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Everything posted by Acky

  1. I love Geneforge far more than Avernum. However, Avernum is a remake of Exile, which was the first series Spiderweb produced. Because of this, Avernum is somewhat of the flagship series for Spiderweb, so it gets more attention (from my perspective, that is) than Geneforge. In fact, I don't believe that Geneforge was ever meant to be a series, and instead meant to be a single game, like Nethergate. Also, that Scorpia seems to be a hack. Half of that information is wrong about the Geneforge. I wouldn't take anything he says that seriously. Anyway, give the other Geneforges a try. They are all absoulutly amazing . The Last Archon
  2. Originally Posted By: Master1 Originally Posted By: Master Ackrovan Edit: And for the record, its NINE councilors The Last Archon I recall that it was 9 in 4 and that somehow 2 disappeared between 4 and 5. There Shema, the two coastals, Rawal, Astoria, Alwan, and Nutso-Taygen. In all 4 previous Geneforge games, there has been Nine councilors. If you really want to make sense of it, we can tell ourselves that three councilors were killed inbetween G4 and G5, and Alwan was the only one to take one of their places. The Last Archon
  3. Okay...not related to the discussion, but okay. The Last Archon
  4. No, Spddin, that's a Republic. A Democracy. There is certainly no free electoral system under the Shaper regime. Edit: And for the record, its NINE councilors The Last Archon
  5. Why kill gazers? They don't want to do anything except find some god forsaken pit to rule and not deal with any pesky Shapers or Lifecrafters snooping around their lair. These guys are seriously misunderstood. The problem with that last part is that the Serviles have shown that both in G2 and G5 that they won't stand for any of their species enslaved by the Shapers. The Last Archon
  6. Servants? You mean like a butler, or maid? No, they think of them as slaves. Completely under their command, with little rights, not deserving of intelligence higher than that of a mosquito, and the reservation of powers to that of an elite sect (lets say, the Democrats reserved all political power to themselves, and excluded the Republicans). Where would they be? They wouldn't exist, and the problems they face today would not exist. It is their inability to address those problems responsibly that will be their undoing. The Last Archon
  7. Spddin? Barzhal and Zachary didn't unintentionally do anything. In order to really know about the Shapers, the irony in the series, and why the Shapers don't think of their creations as children, you really need to play the whole series. There all great games. Master1: Fair enough. You smelly loyalists have your points here or there The Last Archon
  8. Quote: However, they might as well have just fled to some distant island and I don't think the shapers would take the time to chase them all over the world. The free creations could have found a place to live in peace outside terrestria. The Shapers never have and never will tolerate rogues living outside of their control. Play Geneforge 1 and 2. Those innocent awakened serviles who wanted nothing but to be left alone, who begged and screamed for mercy and to be allowed to live? Click to reveal.. Gone. The Shapers killed them off if they win Your English is quite fine . Quote: In short, the Shapers know what they are doing and, with a good bit of reform, could lead the known world into another thousand years of golden age. The problem with hoping that will happen is that the Shapers don't want to change, save Astoria and people who think like her, who are few and far between. Even when the Shapers win, we have seen time and time again that they are too stubborn and arrogant to reform their ways, no matter how obvious the need is. The Last Archon
  9. Look around the rebel controled area's of the Okavano Fen. The Last Archon
  10. Hardcore Rebel. My preference is the Warrior/Guardian. ... Why? Okay. The Shapers are an intolerant pack of nutcases that are hellbent on creating the perfect world for them to rule in. They have slaughtered innocent sentient beings, equal to them in intelligence. This is like genocide. Hoarding sciences' like Shaping is no different than if we were held information as a people about new ways on improving living (like say, the microwave). Although they have kept people safe for millenia by outside influences, overall they are incapable of leading because of their constant attempts to control the lives of people, and are incapable of communicating with them (also known as the Harmony Isle rebels incident) about the extent of their powers, when such information is crucial to the continued loyalty. Testing new creations by pitting them against each other in the name of science is also morally wrong. Now, I'm positive someone has a problem with what I'm saying. If you know you can't stay PG rated, aka stay civil and have a discussion rather than an blood soakedargument, in this thread I ask you to PM me, so therefore we may flame our hearts content. The Last Archon
  11. Well, of course I'll eventually have a grand poll with every region in Geneforge. I just wanted an isolated question first. Besides, taxes are low in Okavano this time of year. The Last Archon
  12. Simple enough: Which chapter do you like the most? The Last Archon
  13. Go into his side chambers to the west side; if you have enough leadership, you can take control of his creations before the fight. The Last Archon
  14. You need to sneak into his chamber through the power conduit room, just north of where he is. If you have creations, you may wish to absorb them. Hide at the very edges of the room (near where the outlaying Crystals are) to minimize damage. Regeneration is god for this. Leave immediately after you are told that the power is going down. Be ready for a fight when you reenter his chamber. The Last Archon
