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Everything posted by Nioca

  1. Originally Posted By: Ephesos Originally Posted By: Liomha, dragonborn weaponsmith Of all the strange and ill-conceived weaponry I've seen over the years, one of the least practical I've seen is the catberd. Halberd on one end, cat o' nine tails on the other end. Almost impossible to wield, probably impossible to wield effectively. And everyone calls it a "catbard", which just makes no sense. When I first read that, my thoughts instantly jumped to a halberd with a cat on the end instead of an axe blade. Quote: Catberd Wielder: I swing my catberd at the bear. DM: The catberd swings in a wide arc and, with a hissing and flurry of claws, severely scratches the bear's nose. Anyway, I'll be there.
  2. Jewels has a copy of the site, I think. I'll have to check real quick. AMEND: Here you go.
  3. Um, Bloodmoon? You are aware that you're on the other team, correct? It's alright if you miss this session. Originally Posted By: Sarachim Hey Eph: Ditch these losers and do Team Failed-A-Spot-Check again. FYT.
  4. A difficult choice... on one hand, we all could use a heal ability. Then again, a familiar could provide several useful capabilities. Ah, what the heck. I'll go for crow. Raven
  5. Originally Posted By: Tullegolar Fun session! The following people have leveled and get to chose a new ability from the ones listed. I've decided that a new tier of abilities will be available at level 4, so level 3 people get to choose from the abilities they didn't choose last time. Svvtck the Samurai (Level 3): Aphorism (a single target heal ability), Raven (a useful flying familiar) Spaki the Necromancer (Level 3): Festering Wounds (causes great pain and damage to enemies), Slime Mold (a slime mold which can attack sort of or be eaten for health) Antonius the Magician (Level 3): Salt Golem (summon a reliable but unintelligent minion), Familiar (a pet cat that is adept at scouting) Laban the Stratagist (Level 2): Flank (bonus damage against enemies already being attacked), Faint (look weak so the enemy doesn't attack you), Discourage (debuff that weakens enemies) If you did not level this time, fear not. Experience is cumulative, so even if you can only make it a few hours each session, you'll still level eventually. Oh, and new titles arrive from the Guild Master. Word of your deeds has spread. Darklord Spaki Njordvald of the Nega Initiate of the Casting Circle Antonius of the Nega Lord Laban Lugubre Nekona the Bland of the Nega Congratulations and thanks to all that participated. I think next session I'm going to try to advance the actual plot along a bit, so look forward to that. Other than that, the session itself is posted on my site, I'll probably add more pictures over the next few days, and I'll post a schedule for Session 3 probably this weekend. -Emperor Tullegolar
  6. Hang on a sec. Add me to your buddy list, would you? It's 'Nioca'. I think my invites are getting blocked. Or, alternatively, use the redirect I posted above, or click here.
  7. Originally Posted By: Ephesos dishonorable dueling Hey! That was an honorable duel! It just got a little out-of-hand. Quote: ripping a police-ant's arms off This one was Tully's fault. He took the term 'disarm' a bit too literally. But this is what happens when you get a party together and say 'Go Nuts'. They can, and they will, go abso-freakin'-lutely bonkers.
  8. Originally Posted By: Tullegolar The most people are available Monday, January 4th. That's tomorrow. Unless I post something late today or early tomorrow that says otherwise, be prepared for Sessions 2 to be on that day, at 7:00 PM Eastern Time (same time as usual). Hope to see you all there! -Emperor Tullegolar
  9. When you learn three levels of a specific creation, a new variant is unlocked. Unstable Thahds and Plated Bugs are two such variants. To select a variant creation, click on the base creation (e.g., to create a Cryoa, click on the Fyora portrait; for a Plated Bug, click on the Clawbug portrait) and then click the plus that appears in the bottom corner of the portrait. If the plus doesn't appear, that means you don't have three levels in that creation.
  10. Cleans or purifies an object. Useful for purifying drinking water or simply removing the grime off of an object.
  11. Minor note: Amadan has the spell Cleanse, not Elemental Charge. I thought we both agreed that Elemental Charge was a bit too powerful for someone with 1 level in Transmutation. Other than that, it looks nice.
  12. Originally Posted By: Tullegolar Long Holiday for me, but it's finally time for Session Two! People with characters, please fill out the Schedule here. Did some pictures on the RP's page, too, if you wanna check those out. -Emperor Tullegolar
  13. For those that have trouble getting into the room (or are just lazy ), try this redirect.
  14. Originally Posted By: Rowen I kind of wish I had tried to team up with the Nioca at the start since I knew he was Domont. Over all it was fun and I look forward to the next game, maybe it wont be such a blood bath. I knew I should have publicly posted that I was looking for Gladwell... Gah. I'm not sure if I'll play next round. It's sorta getting tiresome dying on day 2. But if I do, it's definitely on an anonymous account.
  15. Times are in. I'd be able to sub for someone as well.
  16. Wow. Whole lot of exploring going on.
  17. Likely just forgot Spddin and Ackrovan.
  18. Question: If an opponent specifically has your loss (but not death) as a victory condition, does that make them your enemy? (e.g. Pure Spirit vs. Darkside Loyalists)
  19. REGISTER NIOCA Let's see if a fresh start does me any good...
  20. Quote: After much thought, I've decided to have the next session after the holidays. I'm sure lots of people have stuff to do this week, as do I. It's good to know that this game works the way I've set it up, but some time to tweak it can only make it better. As for pics, had some time to make one. Group shot of the party! I tried to pay close attention to detail, so enjoy. If I have spare time during the holidays, more will probably appear, depicting some favorite scenes. People who were left out of the group shot will probably make appearances in those, since the brief appearances some characters made were actually pretty eventful. Also I intend to update the map on the front page to reflect what's been explored. See you after the holidays. -Tullegolar
  21. Yes, but the problem is, it happened in a private chat. I know he took at least one hit down there, but I sorta decided to just throw out all private data rather than make guesses at what the blanks were. That way, the results weren't skewed toward any one character.
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