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Everything posted by Californian

  1. BTW, just what's the difference between Normal and Torment anyway? Are the baddies stronger, with their stats bumped up, or is the game made more difficult in some other way?
  2. Yeah, as I recall from my first (attempted) play-through, I sold the Magus Vest when I got it. Must have had something better by then. It'll be a few days before I start again, but this advice gives me a much stronger party, and probably less frustration. Although, I'm rather proud that I did so well before with a weaker party. There is a reason for taking those disadvantageous traits. Might try a game sometime with all my characters suffering from "frail" and "brittle bones" or "sluggish." That would be a challenge! I'd do it on "normal," however. Any of you masters ever tried a deliberately weak party, or singleton, on torment?
  3. That's good advice! Thanks! So then, two slith fighters and two nephil spellcasters. Stupid humans. No extra skills. Yeah, I was holding off on Gladwell for the first play-through (so rudely interrupted) with the idea that I could always go back and do his quests at the end. I'll probably do the same thing this time. I like to stay pure, mostly. Although I do intend to murder the Vahnatai. Just to see what happens. I can always save and reload. Um, one other question I've never bothered to test out. Which do you guys think is better, enchanter robes or magus vests? Or is there an advantage at all? I've often wondered. Thanks!
  4. So here I am starting over due to a hard disc crash that wiped out my game (I saved a good 95% of my stuff, but A6 was in the lost five percent. The good news is that I got a new hard disc of 1TB capacity and an updated OS for $200, instead of having to buy a whole new computer.) Fortunately I always buy Jeff's CDs, so I'm fine. Also, I'll be starting over with 1.0.3. And there I was, approaching the endgame. But this gives me a chance to do things better. So I have a few questions. In creating a party, I know it's a matter of taste, but clearly I need a tank (human?) and a slith. I'm thinking I'll make my magic users nephils this time. Obviously I'll go with Elite Warrior, Pure Spirit and Natural Mage, but is it better to give a penalty trait, such as Brittle Bones, to get a 0% experience penalty, OR is it better to go with Divinely Touched for everyone and take the penalty? Also, to Gladwell or not to Gladwell? I decided not to Gladwell the first time, but I'm wondering if I'm missing a lot of fun. I want to discover as many different endings to the game as possible (no spoilers, please!), and I intend to play the game several times in several ways. Do you masters think it's more fun to go Gladwell? So, human tank or slith tank (or nephil)? Divinely Touched or Brittle Bones? Gladwell or not? I know it's all down to opinion, but I trust the opinions of the masters on this forum! Thanks! I won't be starting the game again for a few days yet, so I'll collect your comments!
  5. To all of this discussion, I would add (because I know nothing whatever about AI), Jeff has said that he intentionally made the demo portion of A6 easier than usual. As the game progresses, it gets lots more difficult. Some of the later bosses managed to find ways to hit my little party pretty hard.
  6. I had the same problem, but just moving close to all the walls finally brought the dialogue box up. The upstairs painting was easiest for me. I just bumped into it. I had trouble finding the downstairs one!
  7. No, the gems are just lying on the floor. Theoretically I guess you could just run in, grab the loot and dash off again, but I didn't try that. The important thing was, as long as you stay inside the little temple, no spawns. I tried fights in the two buildings closest to the temple and did get spawns. Didn't look like there were any real goodies in there though. Glad to hear about the boringness of clearing out the sliths around Formello. I was wondering if I should try that or just get on with the game. I think I'll just get on with the game.
  8. This happened to me too. I wiped out the cult before I got the quest. No eyebeast, no key. As I recall, the trigger was tracking a character who'd been kidnapped by the cult. You descend into the tunnels and follow a trail of blood to the cult. That's when you get the eyebeast and the key, not before. It is confusing, but it saved lots of time when I got the quest, because I only had to deal with the eyebeast by then. BTW, the key, as I recall, gets you into an important area. But the quest is "find the kidnapped guy," not "go wipe out that cult hiding in the tunnels."
  9. That's great info, guys! Perhaps other just-for-fun weekend gamers like me will see this and load up on those battle skills! Oh, I searched the forum and did find a list of how to unlock the BDs, so although I'm nearing the end of the game, I'm still good to go! I think the reason I missed this is that I'm so used to playing these games since Nethergate. Hey, I know how to play, I thought. Didn't investigate the new possibilities far enough. I do like many of the new things Jeff's put into it, such as the cloaks and wards, but I miss two spells most of all: unlock doors and the old far sight. All this emphasis on tool use is really annoying. And, I know I'm missing some of those teensy little red switches in this game, while I just didn't miss hidden stuff in the earlier games. I was a great fan of wall bumping. Ah well, things do have to evolve! I wonder what will show up in the prequel (you know Jeff will have to do a prequel someday--Avernum has to be seven games!)
  10. I tried this and discovered that there is one area where you can get some goodies, such as a ruby and a flawless crystal and a couple of other nice items without triggering the spawning sliths. Go out the gate from the arena that leads to the pylon and hug the east wall. Go to the pylon area (you'll have to fight two slith guards there), then enter the little temple just west of the pylon on the right. If you keep your whole party inside the temple, you won't trigger any spawns. fight the two priests and two sliths in the temple, charm the summoned monsters, grab the goodies, and run out the way you came in. If you go any farther than that, though, the spawning starts. I missed that knowledge elixir. Might go back for that when I go back to the Lair of the Scourge (already killed the Scourge, but there are those other two fights in there . . .)