  15. I've decided to run a pure singleton Servile on Torment. He'll be a Singleton, not a single creation to be made. After seeing the devastation of the war, he has thrown his hat in with the Trakovites, and has sworn off Shaping completely, and seeks to destroy all who will continue to practice it. And yes, I intend to do all of the optional extra area's (Sammanns Isle, Lermans Pass, etc.) Drewy is his (very fitting) name, and he will focus heavily on Mental Magic, Melee Skills, Quick Action, lightly on the other Magic Skills, Intelligence and of course Leadership and Mechanics. A few points in Strength would be helpful, but he's gonna be going light for most of the war, to try to save Skill Points. Oh yeah, no canisters either. So anyway. Drewy beat his way through the Pacification Fields with Mekken at his side. He took full advantage of all of the XP to be gained. He killed most of the bugs attacking the serviles, scared the Battle Alpha by flinging a fireball, then killing it. Unlocked the door with the living tools, ran down to killed the worms, then activated the Pacification Pylon, went inside and killed those bugs in the pots, killed the Roamer, went around to kill the pets around the Vlish while Mekken distracted it. Overall, I ended up at level 5, just a shy away from level 6. I then followed Girik into the Spire. After getting inside, Rawal questioned me about Mekken. I thought about it after a while. On one hand, I could use the points in Endurance and Intelligence. On the other hand, I could use the extra sword on at my side. So I didn't turn her in. So Drewy picked her up, and went about speaking to the people in the Spire. I got the quest to kill the Serviles in the storage rooms, but I am not quite strong enough to kill them. Skipped to the mage, where I got the annoying crystal for the forge dude. I improved my skills in Daze, Firebolt, and War Blessing with the money Rawal gave me. Before we went out, Drewy and Mekkon went into the room with the Fyora's and killed them for Exp. Went around town, did the Twixx and the mine quests, talked to the guard for her quest, got the shrouded rouge quest yada yada. Also, used the last of my gold (sold the loot from the first zone) to buy a few pods. Entered the Promenade. Now, in my four previous run throughs, I've never had a real problem with this area. I ran two plays on Torment with Warriors, and I easily squished the creatures there. This wasn't the case this time. The Pylon creations weren't the problem; it was those Shrouded Rogues. The thahd especially. Mekken's turning out to be useless; she can't kill anything without my help, and just runs off in terror every time she gets damaged. It took me who knows how many loads, and all my curing and healing pods to last it out. I've got level 3 in Daze and 5 in Mental Magic. Is that enough for now, or do I need to keep pumping more?
  16. If you really are having that much trouble, then you might as well lowed the difficulty to Hard instead of Torment, esspecially since you are actually being Tormented. The Last Archon
  17. It is. As you're not doubt seeing, Battle Creations
  18. It is. As you're not doubt seeing, Battle Creations are powerful and can get you through the first half of the game. However, a lot of things at this point do magic damage, which Battle Creations in general can't stand. If you can't afford in Skill Points to bugg magic Shaping, consider joining Alwan, and getting training from Shaper Marzan. Alternativly, you could create an Artifact that improves your Shaping Skills in general, eventually leading to 4+ in every Shaping Skill. See Strategy Central at the top of this forum and click on the link "Crafting for more details. However, at this point, you can make the most powerful version of the Artifact no sweat. The Last Archon
  19. This game rewards Shaper players by specializing in certin area's, but there are places where you can get bogged down. The Kyshakks are a problem, but using Glaahks or even better, Ur-Glaahks, are the perfect counter for Kyshakks. They resist Magic damage like its nothing, and are barely effected by the lasting lightning damage. The stun also helps. You may at this point need to begin exploring the Dera Reaches. There is a trainer there that cann train you in nearly every powerful creation, with the exception of Drakons and Gazars, obviously. The Last Archon
  20. Tough choice. Javelins do more damage early on and cost less (and weigh less for that matter), so I would stick with them for the first half of the game. However, once Reaper and Submission Batons start appearing, switch over to them. Reaper Batons have the largest damage multiplier, I believe. You should also use crystals whenever possible. The Last Archon
  21. There is one in Bennholds keep (the legendary bandit). Sorry can't remember where the other one is, but there are at least two of them. The Last Archons
  22. You can either be trained by Saackass Blaze (Rebel Drakon in Gazaki-Uss), Shaper Alxie can train it for you if you give her enough Shaper Notes. Sage Olphia in Abandoned Farms can also teach you it if you keep his secreat. There is also a Drakon in South Dera Shore who can teach it for people with a pro-rebel reputation, and a Guardian in the same are for a pro-loyalist reputation. The Last Archon
  23. Originally Posted By: Thuryl Originally Posted By: Glitch My Asthma Incidentally, it's really stupid that you get less experience for a monster killed by your summon. If PC 1 stands back and watches PC 2 kill a bunch of things, he gets full experience; why is it different if your summon does the work? Oh, please don't start thinking about things like that, or Jeff will go back to the XP system he used for Exile. May I ask what's wrong with it? The Last Archon
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