with just one of the two characters, but this way there's no chance of the names getting switched at the end, if that would affect anything. Sorry, but this is all I can contribute with my limited scripting knowledge, other than verification that this would, in fact, have to come from a creature script.
  11. Quote: That wasn't scholarly. Well, I didn't specify which of the two. But whatever, I'm going to stop talking.
  12. Quote: Babble Fish You are a disgrace to all the people who know the correct spellings of this term. I say 'spellings', because there are of course two of them. 'Fourty-two' and 'babel fish'. It's weird, sometimes when I'm tired, I get scholarly, and sometimes I get really hyper and start shouting things.
  13. You should do Express Delivery first, because in that one you stay level five but in Valley of Dying Things you come out at twenty or something. (Of course I'm exaggerating, but I know you level up a lot more than express delivery.)
  14. Well, it's not on the poll, but I would recommend the Geneforge games. I consider them to be the most addictive games in the world.
  15. Quote: screenshot from the 3D editor's 3D mode I'm not using the 3D editor. I have no idea what you're talking about.
  16. As suggested by Thuryl. The square with the red outline is where you're supposed to go. You end up in the square off in space and out of the town.
  17. Heh, assuming this is not last year, I could probably make something by June. So count me in as well. It'll fill up the time until the 24-hour contest, at the very least. I will be basing my scenario on 'Greek Bath Splash'.
  18. Thanks, Ephesos. I changed the coordinates so that it works with all town sizes, but the party's still coming out off of the automap, and invisible.
  19. Okay, I just gave up on my third scenario, and I've started another one. In this scenario, I used the call again. The party popped up somewhere way far off, and it wasn't even on the automap. Here is a screenshot to show my meaning: Screenshot And here is the pertinent chunk of script: Code: beginstate 17; move_to_new_town(2,16,17);break; I doubt this will help, but it's more than I gave you to go on last time.
  20. *facepalm* I had no idea this was against the license. Maybe I need to start reading those. Well, that's a little closer to a lawsuit than I had hoped to come in my life.
  21. Has anyone ever tried to sell their BoA/BoE scenarios?
  22. Quote: Half the fun of this is subjecting yourself to an awful and stressful day of couch potato madness. I completely agree, although I'm not going to say I don't do this anyway. When there's a weekend, you can pretty much count me sitting on an uncomfortable metal folding chair and typing away, mumbling like a madman... 'Oh, the START_STATE isn't working every turn... oh, the boss needs to be at least thirty levels higher—' I love a good day of Scenario Madness.
  23. I'll probably be fine as long as it's on a Saturday. 1) I can stay up until midnight, 2) If it's Sunday I lose 3 hours and I can't stay up on a school night. I don't want that big of a disadvantage, because it would count for 6 total hours. And Mon-Fri is a 9 hour penalty. Definitely out of the question.
  24. Huzzah! This is a perfect chance for me. I have given up on at least three scenarios already, and the one I'm currently working on (and hope to finish) will take at least a month. This will give me a chance to finally finish a scenario! I'm in.
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