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Everything posted by BMA

  1. hey, I didn't know you were online. * I'll say <Of course!>. I hadn't figured it out yet.
  2. The Big Man understands nothing. Cowbells ? What cowbells ? Oh well. He looks wistfully at the vacant driver's seat. He wonders whether the bus will be moving again and wants to ask someone, but he's too shy.
  3. BMA

    Storywriting, Go!

    HH, my firewall's blocking that link under category : "Phishing". (It is a somewhat oversensitive firewall though.)
  4. I did do the game unaligned, but I don't have the saves anymore. But *shrugs* it's on a PC, so I doubt you'll have much use for it anyway. PS : Oh, you want zero canisters. I'd used every canister I could lay my hands on. PPS : I doubt your drayks would appreciate your naming them Inky, Pinky and Blinky. They're quite intelligent, y'know.
  5. I've heard of LP's before, but this is the first one I'm reading (have there been LPs for Avadon & Aeftp? ). Is it meant to be like a FAQ or walkthrough for those who would like to play the game the way the author is playing it, or is it solely for the story itself ?
  6. Okay, I'm feeling a bit restless, I'll <do something random>.
  7. I obliviate the serviles' minds, leaving them blank and gaping. hehe.
  8. #6: What's offered in the dialogue & what you get in battle never do match up, it's the way the game is made.
  9. Not being able to free roam is quite okay really, given that I can cancel the contract at any time. And the extra gold and free food (not to mention having travel permits made available - to special places) sure is tempting. And being neutral always is very boring. I'll <accept the contract>.
  10. Phew. I <shake with him>. and there's nothing more I want in the world than to get my hands on those serviles again...
  11. Derafilontifd. hm, let me see if I can make something out of that. I'll <go with them>.
  12. I confront them and tell them "Hello, Kyle and Hekk. You don't realize it, but your telepathic powers are really very pathetic. You don't seem to have had a lot of magical training, and surely you don't expect to succeed in your quest with those meager spells of yours. What you need right now is a powerful ally, someone who is loyal to the Retsnoms and hates the Shapers." I <tell them I'll help them with their mission>. It's not like I want to betray Monster just yet, but I'll tell them that anyway.
  13. I have 540 gold, no problem. I <accept>. * What do you mean by 'bazaar' people ?
  14. Many of those whom I've showed the game to don't seem to be able to see it as a compound word, pronouncing it instead as "Jeni-Forge". I facepalmed everytime I heard "Jeni-Forge", until I read that there really are different ways of saying it.
  15. hm having your own fort is tempting, but I'll leave off being treacherous for now. I <take off my cloak and hold out my hands>. * No, just one of my fav actresses.
  16. I remember the earlier games having a 'Would you like to fight them anyway' option. I didn't know it was removed later; lets you save up on the mouse clicks, I guess.
  17. Happy late birthday there aren't any nightwatcher cakes, so... Click to reveal.. * I'll <Follow him>.
  18. Originally Posted By: Rechtawthgin V ...yes, since you will be his (temporary) bodyguard. Also, you can say things here freely, even if it is not in the choices, because, it can turn the game into twists. Anyway, what do you want to tell him? I see. I'd thought that the entire game was predefined, according to the options chosen. I'll say "Hah! You're supposed to be my bodyguard and I end up saving your pathetic life. Die, vile traitor! " *He looks at me mournfully, resigned to his fate like an old-fashioned servile. I reconsider.* "Hmpf, all right. I'll let you off this time. If, that is, you swear eternal loyalty to me, fall at my feet, beg for mercy etc."
  19. Originally Posted By: Pleiades spells/potions seem to 'go off' at random when I'm moving them from one person to another. Bug or feature LOL? maybe u r accidentally clicking on the use button while moving the item.
  20. Can I maybe negotiate a deal with him ? If not <kill him>.
  21. Originally Posted By: Heust Blade I think I did it in one run through as a guardian...quite enjoyable. Makes me want to play the game again, as a guardian. Somehow I only ever chose shapers and agents.
  22. A bit difficult choice, but I'll <release them>. Let them kill the enemies.
  23. BMA

    Storywriting, Go!

    hey, wow. Improving my writing skills is partly why I come here in the first place. I'm afraid I know none of the places you've mentioned (unless KFC is from Kentucky) and maybe I'll read a couple more stories before submitting mine. * That was a good story bit. And congrats Trenton.
  24. I'm a conjurer after all, so I thought I'd be physically frail and stuff. Okay, I go ahead.
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