  11. Wow. Seems I've been missing a lot. I've been using the BDs for my fighters, but never even noticed them for my spellcasters. Why is the Dharmon priestess the best deal in the game? What do her blessings do? I've got lotsa money. I can get still get them. When I said I'd copied down what unlocks them, I was wrong. I copied down what unlocks the special skills that appear on the right side of the skills screen. I still don't know exactly how to unlock the battle disciplines, although I'm getting the idea that I need to get some combat skills for my spellcasters. So you just keep adding combat skills and see what shows up? Anyway, notice how forgiving the game is to those players like me who don't get technical about things. I'm still doing just fine. In fact, I gather that my ignorance may be prolonging the game for me, and that might be a good thing! Thanks for the advice!
  12. I'm a casual player (on "normal") who's addicted to Avernum (actually I started with the original Nethergate). I have enormous fun with these games. However, I'm never going to be a hardcore player and advance to a singleton on torment. That being said, I've not really paid much attention to the stats and how you get battle disciplines. Mine just sort of pop up, or I get them with training. Sometimes they disappear when I change gear. I did just see the nifty list, and copied down how you unlock these things for a later replay. However, I still wonder (and reveal my ignorance with this question): Are battle disciplines good for mages and priests? My guy/gal are just straight mage/priest types. I doubt I'll ever get too fancy with them. But do the disciplines aid the spells cast? And BTW, is it worth it to buy the expensive blessings from the priestess in Dharmon? It's a bit late in the game for that, as I'm working on Melanchion's quests, but I do wonder for my next time through. Thanks!
  13. Mission accomplished! Thanks to Fael's advice I have dispatched the lich. She? He? It? is pulverized. Anyway, ding dong, the lich is dead. Indeed the trick, as Fael said in his/her link, is that you only have to be one step off the platform to be safe. I handled the summoned creatures, and did more damage to the lich, with some wand of the infernos I had. Then I had my mage cast a few arcane blows, which took out creatures and hit the lich quite nicely as well. And yes, dispel spirit was the best spell against her. Fortunately I also had a disruption wand with three shots in it, so that certainly helped. Golly, I can't remember if I crossed the platform twice or three times, but I thought I was going to lose my mage on the last try, then got her/him/it before the blast. Very exciting. And yeah, the next fight against her servants is worse. However, in answer to my original question, no you don't have to kill the lich to get to that portcullis area in the back. There's a switch just before you enter the lich area, the one lined with ruby skeletons on the ledges. You don't even have to fight them--just throw the switch. It's worth doing before the lich fight, because there's a wand of death in the weapons closet. Also there are some very nice herbs out back. So, thanks!
  14. Have tried that (and will try again) but the lich keeps making enemies that stop me from running to the other platform. Fortunately I like to make full shamans, so I've got two priests. The repel spirit spell doesn't seem to take much of a bite out of her, though. I used up my jeweled wand and my death wand on that lava demon just west of Refuge. However, if you did it then it must be possible. Try, try again!
  15. On ground level in the skeletal ruins there is another gate area with an inaccessible portcullis, just behind the main entry. There appears to be no way to get into it. Does one have to kill the impossible-to-kill lich in the basement to access that area, or is there some other way in? Thanks! (Note: actually I haven't given up on the lich yet. Any hints on dispatching her also would be appreciated!)
  16. I just did this yesterday. Yes, there is a secret door. The switch is located outside the king's lair, just before you go around the corner to face the four blue giant guards behind the gate. By using the switch, you not only can get to the goodies behind the undispellable barrier, but you can bypass the four guards and get into the throne room by using another switch at the top of the secret passage. Ergo, you can do the whole thing without having to dispel any barriers at all.
  17. You have to keep bashing the "blue illuminated" pylon, the identity of which will change from time to time. When it changes, go and bash the new pylon (you can hit 'em with spells too). Have your priest keep regenerating your party. It takes a lot of pylon bashing, but eventually they will die. Then you can kill the bad guy and get your stuff.
  18. I read here in the forum quite awhile ago that you can get the Anama goodies but still retain your mage skills by letting the captive chitrach kill your mage before you join. Somebody said that was the reason Jeff put the captive chitrach there in the first place. Haven't tried it. Does that work? Will the Anama not notice once you've regenerated your mage?
  19. Oho! I missed that! Thanks! (especially as I'm going with nephil archer/spellcasters this time) BTW, is Heartstriker a significantly better bow than others? I love the submission bow, for example.
  20. The real trick is using summoned creatures. Yes, you have to convert the servants, but a good summoned creature can take the guy out. Hide in the corners and stay alive till that happens. It's a tough, tough fight and you'll lose more than a few times, but you'll feel great when you beat it! Once you've got the guy, go exploring in the dungeon. Lotsa interesting things there, with good puzzles to get to them.
  21. W00T! The latest A5 update is out, just in time for my second game! Question: the newsletter says that one fight has been made a bit easier. I'm wondering which one--I'm guessing maybe Hraithe Lord, Gladwell, Black Horror, or Prime Sentinel? Just curious. Also, an unrelated question: Why is the Heartstriker bow placed in the game too late to use it? Seems like a tease. Maybe it'll show up in A6? Thanks to anyone who knows!
  22. Could somebody give a little tutorial about how you acquire battle disciplines? I've finished one game and am starting my second. In my first game both my fighters got all the disciplines--I never really figured out how--but my spellcasters never got any. Obviously, I spend my spellcaster skill points on spell stuff. How much do I need to put into battle skills to get the disciplines? I can certainly see how shieldbreaker would be good for archers, which I'll be using this time. I'd like to get that one for them at least. Thanks!
  23. Actually, you find a ladder that leads up to an island with a boat. Take the boat to the island with the dead body. You have to row through a very narrow gap, but it works. There is an item on the body, but it isn't much. It's nice to solve the puzzle about getting there, though.
  24. Yeah, but I'm already past that. Foo.
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